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  • [1.21] Fixed our village houses not spawning when the Lithostitched library is installed
  • Fixed the "Ruins of Growsseth" prefix not appearing inside logs from our mod



  • [1.21] Fixed crash with mods using the spawn_condition feature of the Lithostitched library

Note: the village houses from our mod will stop spawning if Lithostitched is loaded (MC 1.21 only), we are working on a fix



  • Slightly increased compression for music discs audio, significantly reducing the size of the mod!



  • Fixed an issue where the final part of the researcher's quest would not trigger



  • Resolved crash when playing with mods that add entities able to place blocks



  • [Web Console] The Live Update service (websocket connection) is now manageable from Egobalego at Home and fully supported by the mod
  • [Web Console] Added a simple update checker to be notified when a new version of the webapp is available
  • New command /gtemplate, replaces /booktemplates and supports sign templates
  • Added a note in the World Creation Tab specifying that the "Growsseth" preset may not generate the exact same world as in the Twitch series


  • [Web Console] fixed a bug introduced with the last release that prevented the last_id.txt file from being loaded correctly (if you are using that version, please update!)
  • Fixed simple notifications appearing in-game incorrectly as custom ones (but without an icon)
  • Fixed the Live Update service not closing newly created sockets after failing to connect



  • Right-clicking on the researcher mid-dialogue now skips the current chat message
  • [Web Console] Added dark theme to Egobalego at Home (download it from the GitHub releases!)


  • The first advancement now requires interacting with the researcher directly, instead of just reaching his tent
  • Improved terrain adaptation for most of the structures, should fix the instances where some structures would spawn suspended in midair
  • Added logging to painting placement fixes during structure generation, to prevent confusion when using mods that fix the same problem


  • Fixed an instance of the researcher's tent notes not using templates (they always appeared in italian)
  • Lowered the water level of the conduit church nbt, to avoid the appearance of water blobs when it spawns too high up
  • Corrected the durability values for certain items found in the enchanting tower and conduit church



  • Common tags convention for structure spawns, making the mod compatible with other biome mods
  • Added dialogue and diary variations for players who complete the main quest without meeting the Researcher
  • [Data] groups and groupUseLimit fields for dialogues data, allowing to make dialogues mutually exclusive
  • [Data] Templates now support signs and hanging signs
  • Researcher now changes expression when becoming aggressive
  • Sound for music disc "Ancora Qui"
  • Subtitles for mod sounds
  • [1.21] 1.21.1 support


  • The Conduit Church structure can now spawn with signs in both italian and english, making the mod fully localized
  • The English translation has been improved (it's no longer wonky)
  • The Conduit Church has been updated to also spawn on deep lukewarm oceans
  • Golem houses no longer need custom streets to spawn (they instead use vanilla ones), improving compatibility with other mods
  • If a player steals the researcher's tools, he will accuse only that player when trying to trade, instead of everyone
  • Creeper's explosions inside researcher tents are now harmless even to entities, to avoid breaking the donkey's leash
  • The researcher will try to get out from walls when suffocating, and if not possible he will teleport back to the tent (if tp is enabled)
  • The researcher will not take any damage from suffocation if below 50% health and anti-cheat is enabled
  • [Data] Researcher's loot table is now editable by datapack


  • Various bugs related to researcher's dialogue and persistence introduced in version 0.10 have been fixed
  • Fixed researcher behavior when players steal his tools. He now only gets angry when left without lecterns or cartography tables
  • The researcher's skin type and sounds are now separated from vanilla to prevent issues when resource packs override them
  • The researcher can roam even if spectator players are nearby, and won't talk to them
  • dialogueWordsPerMinute option now also skips dialogues with specified duration
  • [1.21] fixed researcher being leashable



  • Sound for music disc "Il Tesoro di Caco Caco"


  • /glocate stop subcommand to stop ongoing glocate runs you started
  • Maps for village houses and glocate for jigsaws lead to the exact position of the house/structure part in question
  • When F3 + H is on, maps show the position of the target in the tooltip


  • [1.21] Decorated pots crashing



  • Add all remaining discs except CacoCaco and Ancora Qui
  • Advancement for when you find all structures
  • Ruins map now have their target icon shown on the GUI map icon
  • Researcher: new dialogue event when finding new tent for the first time
  • /gmaster command to tweak gamemaster website connections


  • Ballata disc fragments now found in End Cities
  • Add more structure voids to various structures
  • Reduced armor trim spawn chance in forge
  • Wither skull not guaranteed in forge
  • Researcher climbs on top of Powder Snow


  • Fix some dialogues and messages
  • Fix researcher sync when two far away tents are loaded at the same time because of high simulation distance

Initial beta release.

Tested with:

  • Fabric Language Kotlin 1.10.20
  • Resourceful Config 2.5.1
  • Fabric API 0.99.0
  • Mod Menu 10.0.0-beta.1


Licensed MIT
Published 10 months ago
Updated 11 days ago