This is mod that adds small brush item, that can be dyed, and used to colorize other blocks, by right clicking them. Also adds colorizing table, and painter (villager)
Vanilla usage
You can colorize blocks by right clicking them with brush. It will turn into color variation of the clicked block, if it has one. For example you can colorize wool and glass, but you can't colorize grass and stone
Also you can make colorizing table, and colorize items on it
Colorizing can be automated with dispensers
Adds new villager profession, painter. His profession block is colorizing table. On hight level he can sell you rare banner patterns
Works with every block that has id: {modName}:{color}_{name} or {modName}:{color}stined{name}
For example minecraft:lime_wool or minecraft:light_blue_stained_glass_pane
And with every entity that has color tag
Please tell me every your issue or idea for improvement