Hi! Version
fixes bug #85 (Thanks CommanderLP9809 for reporting)
Hi! Version
- Fixed scaling for macro's screens, now you can use it with any ui scale
- Fixed but with key handler in macro edit screen (before you can't press backspace, now you can)
- Cleanups "under the hood" deleted useless "dead" code
- Removed useless argument "test" from /redstone-helper
- Removed useless argument "cleanup" from /redstone-helper
- Now if redstone helper created a config file the first time, it didn't cause errors in logs
Hi! Version
Fixed missing translations (#109 thanks DODOhacker10)
Hi! Version
Updated depends, so now Redstone Helper works with last versions of fabric loader
Minor changes
Hi! Version
fixes bug #85 (Thanks CommanderLP9809 for reporting)
Hi! Version 0.2.5
rewrote key assigning for macros, if you have problems with it, it must be fixed
Hi! Version 0.2.5
fixed version checker fixed config folder path
Hi! Version 0.2.5
updated dependencies, fixed few bugs, hints now disable by default, Added 43% of Chinese language (thanks Wangxi Ryan), Added 100% of Portuguese, Brazilian language (thanks Lucasofchirstms)
Hi! Version 0.2.4 avail!
some fixes small changes in macros ui added loading animation to macros ui while it imports your macros
Kon'nichiwa! Update 0.2.3
instant lamps now gamerule now you can import/export your macros
some fixes
Kon'nichiwa! Update
few fixes
Kon'nichiwa! Update 0.2.2
added /glass command
added //colorcode command
fixed few bugs
Kon'nichiwa! Update 0.2.1
fixed few bugs
increased limits for text areas in all redstone helper gui
added remember last redstone helper mode
Kon'nichiwa! Update HOTFIX
fixed bug / now players need to be operator if it uses operator functions through key bindings
optimized version checker
Kon'nichiwa! Update 0.1.9 are here! I started to implement Redstone Tools into Redstone Helper! And many more!
funny feedback - just try to fill something with 0 items xdd
/clear-inventory - clears block inventory which you looks

/redstone-give - gives you block with inventory filled with items you choose

/redstone-give-signal - same as /redstone-give but gives you items by calculated redstone signal

Auto Wireâ„¢ key binds for next and previous modes
toast system

From Redstone Tools:
/quicktp - teleports you in your look direction, also you can bind it for button (Default G) and configure it in config menu
/autodust - redirect for /autowire
/ss - redirect for redstone give signal
Now all features awail on server
Arguments text in /redstone-helper help and README
Kon'nichiwa! BIT Operationsâ„¢ are here with update 0.1.8!
ModMenu support! Yeah now You can configure mod and even disable mod version check! Also You can configure how Redstone Helper interface looks! And small config for Auto Wireâ„¢
Here all awailable settings:
Check for updates - enable Redstone Helper update checking after world is loaded
Dark panels - makes interface plates with dark texture
Background blur - blurs background while you open any Redstone Helper interface instead vanilla transluent background
Default Auto Wireâ„¢ mode - default Auto Wireâ„¢ will setted after world is loaded
BIT Operationsâ„¢
Allows you to work with BITS and HEX
/bits to open
Has 4 converters:
Int to BIT
Int to HEX
HEX to Int
Also You can calculate different numbers in BIT calculator, that allows to calculate BITS with HEX with INT!
Chosing Auto Wireâ„¢ block, now it use block which you placed instead old variant
Halo! Very small update 0.1.7!
New command! /calc-redstone-signal <signal> [<item>] - analog of /redstone-fill-signal for survival, just calculates how much items you need for signal, if no item it will be calc with wooden shovel
Small bugfix which returns label to check box at AutoWire menu
Howdy! update 0.1.6!
/redstone-fill <item> <count> - fills Inventory which you are looking with selected item and count, you may to be an operator

/redstone-fill <signal> [<item>] - fills Inventory which you are looking with items to get redstone signal you entered from comparator, if no item it will be fills with wooden shovel, you may to be an operator