


Attract/push/move entities around

Client and server Technology

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Restrictions 1.20-6.0.3

   - Fixed a bug where on servers the client could crash

Restrictions 1.21-7.0.3

   - Fixed a bug where on servers the client could crash

Restrictions 1.21-7.0.2

   - New McJtyLib

Restrictions 1.21-7.0.1

   - New McJtyLib

Restrictions 1.21-7.0.0

   - Ported to 1.21

Restrictions 1.20-6.0.2

   - Update to latest McJtyLib

Restrictions 1.20-6.0.1

   - Fixed a problem with the pusher and attractor something crashing client-side

Restrictions 1.19-5.1.2

   - Fixed a problem with the pusher and attractor something crashing client-side

Restrictions 1.20-6.0.0

   - Port to 1.20

Restrictions 1.19-5.1.1

   - Update to 1.19.4

Restrictions 1.19-5.1.0

   - Updated to Latest McJtyLib and made compatible with 1.19.3

Restrictions 1.19-5.0.0

   - Ported to 1.19

Restrictions 1.18-4.0.0

   - Port to 1.18.2. Thanks to Mrbysco

Restrictions 1.16-3.0.6

   - Update to latest McJtyLib

Restrictions 1.16-3.0.5

   - Update to latest McJtyLib

Restrictions 1.16-3.0.4

   - Update to latest McJtyLib

Restrictions 1.16-3.0.3

   - Update to latest McJtyLib

Restrictions 1.15-2.0.2

   - Update to latest McJtyLib

Restrictions 1.16-3.0.2-beta

   - Update to latest McJtyLib

Restrictions 1.15-2.0.1-beta

   - Fixed a problem on servers

Project members




Licensed MIT
Published 2 years ago
Updated 7 days ago