Visitor Timer
Shows the time until the next visitor joins the garden. Contains an estimate for the 6th visitor.

True Farming Fortune
Shows the tab list farming fortune including the crop-specific ff from tools, talisman and crop upgrades

Farming Armor Drop Counter
Counts and shows the farming armor drops, only visible while wearing a farming armor set

Farming Weight Display
Shows your current Farming Weight (according to https://elitebot.dev/), your leaderboard position and the time remaining until you pass the next player in the leaderboard

Crop Best Time
Lists all crops, showing the remaining time until the next level up in that crop, underlines crops that are in the next Jacobs's contest, marks yellow the crop you are currently farming

Garden Level Display
Shows the garden level and exp progress to the next garden level. Counts theoretical level above 15 too.

Crop Milestone
Shows your Blocks/Second, your crops per minute, time until the next crop milestone, your current crop milestone and the percentage progress