Sky Aesthetics
What is Sky Aesthetics
Sky Aesthetics is an API that aim to makes change to the minecraft sky easier. All you need to do is configure a file in your resourcepack. This means that even resource packs maker can change the sky !
What can be made
Here you can find a list of possible things you can do with this mod
- Add any object in the sky
- Change sun/moon texture (or remove them)
- Change sun/moon size
- Add more colorful stars
- Add moving stars
- Remove clouds
- Remove Rain
- Change the color of the sky/sunset
- Add End sky to your world
- Shootings Stars (new)
- Constellations (new)
Check our wiki to have all the informations needed for changing the sky : click here
Shader compatibility
Shader test : Rethinking Voxel. This mod is mostly compatible with shaders. Adding object in the sky works, changing moon/sun textures and changing the color of the sky also work (require to change the skytype to "END" or "NONE"). All the stars and clouds are handled by the shader so theses features wont work with shaders. You can find all the shaders infos by clicking here
Need Help ?
If you have trouble with Sky Aesthetic, you can use, visit our wiki or you can join our discord !
I installed this mod but nothing changed ?
This is normal. This mod is only an API. It change nothing to the game. You need to install other mods that use this mod
Damn, I found a bug!
Join our discord server to report it :
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