


Let´s you walk half speed by pressing C with some cool animations

Client Game MechanicsTransportation

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SimplyWalk for forge without Mcreator. Additions: Multiplayer compatibility

config to set slow walk to hold or toggle, and config to set if player enters the world with slow walk.

Combat animation stance for combat mode on the fly animations transitions.

SimplyWalk for forge without Mcreator. Additions: Multiplayer compatibility

config to set slow walk to hold or toggle, and config to set if player enters the world with slow walk.

Combat animation stance for combat mode on the fly animations transitions.

Full SimplySneak mod for Fabric including:

Multiplayer compatibility (Only for Fabric until I remake the mod out of Mcreator for forge). New backwards walking animation

The full SimplyWalk mod for fabric including: Multiplayer compatibility (Only for Fabric until I remake the mod out of Mcreator for forge).

Dynamic animation switching (the holding tool animation or the combat animation will trigger the instant you equip a tool/sword, you don't need to stop and start walking again)

a new backwards walking animation. (this isn't in the forge version, forge was made on Mcreator and could not have a proper way to trigger it).

The full SimplyWalk mod for fabric including: Multiplayer compatibility (Only for Fabric until I remake the mod out of Mcreator for forge).

Dynamic animation switching  (the holding tool animation or the combat animation will trigger the instant you equip a tool/sword, you don't need to stop and start walking again)

a new backwards walking animation. (this isn't in the forge version, forge was made on Mcreator and could not have a proper way to trigger it).


-Added configuration to disable slow walking while running.

Added compatibility for 1.19.4

Added compatibility for 1.19.2

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Licensed ARR
Published a year ago
Updated a month ago