RecipeBook API

RecipeBook API


Provides a simple-to-use API to create recipe book support for custom recipe types

Client and server LibraryUtility

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📘 Description

If you use Fabric or Jared's MultiLoader-Template (like me), then there's not really a way to add recipe book support for custom recipe types. This mod solves that issue by adding a simple system that works with vanilla and allows for some customization

Fabric API required for Fabric version

📜 Terms of Use

You may
✅ Use this mod as a reference to understand and or create something of your own, as long as it is not a copy or recreation
✅ Use this mod in modpacks with credit and one or more links to any of the project pages*
✅ Edit for personal use
✅ Use this mod for/in YouTube videos with credit and one or more links to any of the project pages*
✅ Create addon mods for this mod

You may not
❌ Reupload/publish this mod to any website without explicit permission from me and one or more links to any of the project pages*
❌ Redistibute edited or unedited assets** from this mod without permission from me and credit

* Project pages include CurseForge, Modrinth, GitHub
** Assets include logos, banners, textures, models etc

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🔧 Compatibility

Below is a list of other recipe book related mods with tested compatibility. Other recipe book related mods may still work but have not been tested

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Licensed ARR
Published 5 months ago
Updated 5 months ago