Simple Animator

Simple Animator


A animator lib for player

Client and server Library

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Added missing Float3 network packet

Added missing network packet for Float3

Bug Fix

Cannot load float2 and float3 to variable keyframes


Field animator in AnimatorEvent and ClientAnimatorStateEvent


Pre and Post frames.

Fixed Bug

Warming during load a bone with only one frame.

Bug Fix

Wrong rotation and position for cape.

Experimental Feature

Variable keyframes have been slightly updated with types, although it still needs to be used with bones.
You can name a BlockBench Group(Bone) with format var_type(optional)name...
Available type names are: float, float2, float3, int, int2, int3, bool, bool2, bool3, vec2, vec3.
example: var_float3_myPosition_acting_int2_myScreenPos

Bug Fix


Small Update and Feature Preview

This update mostly for developers.

Animation Variables

Animation side

Animation supports keyframes for variables, but since the corresponding animation tool or BlockBench plugin has not yet been developed, the current method of adding animation variables is as follows:

  1. Add an empty group in BlockBench
  2. Name it with format: var_name1_name2_name3 (underlines are separators, maximum of 3 variables per group)
  3. Goto “Animate” and add keyframes for them.

The variable uses the first value of Position, Rotation, Scale.

Program side

Variables only store in client, you can get a variable by using: ClientAnimator.getVariable(name)
If the running animation does not contain this variable, this function returns an unchangeable VariableHolder with a value of 0.

Quasi Inverse Kinematics

This is an experimental feature, and only in client side.
This feature provides three built-in variables: ikLeftArm, ikRightArm, ikHead, you can add it in animations to control IK weights.
The IK target can only be set by programs, using: ClientAnimator.setIkTarget(bone, pos).

Full Changelog:

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Licensed MIT
Published 7 months ago
Updated 5 days ago