Progression Reborn

Progression Reborn


Completely reimagines and rebalances early and mid-game progression in a vanilla-like fashion. The definitive survival progression overhaul mod.

Client and server AdventureEquipmentFoodGame MechanicsUtilityWorld Generation

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Made as part of Legacies, aiming to completely reimagine modded Minecraft while upholding these same unique, vanilla-style design principles. If you like Progression Reborn, I highly recommend you check it out!

Progression Reborn completely overhauls early and mid-game progression in a vanilla-like fashion, acting as a core mod that uses its dependencies to create a cohesive, fulfilling progression overhaul that doesn't stray too far from the concepts and design of the original game.

Mod Overview

Reimagined Progression

  • gone is the iron-diamond progression, it has been reworked and expanded

  • a new set of copper gear before iron

  • upgrade copper to iron via the smithing table

  • upgrade gold to rose via the smithing table, a new iron equivalent for gold, found exclusively in the nether

  • rebalanced armor values

  • improved tool durability

  • cheaper trim duplication

Overhauled Ore Economy

  • stone variants drop less than deepslate variants

  • rebalanced ore drops

  • new raw and smelted ore nuggets

  • tweaked ore generation (see detailed rundown)

  • to match the changes to ore drops, 2 new enchantments are added (see detailed rundown)

Upgrade Templates (1.20+)

  • added new upgrade templates for the new smithing recipes (more info in the Detailed Rundown below)

Extra Additions

  • Rose Ingots work as a trim material

  • complete new building block-set out of Rose

  • copper rework

  • smelt entire raw ore blocks

  • and more!

Detailed Rundown

Ore Economy and Generation

  • stone metals (iron, copper, gold, diamond) drop 3-6 nuggets

  • deepslate metals drop 3-9 nuggets

  • all ores, including redstone, lapis, coal and emeralds drop less in their stone variants and more in their deepslate variants

  • Nether Rose Ore generates in the nether as a unique, nether-balanced alternative to iron

  • tweaked generation of Copper Ore to start higher (configurable)

  • tweaked generation of Iron Ore to be more common slightly lower than vanilla, alongside removing the small gap in vanilla during which iron cannot generate at all (configurable)

  • reverted the 1.20.2 buff to Diamond Ore generation (configurable), this is balanced out by duplicating trims now only requiring 1 diamond, instead of 7

  • Collection (Chestplate enchant, non-treasure) - all nuggets collected are sent into the void rather than your inventory, appearing as their full combined counterparts once you reach 9 nuggets, to de-clutter your inventory on long, late-game mining expeditions

  • Reforge (Pickaxe enchant, treasure, found in Bastion Treasure, incompatible with Fortune and Silk Touch) - Reforge is a very unique enchant in the sense that it smelts certain blocks into their smelted counterparts when mined - but that it also gives a chance to give special bonus loot (eg scrap, ingots, alloy) when mining relevant blocks, making this enchant a rare, but viable alternative to the other pickaxe enchants. As an example, Reforge has a 1/4 chance to give you Iron Ingots or Iron Alloy (Deepslate only) when mining Iron Ore, or a 1/8 chance of getting a second item from non-ores (eg Scrap from Debris, Charcoal from logs etc). Reforge works on all ores which can be smelted, alongside Debris, logs, clay, sand, and even select blocks from other supported mods


  • a new tier in gear progression

  • better than stone, worse than iron

  • crafted with copper ingots

  • Copper blocks have been reworked to ensure Trial Chambers don't mess with Progression Reborn balance, and Progression Reborn's new ore economy doesn't affect the ability for survival players to get enough Copper to build with

  • craft a beacon-friendly Block of Copper out of 9 ingots, which then turns into Polished Copper (vanilla Copper has been renamed to Polished Copper)

  • put the new Copper Block into the grindstone to get 4 Polished Copper, or even 16 Cut Copper! Using the grindstone to do this (like with vanilla Cut Copper) balances out the lower amount of Copper you get to mine, meaning building with Copper is almost as viable as it is in vanilla


  • now crafted by upgrading Copper Equipment in a smithing table with an Iron Ingot and Iron Upgrade Smithing Template, so Copper --> Iron matches Gold --> Rose and Diamond --> Netherite


  • a gold-fueled iron alternative

  • highly enchantable

  • much lower durability

  • faster tools

  • armor is weaker overall than iron, but has a small amount of armor toughness

  • crafted by upgrading gold gear in a smithing table with a Rose Ingot and Rose Upgrade Smithing Table (can also be crafted with ingots normally in 1.20+, though this way may be less resource-efficient)

Armor Rebalance and Tool Adjustments

  • vanilla armor values (defence, toughness) have been completely rebalanced alongside the introduction of new Progression Reborn armor, in order to best differientiate the different sets. The values are listed below
Base Numbers – Defence (helmet/chestplate/leggings/boots)
T – Toughness
K – Knockback Resistance
H – Horse Armor defence values

Leather/Gold - 8 (1 3 3 1) (0T 1T) (0K 0K) (4H)
Copper - 10 (2 4 3 1) (0T) (0K) (6H)
Rose - 12 (2 4 4 2) (2T) (0K) (6H)
Chainmail - 14 (3 5 4 2) (1T) (0K) (8H)
Iron - 16 (3 6 5 2) (0T) (0K) (8H)
Fortress - 18 (3 6 6 3) (0T) (0.1K) (10H)
Diamond/Netherite - 20 (4 7 6 3) (1T 2T) (0K 0.1K) (12H)

Additionally, Gold tools have had their durability upped from 32 to 73, at the cost of their mining speed dropping from 12 to 10, to match Rose

Rose and Iron tools also have increased durability (281 and 510 respectively), in order to balance out the harder process of getting Iron gear, so that once you upgrade from Copper/Gold, your new gear shouldn't break anytime soon.

