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This mod adds many miscellaneous features to the brush, fleshing out its suite of interactions with the world. By default, you can expect the following changes to occur:

  • Brushes can interact with blocks without a collision hitbox (such as flowers and singular snow layers).
    • Blocks such as end rods, spore blossoms, etc. may emit specific particles instead of dust.
  • Brushes can interact with living entities for a variety of visual and gameplay interactions.

Anything hard-coded is listed as such. I tried my best to favor compatibility and extensibility, but I don't think everybody can win in this scenario. Please direct any suggestions to the issue tracker!

Block Interactions

  • Blocks that can be polished (such as Diamond Blocks, ores, etc.) emit gleam particles.
    • These blocks can only gleam, emitting zero dust particles (disabled by default).
  • Snow blocks can be brushed away layer by layer.
  • Blocks in sage_brush:removable are destroyed when brushed, dropping nothing.

Entity Interactions

  • On some entities, the brush may occasionally "snag", causing zero damage but provoking the ire or panic of the brushing recipient (disabled by default).

Mobs in sage_brush:feathered and sage_brush:worse_feathered tags

  • Bird-esque mobs can occasionally drop feathers when brushed. Mobs in the first tag "recharge" their feather drop more frequently. The duration for either tag's recharge is configurable.
    • [HARD-CODED:] Certain mobs, such as emus and roadrunners from Alex's Mobs, are coded to drop their own feather items.
  • These mobs also emit feather particles when brushed. The effect is purely cosmetic, and can be influenced with certain entity type tags.
    • [HARD-CODED:] Parrots emit custom multicolored particles. Hummingbirds, shoebills, roadrunners, emus, and sunbirds from Alex's Mobs also emit their own particles.

Mobs that extend TamableAnimal

  • Tamed cats and wolves can be brushed by their owner to produce heart particles.
    • They may also acquire a few seconds of Regeneration (disabled by default).


  • Weak and baby pandas are forced to sneeze.
    • If the prior condition is disabled, lazy and playful pandas are still not provoked when forced to sneeze by default. (They would appreciate it if you stopped, though.)


  • Turtles can be brushed to shed scutes, roughly one every two days by default.
    • To compensate, baby turtles can shed a greater (configurable) amount of scutes upon becoming adults.


Lots of tags to facilitate expanded brush use:

Block Tags

  • sage_brush:gleaming includes blocks that emit gleam particles when brushed.
  • sage_brush:reduced_dust includes blocks that give off fewer dust particles when brushed.
  • sage_brush:removable includes blocks that are swept away when brushed. Examples include hanging roots, cobwebs, and chalk dust from Arts & Crafts.

Entity Type Tags

  • sage_brush:feathered and sage_brush:worse_feathered include mobs that may drop a feather item when brushed, as well as feather particles. The timer for worse_feathered mobs between feather drops is longer. It is recommended that entities are placed in one tag or the other.
    • sage_brush:cosmetic_feathered mobs also emit feather particles, but do not drop feather items.
    • sage_brush:cosmetic_black_feathers may or may not drop feather items, but their feather particles are black instead of the standard white.
      • Placing mobs in this tag alone does not guarantee them emitting particles. They should be put in feathered, worse_feathered, or cosmetic_feathered.

Requires Blueprint. Lots of optional dependencies!

A few particles (such as the one for gleaming polished blocks) are directly adapted from Visuality. If you're interested in similarly expanding your particle repetoire, please give that mod a look!

This mod is partly credited to CreativelyJake, who sent me over the edge with the information that vanilla armadillo brushing does not involve brushing entities, but rather uses 16 durability instantly with the standard item interaction animation. What is up with that ???

Feel free to direct any suggestions towards the issue tracker.

Tentative To-Do List: docile tag, gleaming entities, extend brush use duration, IW sand layers, horses, donkeys, foxes, rabbits, offended tag, tortoises, compat with Domestication Innovation (if possible), example mixin, arts & Crafts paintbrush alterations

Project members




Licensed MIT
Published 2 months ago
Updated 2 months ago