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  • a very naive hotfix for the chat getting cut off, which was fixed yesterday but didn't work with chat scale... a proper fix will be worked on later
  • fixed chat being cut off from the right side by a few pixels. as far as i know, this issue only affected 1.21.4 versions of this mod.
  • hotfix: remove logspam
  • port to 1.21.4
  • be aware that there are some minor issues with chat scaling that i'm currently unable to fix
  • contains log spam... will be fixed soon
  • fix for the mod not working when the config file is not present and the mod not creating a new config file
  • Update to 1.21.3
  • Fix a very minor issue in the new config screen
  • I don't think i will be updating the mod for 1.21.1 and older
  • New and much better config file format
    • all settings should be automatically updated to this new format without any problems
    • new setting for Hotbar Rollover
      • this setting will enable/disable the rollover animation of hotbar while smoothly scrolling (when you scroll out of bounds and select an item on the other side of hotbar)
      • default: True
    • new setting for Entry List Scrolling Speed
      • this setting will override the vanilla way of determining how many pixels should the widget scroll by (half of the entry height) to a set value
      • default: 30 px
      • 0 px: vanilla
  • The config file can now be modified with the use of an included config screen, which can be accessed through ModMenu
    • changes are only saved when you click on "Save and Exit"
    • if the config file is corrupted, you will still get default values without it resetting the config file, but the save and exit button in the screen will overwrite the file even if it is corrupted
    • you can still modify the config file while the game is running and you can still reload the config values by reloading resources but when you go into the config screen, it will also reload the config file immediately
  • Fixed some compatibility issues
    • Flow mod used to mess up creative screen smooth scrolling
    • Masks weren't being properly applied with the Raised mod
  • Some other stuff that I probably forgot about
  • This version of the mod will probably not be backported to older versions of Minecraft
  • The 1.21.3 port of this version will be coming as soon as possible but I'm not making any promises
  • a crash because of java versions should now be fixed
  • this crash was exclusive to 1.20.1
  • fixed incompatibility with chat scale
  • improved compatibility with the mod condensed creative
  • entry list smooth scrolling now disables itself in favor of the mod smooth scrolling refurbished (if you want to have my animations, you have to delete that mod first)
  • sounds mod compatibility issues partially resolved
  • dropped support for 1.20.4 - 1.20.6 (supported versions are 1.20.1, 1.21, 1.21.1)
  • fix visible elements of mouse being stuck at the top of the screen in inventories when creative screen wasn't opened previously
  • fix a crash related to chat
  • fixed mod compatibility with HighlightItem
    • the developer of that mod doesn't have any plans to backport the compatibility fixes to lower versions, so i'm only going to release this version for 1.21
  • fixed a crash on startup

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Licensed GPL-3.0-only
Published a year ago
Updated 2 months ago