Alloy and Scrap

  • used to upgrade your gear in the smithing table in 1.19

  • used to duplicate upgrade templates in 1.20+

  • crafted much like netherite, Iron Alloy uses 4 coal and iron and Rose Alloy uses 4 quartz and rose

  • as of 1.21+, Iron Alloy, Rose Alloy and Netherite Scrap can be used to repair their respective tool/armor sets

Upgrade Templates (1.20+)

  • required to upgrade your gear in a smithing table

  • Iron Upgrade Templates (Copper —> Iron) can be found in village blacksmiths and mineshaft chests

  • Rose Gold Upgrade Templates (Gold —> Rose) can be found in Nether Fortresses

Loot Tables

  • Iron Upgrade Smithing Templates are found in village blacksmith chests and mineshafts

  • Rose Upgrade Smithing Templates are found in nether fortresses

  • Rose replaces Iron loot in the Nether, as does Copper replace Iron in certain Overworld structures

  • other loot changes

  • Iron Golems drop slightly less iron (still nearly vanilla amounts, don't worry), to match the slight overall nerf in iron acquisition

  • End City chests contain slightly fewer diamonds (once again nearly the same as vanilla), to match the nerfs to diamond acquisition, considering they were already a really strong way to get diamonds before Progression Reborn's ore changes

Villager Trades (requires Villager Config)

  • villagers now trade copper gear instead of iron gear

  • diamond gear from villagers now costs a small amount of diamonds, alongside emeralds as before

Horse Armor

  • now available in Copper, Rose and Netherite material types

  • Copper, Iron and Diamond horse armor is found in the Overworld

  • Gold, Rose and Diamond horse armor is found in the Nether

  • Rose Horse Armor can be crafted by upgrading Golden Horse Armor at the Smithing Table

  • Iron Horse Armor can be crafted by upgrading Copper Horse Armor at the Smithing Table

  • Netherite Horse Armor can be crafted by upgrading Diamond Horse Armor at the Smithing Table


  • Enchanted Golden Carrots replace Enchanted Golden Apples in the Nether dimension, providing saturation, speed, regeneration and fire resistance

  • you can smelt raw ore blocks into ore blocks, however this does take a lot longer in the furnace

  • Ancient Debris takes longer to smelt, but grants more XP for doing so

  • Chains are cheaper to craft, only requiring 3 iron nuggets

  • the new Copper Block and Rose Block can both be used as beacon base materials

  • backported the cheaper Lodestone recipe (uses an Iron Ingot instead of a Netherite Ingot) to 1.21.4

Mod Integration

  • includes loot table integration for Legacies and Legends

  • includes new armor trim material item model integration for Legacies and Legends

  • includes Reforge enchant integration for Wilder Wild

  • includes enchantment descriptions for Enchancement


  • modified_ore_generation - enabled by default, slightly tweaks ore generation to better match Progression Reborn

  • mod_integration_datapacks - enabled by default, only disable if you know what you're doing


Love the sound of Progression Reborn? I do highly suggest you take a look at Legacies, a modpack which centers on much of this mod, seeing as it is the project it was designed for. If you like Progression Reborn, you should surely check out Legacies

Host your own Server

If you're interested in playing Minecraft (with or without my mods) with your friends, I recommend you take a look at Kinetic Hosting!. For 5GB ram, they charge under $13USD a month for Performance, and under $6 for Budget, not including my discount code! I personally use their performance servers, and their specs, price, support and easy-to-use panel are the best of all the hosts I've been with. In addition, you can use code LEGACY for 15% off your first month!

More Info

Yes, I am partnered with them (and a member of their feedback team), but as an already-existing customer of them (and have paid and still pay for their servers myself), I can legitimately say they're great, regardless of whether I'm partnered with them. They're just genuinely good, I know the support team, they're super friendly and quick. The server specs are as good as you can get, and importantly, they aren't overpriced, unlike other hosts - in fact, they're less than half the price of quite a few big competitors I've seen around here, with no downside! If you need a server, these guys truly know what you're doing, and will respect your wallet when they do it. If you buy a server through my link, you even help support my work!

Kinetic Hosting - code LEGACY for 15% off!


Rebel459 - mod developer

Zhen - texture artist

Credit to PureJosh for contributing their textures to this mod for versions prior to v1.4, you should absolutely check out their projects on Modrinth or on CurseForge.

The rose gold textures were sourced from the Rose Gold Equipment mod prior to v1.4, as it is licensed under MIT. I have slightly edited and made variants of some of the textures featured in that mod for use in Progression Reborn.

Project members




Former Texture Artist


Texture Artist


Licensed Legacy License
Published 2 years ago
Updated 18 days ago