RPGSMW 9.2 ▶ Nephris Armor name fix ▶ New sound for hammer ability ▶ Change mana potion craft ▶ Some minor fixes ▶ Fix name for netherite gauntlet ▶ Partial Ru localization ▶ Nephris Assassin Armor Craft ▶ Assassin Armor new sprites ▶ slightly modified the dagger ability. It now attacks once 2 seconds after using the ability, but the slowdown works the whole time
▶ MCreator version upgrade
▶ Partial code optimization (Well, or not optimization, but now it's easier for me to keep track of all armor triggers and set them more easily)
▶ The strength of the Ranger armor + one handed crossbow ability now depends on the strength of the armor
▶ Upgrade berserl, paladin and assassin armor models
▶ Now silk touch work on nephris vine and nephris leaves
RPGSMW 9.0a ▶ Potion craft fix
RPGSMW 7.5 ▶ Nephris Dagger description fix ▶ Dagger ability change
RPGSMW 7.0 ▶ Little weapon balance fix
RPGSMW 6.5 ▶ Ice scane shoot set lower damage ▶▶ Rings Remake ▶ Gold Assassin ring ▶ Gold Mage Ring ▶ Mage Steel Ring ▶ Mage Iron Ring ▶ Miphril Assassin Ring ▶ Miphril Mage Ring ▶ Remke Paladin Miphril Ring ▶ Remake Berserk Miphril Ring ▶ Ring descriptions changes ▶ Emerald Magick ring deleted ▶ Gold Ring ▶ Steel Ring ▶ Some craft Changes
RPGSMW 6.4 ▶ Nephris Mage Armor ▶ Copper Healer Wand ▶ Iron Healer Wand ▶ Steel Healer Wand ▶ Diamond Healer Wand ▶ Miphril Healer Wand ▶ Netherite Healer Wand ▶ Nephris Healer Wand ▶ Small fixes
RPGSMW 6.0 ▶ Yellorite Remowe ▶ Redarium dust ▶ Redarium fabric ▶ Edmantium dust ▶ Edmantium fabric ▶ Pinarium dust ▶ Pinarium fabric ▶ Biril dust ▶ Biril fabric ▶ Class Choose Mechanic ▶ Class Choose Orb ▶ New underground structure - Oblivion botanic garden
RPGSMW 4.9.2 ▶ Diamond Battle Hammer Fix ▶ Miphril Battle Axe Fix ▶ Miphril Battle Hammer Fix ▶ Copper Mage Staff ▶ Iron Mage Staff ▶ Steel Mage Staff ▶ Diamond Mage Staff ▶ Miphril Mage Staff ▶ Netherite Mage Staff ▶ Nephris Mage Staff ▶ Old Mage Weapons for time remove