Redstone Essentials

Redstone Essentials


A mod that aims to improve the redstone experience when working with complex computational builds

Client or server Game MechanicsManagementSocialUtility

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Mod information

Redstone Essentials is a server and client-side mod that adds a lot of quality of life features, enhancements, and debugging features to the game. All features are made to fully work in multiplayer!!!

Why does this mod exist?

I reeaaaaallly love the mod Redstone Tools by Mattbatwings. (Seriously, its amazing check it out here)

There were however a few issues i had with the mod, which i will list here:

  • As of now it does not support multiplayer
  • It is centered around worldedit, whereas i prefer axiom
  • I wanted some more debugging features

So i decided to make my own redstone utility mod, which has:

  • Full multiplayer support
  • Adds features to axiom (WIP)
  • Has a lot of features used for debugging redstone (WIP)

Here are some of the most significant features as of version 1.0.6

Dust Place

This works by pressing a keybind to toggle the ability. When the ability is toggled on, placing any full block will place a redstone dust on top, as shown below.

Dust Place Demonstration

Dust Place Demo

Swap Block

This is another ability that works by swapping the block in your hand with another. The default mode is concrete mode, so if you are holding white concrete and press the keybind, it will swap to white stained glass. Pressing the keybind again will swap it back to white concrete. When wool mode is enabled, having white concrete will swap to white stained glass, and then when pressing the keybind again, it will swap to white wool. Now it will swap between wool and glass when pressing the keybind. This behaviour is demonstrated below.

Swap Block Demonstration

Swap Block Demo

Dynamic keys

This feature allows you to add custom keybinds to the game that allow you to run commands with modifiers like run intervals and much more. The full documentation for this can be found on the wiki.


The ping system allows you to highlight blocks with a keybind, and give different ping colors to different players. This can be useful for keeping track of certain areas, or drawing attention to certain blocks. Pings render beyond render distance, so it can also be used for locating builds you previously highlighted. Pings do not render through blocks. The documentation for the ping system can be found on its wiki page. The ping system is demonstrated below.

Ping System Demo

Ping System Demo

Realtime Byte Output

Realtime byte output, or RTBO for short allows you to make a selection with a label, which will read a binary value from that area and display it on your hud as seen in the demonstration below. This is really usefull for debugging multiple binary inputs and outputs, especially in compact builds. You can also configure the output base for the display. The full RTBO documentation van be found here.

Realtime Byte Output

Realtime Byte Output Demo

Bitmap Printer

This feature has a niche usecase, but can be adapted for other uses as well. It supports printing out bitmap images as x and y coordinates, and is intended for use on screens with frame buffers. This could also be usefull for encoding binary values on the x, and their adresses on the y to quickly write to a ram for example. This feature is really complex and is better explained on the wiki.

Singal Strength Giver

This is another ability with two keybinds that allows you to get a barrel or shulkerbox containing any signal strength. For example, if you hold the barrel keybind and press 5, you will get a barrel with signal strength 5. If you press the shulker keybind, hold shift and press 3, you will get a shulkerbox containing signal strength 13. An example of this working can be seen below.

Signal Strength Giver

Signal Strength Giver Demo

And much more...

The mod has more features and a lot more in the works, but i cant document them all here. If you want to have an up to date list of features, you can get it here.


All pings, selecions and other persistent data related features are stored in a file when you disconnect from a world. These are stored locally for each server individually (including singleplayer worlds), so you could have some selections on one server, and have different selections on another and they would load accordingly.

Sessions do not contain multiplayer selections, but instead the session manager request multiplayer selections from all online players when you join and will load those in accordingly.

More information on sessions can be found on its corresponding wiki page.



The mod only requires fabric api to be installed alongside it. You can find the minimum required version in the other files list for each release version.


The mod has optional support for these mods:

  • Midnightconfig, for a really clean and easy to use config
  • Modmenu, to be able to edit the config in-game
  • Axiom, to be able to use the axiom extensions

The minimum required versions of the above mentioned mods can also be found in the other files list for your release version of choise.

Final Note

This mod is still in active development. If you find any issues while using the mod, or have a feature in mind you would like to get added, make sure to post them at the projects issue page. If you have any questions about how a feature works, make sure you check the wiki, before asking in the discord server. Finally, if you are curious about what is coming, or what im working on currently, you can check out the public roadmap.

Thanks for checking out this mod!

Project members





Main Author


Licensed GPL-3.0-only
Published 4 months ago
Updated a month ago