Simple Smithing Overhaul
Smithing in Minecraft is incredibly stingy. The excessively high cost of managing gear deters players from ever interacting with the mechanic and steers them towards relying exclusively on Mending for item repair. This mod opens up new ways to upgrade and maintain your gear by introducing two new items and improving the usability of anvils. Using the anvil is a lot cheaper, and your hard earned XP levels can be spent on repairing gear on the go and flexible enchantment upgrading instead.
Many aspects of the mod are configurable. The mod description below reflects the default settings, so take a look at the configuration screen if you don't like something.
Highly recommended mods
- EMI: Simple Smithing Overhaul has full EMI integration and is recommended for seeing recipes and changes from the mod in-game.
- Tax Free Levels: Fully compatible with Simple Smithing Overhaul and greatly complements its changes.
Fabric version requires Fabric API and owo-lib. Use Mod Menu to change settings in-game.
NeoForge version has no dependencies. Use the Mods screen to change settings in-game.
Core Changes
Streamlined Repairs
The amount of material required to repair an item from zero to full durability is now the same as the amount of material required to craft the item, instead of always being 4.
For example, a diamond pickaxe is crafted with 3 diamonds, which means that only 3 diamonds are required to fully repair it instead of 4. This applies to every repairable item in the game.
Additionally, repair recipes were added for all vanilla items which did not have one, and netherite gear is repaired with netherite scrap instead of netherite ingots.
These features are fully configurable for mod support. Modded items can be made repairable, and the amount of material required to fully repair them can be defined in the mod configuration. I've already added values for some mods I play with, so you can use them as examples.
Anvil Improvements
- Repairing unenchanted items no longer costs any XP levels.
- Repairing items no longer increases prior work penalty. Combining enchanted items and upgrading enchantments using the new smithing template still increases prior work penalty.
- Renaming items no longer costs any XP levels.
- Anvils are now twice as less likely to get damaged during use.
- Removed "Too Expensive!" prompt, now allowing you to perform actions that cost more than 40 XP levels.
Grindstone Improvements
- Combining an enchanted item with a piece of netherite scrap in the grindstone halves the repair cost of the item.
- Disenchanting items in the grindstone now grants more XP.
New Mechanics
Crafted from quartz, whetstones let you repair your gear on the go, directly in the crafting menu. It's as easy as combining the tool you want to repair, the repair material, and a whetstone. Any item that's repairable in the anvil can be repaired with a whetstone, too.
Regular whetstones can repair unenchanted items only. In order to repair enchanted items, the whetstone has to contain all enchantments that are on the enchanted item you want to repair at levels equal or higher than the ones on the item. Enchantments can be added to whetstones by enchanting them in the enchanting table like books or in the anvil by combining them with enchanted books.
Whetstones have a fixed durability of 12, with each repair taking off 1 durability. Whetstones themselves can only be repaired in the anvil with quartz.
Enchantment Upgrade Smithing Template
Found in End City chests as rare loot, this smithing template can upgrade any enchantment on your enchanted item by one level, for an XP cost. Any enchanted item, including items which have stored enchantments like enchanted books, can be upgraded.
If the item has multiple enchantments, the enchantment to upgrade can be selected by adding more lapis (2 lapis to upgrade the second enchantment, 3 lapis to upgrade the third enchantment, and so on).
Pinnacle Enchantment Smithing Template
Found in Ancient City chests as rare loot, this smithing template will turn your "maxed out" enchanted item into a pinnacle item, upgrading a random enchantment on it by one level above the max level limit, for a hefty XP cost. This means you can get enchantments such as Fortune IV, Looting IV, and so on.
Items are considered "maxed out" when they are enchanted with all possible enchantments they support at max level, excluding curses. This accounts for exclusive sets, so for example, the following pickaxes are both considered "maxed out" and can be turned into pinnacle items:
- Fortune III, Efficiency V, Unbreaking III, Mending
- Silk Touch, Efficiency V, Unbreaking III, Mending
Items can be upgraded this way only once, and you cannot see what the resulting item is going to be before applying the upgrade. For example, if you want Fortune IV on a pickaxe but got Efficiency VI instead, that pickaxe cannot be rerolled and you will have to max out another pickaxe and try again. Enchantments that have a max level of 1 such as Mending aren't considered in the upgrade. Cursed items cannot be upgraded.
Pinnacle items can still be repaired with whetstones - the whetstone does not need to have the upgraded enchantment at the same level as the item, only at the regular max enchantment level.