The Seeker Compass is an entity-tracking compass with unique enchantments ranging from utility to PvP. It can track any living entity, including players, and is great for relocating lost animals and pets or even just finding your friend on an adventure.
To track an entity, simply right-click it, and to untrack it, simply right-click the tracked entity again.
The compass will use up durability every second while it's tracking an entity, and once it reaches 1 durability, it'll break like an Elytra, and you'll know when it looks like this and becomes unusable:
The compass has 1200 durability, meaning it will last for 20 minutes before all the durability is used up and it breaks. You repair the compass with Magma Cream in an Anvil.
- Looting Nether Fortress hallway chests, where it has a rare chance of generating. Configurable with a datapack.
- Looting Bastion Treasure Chests, where it has a high chance of generating. Configurable with a datapack.
- Killing Zombie Piglins. Zombie Piglins will have a very small chance of spawning with the Seeker Compass in their offhand. The chance is configurable in the config.
The Seeker Compass will display a detailed description/tooltip when it's tracking an entity.
Keep in mind that if the entity is not loaded in the current dimension or if the entity is dead, the Seeker Compass will display the Alive section as False, which means that no enchants will work on the entity due to it no longer being alive or being unloaded from the current dimension of the holder.
The compass keeps the chunks of entities it tracks loaded so that you can access the entity over long distances, but reloading the dimension will unload all chunks, which could make the compass unable to track the entity, and it will tell the wielder if the entity is unloaded if the Alive section is False, but with the Tracking Enchantment, you are able to see what last Block Position it was at which can be helpful.
The description will look something like this:
When using the Tracking Enchantment, it will have a bit more information:
All Seeker Compass enchants can only be obtained as treasure, meaning you must explore structures or fish for them.
Persistence - Entities tracked by the compass cannot despawn
- Compatible with all enchants
Tracking - In the description, it will tell what block, position, and biome the entity is in/on
- Compatible with all enchants
Summoning - Right-click to teleport tracked entities that are pets or in the #summmonables entity tag to the user at a small cost of durability
- Not compatible with Warping, Voodoo, and Stalking
Warping - Right-click to teleport to the tracked entity in exchange for the compass itself
- Not compatible with Summoning, Voodoo, and Stalking
Voodoo (I-III) - Right-click to deal remote magic damage to the tracked entity at the cost of durability. The higher the level, the higher the damage per voodoo strike (1 + level)
- Not compatible with Mending, Warping, Summoning, and Stalking
Stalking - Right-click to stalk/unstalk the tracked entity. When stalking an entity, you can see its perspective, allowing you to spy on it. The Seeker Compass's durability will get depleted 10x faster when the tracked entity is getting stalked.
- Not compatible with Summoning, Voodoo, and Warping
The enchantments that cost durability bypass Unbreaking.
- Eye See You - Find a Seeker Compass.
- Voodoo Magic - Use Voodoo to remotely damage an entity with the Seeker Compass.
- You Can't See Me! - Perform an unbinding ritual by sacrificing XP and your compass to a block of crying obsidian.
Unbinding Ritual (Player Untracking Ritual)
There is a mechanic to get yourself untracked from other players tracking you, which grants the You Can't See Me advancement. To do the ritual, simply shift right-click over a crying obsidian block with a Seeker Compass that's not tracking an entity, and it'll cost you 10 experience levels and all of the durability.