Soaring Phantoms

Soaring Phantoms


Replaces vanilla's terrible phantom spawning rules with an altitude-based approach. Fully configurable.

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Soaring Phantoms

This mod changes how phantom spawning works. Phantoms now spawn only at high altitudes at night, regardless of whether you slept or not. Holding a phantom membrane in your hands prevents all phantom spawns. The goal is to replace the notoriously annoying vanilla spawn mechanics with non-intrusive and reliable spawn mechanics.

Fabric version requires Fabric API and owo-lib. Use Mod Menu to change settings in-game.

NeoForge version has no dependencies. Use the Mods screen to change settings in-game.


Altitude-Based Phantom Spawning

When enabled, the game attempts to spawn phantoms around the player at night time and when they're above the defined starting Y height. The chance that the spawn attempt will succeed is based on how much higher the player is above the starting Y height.

  • Replaces the vanilla insomnia-based phantom spawning mechanic
  • Setting the doInsomnia game rule to false still disables all phantom spawns
  • Phantoms still only spawn at night, and still won't spawn if there is a block above the player that blocks light
  • The chance of the spawn attempt succeeding is the following: 1 - (startingYHeight / playerYPosition)

Configuration options:

  • Toggle altitude-based spawning on or off
  • Set the starting Y height for spawning (default 128)
  • Set the frequency at which the spawn check will run, in seconds (default 30 + random number from 0 to 29)

Repel Phantom Spawns with Defined Items

When enabled, phantoms will be unable to spawn if the player is holding any item defined as a repellent item in their main hand or off-hand.

Configuration options:

  • Toggle phantom repelling on or off
  • Add new items to the phantom repellent item list (default: minecraft:phantom_membrane)

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Licensed MIT
Published 9 months ago
Updated 2 months ago