Quests Tweaker

Quests Tweaker


A mod to integrate FTBQuests with CraftTweaker.

Client and server Library

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A mod to integrate FTBQuests with CraftTweaker.


  • Add/set progress for an existing quest from crafttweaker.
  • New 'Function' task type that runs a crafttweaker function to check progress.
  • New 'Function' reward type that runs a crafttweaker funtion on completion.

CraftTweaker API


Add/set progress for any existing and available task from crafttweaker:
When the task is unavailable (for example has dependencies uncompleted), this function does nothing.
QuestManager.addTaskProgress(IPlayer player, string/int id, long progress); QuestManager.setTaskProgress(IPlayer player, string/int id, long progress);

import mods.questtweaker.QuestManager;
// Add progress
// IPlayer player, string/int id, long progress
QuestManager.addTaskProgress(event.player,"4c4bd563",1 as long);
// Or use hex int
QuestManager.addTaskProgress(event.player,0x4c4bd563,1 as long);
// Set progress
// IPlayer player, string/int id, long progress
QuestManager.setTaskProgress(event.player,"4c4bd563",1 as long);

Example when player pickups an item, set the task progress to stack size:

import mods.questtweaker.QuestManager;
events.onPlayerPickupItem(function(event as crafttweaker.event.PlayerPickupItemEvent){
    QuestManager.setTaskProgress(event.player,"52725826",event.item.item.amount as long);


Add a new function to use with this mod's 'Function' tasks and rewards:
FunctionManager.addFunction(string functionID, function(IPlayer) -> long);
The function must return an long.
Example 1: Player's current altitude

import mods.queststweaker.FunctionManager;
import crafttweaker.player.IPlayer;
// string functionID, function(IPlayer) -> long
FunctionManager.addFunction("height",function(player as IPlayer){
    return player.y as long;

Example 2: On a Rail on_a_rail.zs

FTBQuests Integration

Function Task

Executes a function peridocally, and uses its return value as the progress.

  • Function ID: the function ID registered in scripts.
  • Value: The value needed to complete the task.
  • Interval: The interval to run the function. Set to 0 for manual submission.

Function Reward

Executes a function when collected.

  • Function ID: the function ID registered in scripts.

Dummy Task

Does nothing on its own. Intended to use with the QuestManager above.

  • Value: The value needed to complete the task.

Project members




Licensed MIT
Published 2 months ago
Updated 2 months ago