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Beta 1.0.15 Hotfix 1


1.0.15 isn't real


  • Fixed NullPointerException crash due to erroneous casting

1.0.15 changelog:

I can't even fathom This update is mostly Threat-related. I have been busy with other things recently so this update doesn't have much meat in it.


  • Fixed "Need x biomass" message for Orbs missing the biomass amount.

    • It also should no longer be erroneously displayed if you don't have Orbs unlocked. There was a message for that, but it wasn't playing.
  • Now compatible with Real First Person 2, parasite player features will be present too!

  • Fixed the fix for Turn that was in the last hotfix. Hopefully.

  • Buffed both Ante and Enhanced Mobs, they should be stronger now.

  • New potion effect: Gravity

    • Slams a mob down on the ground, expires when they hit the ground.
    • The speed you fall at is scaled by the amplifier.
    • Deals 10 damage on impact, only scales with the amplifier, not distance fallen.
      • This deals TRUE DAMAGE if you are on fire though. You have been warned.
    • If it expires before you hit the ground, no damage is taken.
  • Enhanced Mobs will apply 2 seconds of Gravity to mobs they are targetting if they are in the air.

    • The amplifier applied will scale with Ante, similarly to the Speed effect.
    • 3 passable blocks are needed below the target, as well as the block the target is in. The blocks must also be non-liquid.
  • Enhanced Mobs applying Speed to themselves or Gravity to their enemies can now be disabled.

  • Sunlight after Ante 7 will now deal true damage.

    • This deals 20 damage per second, and works similarly to Minimum Damage.
    • It also has a per-tick chance to remove Fire Resistance if one has it.
    • Don't go outside.
  • Well Grace Period has been reduced to 10 days. The first Well should appear on day 20 now.

Config Changes

  • Wells - Well Grace Period - Changed to 240000, from 480000

  • I've touched up the entry descriptions for most of the Ante-related options.

  • Armageddon - Maximum Defense - Changed to 300, from 100

  • Armageddon - Defense per Ante - Changed to 5, from 0.5

  • Armageddon - Maximum Hyper Armor - Changed to 75, from 50

  • Armageddon - Hyper Armor per Ante - Changed to 10, from 5

  • Armageddon - Maximum Bane - Changed to 75, from 10

  • Armageddon - Bane per Ante - Changed to 10, from 1

  • Armageddon - Chance to remove Fire Resistance - Chance that, each tick, the Fire Resistance effect will be removed if in direct sunlight after the Ante threshold.

  • Armageddon - Maximum Speed Amplifier - Changed to 7, from 4

  • Armageddon - Mobs Apply Speed - Whether Enhanced Mobs can apply Speed to themselves.

  • Effects - New Category: Gravity

  • Effects - Gravity - Gravity Damage - Base damage for the effect, defaults to 20. Scales with the amplifier.

  • Armageddon - Gravity Amplifier per Ante - Amount of Gravity amplifier to add per ante. The resulting value, if it is not an integer, is rounded down.

  • Armageddon - Maximum Gravity Amplifier - Maximum amplifier for the Gravity effect when applied via Enhanced Mob.

  • Armageddon - Gravity Passable Blocks Needed - Amount of passable blocks beneath the target needed to apply Gravity.

  • Armageddon - Mobs Apply Gravity - Whether Enhanced Mobs can apply Gravity to airborne targets.


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Developer and "Artist"


Licensed ARR
Published a year ago
Updated 5 months ago