Recall Staffs

Recall Staffs


Adds recall staffs that let you teleport to your spawn location, and recovery altar that let you safely recover items after death

Client and server MagicTransportation

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Requires Fabric API

Requires Cloth Config

Requires Crafting Manipulator

Forge: Requires Sinytra Connector

Adds 6 recall staffs used to travel back to your spawn location, and recovery altar used to safely recover items after death.

Cooldown and usage cost

Each staff has its own usage cost (player levels) and cooldown (configurable):

  • Wooden recall staff takes 10 levels per use and has 1400s cooldown
  • Copper recall staff takes 2 levels per use and has 900s cooldown
  • Iron recall staff takes 2 levels per use and has 720s cooldown
  • Golden recall staff takes 1 level per use and has 590s cooldown
  • Diamond recall staff takes 1 level per use and has 410s cooldown
  • Netherite recall staff doesn't have usage cost and has 230s cooldown

Cooldown is saved on player, not staff. If you use one staff and then get another, you still have to wait before you can recall.


Use staff on your sitting dog or cat to teleport it to your spawn location. This is free action and can be used regardless of level and cooldown.

If you recall while riding a horse, the horse will be teleported with you (this action costs 1 additional level)


All staffs (except wooden and netherite) require level to craft (10 by default)

Recovery Altar

After charging with 4 echo shards and 20 levels (configurable), you can use it to travel to your last death position and get back after 30s (you are invulnerable during this time)


Config file lets you modify:

  • Recall Staffs' usage cost, cooldown and level required to craft
  • number of Echo shards and levels required to charge Recovery Altar
  • and few other things...

Config file can be accessed through Mod Menu

Config file name: recallstaffs.json5

Project members






Licensed MIT
Published 4 months ago
Updated 4 months ago