Redstone Power Enhanced

Redstone Power Enhanced


Redstone Power Enhanced is a mod that aims to enhance the creative experience in minecraft with new redstone blocks.

Client and server Game MechanicsTechnologyUtility

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Updated to 1.21.4

Additions: Added new Number display block. Works similar to Color Display but shows numbers instead of colors.

Updated to 1.21.1

Fixes: Fixed the issue of recipes not working for the blocks and items

Fixes: Fixed the issue of recipes not working for the blocks and items

Additions: You can now convert Blaze rods to Breeze rods with Fan Block and Fire(same as gravel to sand)

Features: Added interaction between Fan Block and Fire: If you make Fire between Fan Block and Fan Air and throw Gravel item into Fan Air, the Gravel will be transformed into Sand.

Updated to 1.21

Upgraded to 1.20.6

Changed the names of the mod in the files

Version adds these blocks and items:

Fan block is used to push entities in a specific direction when powered. It pushes entities up to 7 blocks from itself in the direction that it is looking. It works on all entities, including: players, items and mobs. It can be placed in all 6 cardinal directions. This block can be very useful in mob farms or fun contraptions involving entities.

Color Display block displays a different color depending on the redstone power level it receives. It can display up to 16 different colors

Redstone Power Storage block can store power levels that it receives by right clicking on it. It can store up to 15 power levels at once. This includes no power at all. It will display and cycle the stored power levels when it receives a new signal.

Coper Wrench item can be used to rotate certain blocks. In order to rotate clickable blocks or blocks with UI you need to shift-right click.

Clocker block can be used as a clock in redstone. It sends a pulse to other blocks with different intervals which is based on the redstone power level it receives. The smaller redstone power level it receives the quicker it will pulsate.

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Licensed ARR
Published 10 months ago
Updated a month ago