Simple Registry Aliases

Simple Registry Aliases


Exposing Fabric API's registry aliasing in a simple, config driven way.

Server ManagementUtility

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Simple Registry Aliases

This mod allows you to define registry entry aliases, by exposing Fabric API's registry alias system in simple, config-driven way.

It supports both static (blocks, items, etc.) and dynamic (biomes, enchantments, etc.) registries.


All alias definitions are stored in ./config/registry_aliases/ as a json map. For vanilla registries, the file should be named as <registry_path>.json, so for example item registry aliases will be located it item.json, block as block.json, biomes at worldgen/biome.json (worldgen is a folder) and so on.

For modded registries (through it also works in vanilla), the file should be named <registry_namespace>/<registry_path>.json, for example for registry magic_mod:spells the name is magic_mod/spells.json.

The file itself is just a json map, with keys being the original entry id and value being the replacement. For example, a file at ./config/registry_aliases/item.json with content

  "toomanymetals:enderite_pickaxe": "minecraft:netherite_pickaxe",
  "toomanymetals:enderite_axe": "minecraft:netherite_axe"

will make all item (as they are sourced from item registry) toomanymetals:enderite_pickaxe get replaced with minecraft:netherite_pickaxe once it's loaded.

Worth noting this only works if the registry entry you want to replace doesn't exist. If it does, this won't work and the original entry will be used instead.

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Licensed LGPL-3.0-only
Published 17 days ago
Updated 18 days ago