This mod adds "rage" to entities.
When an entity attacks or is attacked, its rage increases. When an entity reaches full rage, its next attack damage is greatly increased.
Rage can overflow. One extra overflowing rage provides a 1% damage amplification.
Rage will decrease over time. Default entities will lose 2 rage per 40 ticks, configurable.
Technically only required on server side.
Inspiration for this mod (A game in China): http://aoqi.100bt.com/
BasicDamageBonus: Basic damage on multiplier full rage. Default: 3.
MaxDamageBonus: Max damage multiplier (including the overflowing rage) on full rage. Default: 5.
FullRageValue: How much rage is considered as full rage. Default: 150.
GainedRagePerHurtOrAttack: How much rage will the entity gains when it attacks or is attacked. Default: 50.
ShowParticleOnFullRage: Whether or not to render crit attacking particles around the entity when its rage is full. Default: true.
NotifyPlayerOnRageChange: Whether to show the current rage on player's action bar when his/her rage changes. Default: false.
NotifyPlayerOnFullRage: Whether to notify player that their rage becomes full on their action bar. Default: true.
PlayDingOnFullRageAttack: Whether to play minecraft:entity.arrow.hit_player when entity attacks with full rage. Default: true.
DingVolume: The ding's volume. Default: 1.0
DingPitch: The ding's pitch. Default: 1.0
DecreaseIntervalTicks: The interval between rage decreases naturally. Default: 40 ticks / 2 seconds.
RageThatEntityLosesEveryInterval: How much rage will entity loses on the interval. Default: 5.
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