- Fix a Quilt metadata formating issue. If you experienced a problem with
on Quilt, please update to this version.
- Update to 1.21.x
- Updated to 1.20.x
Semblance 1.1.4
- Fixes a crash on Quilt 0.18.1-beta
Semblance 1.1.3
- Fixes Quilt support - Fabric users should be unaffected but updating is still a best practice
If you encounter any issues with Quilt support please report them on the bug tracker. This jar works on both Fabric and Quilt and doesn't require a different jar. In a future major version they will be separated so the Quilt version will use QSL instead of Quilted Fabric API (QSL module).
Semblance 1.1.2
- Updated to 1.19.x
Added Basic Quilt support- Quilt support is broken in this version, please use 1.1.3.
If you encounter any issues with Quilt support please report them on the bug tracker. This jar works on both Fabric and Quilt and doesn't require a different jar. In a future major version they will be separated so the Quilt version will use QSL instead of Quilted Fabric API (QSL module).
- Version locked to 1.18.2 as it's the last 1.18.x release and this release won't work with older versions.
- Migrated to slf4j
Semblance 1.1.0
- Updated to 1.18.x
- Fabric API requirement dropped as it is unused
Reminder to server admins to update to Java 17 and Fabric Loader 1.12.5+. If you do not do this your server will not start.
Added the ability to customize server brand with the usage of a config file.