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Just some housekeeping

None of the retextures are here. I want to release all of those (alongside any remodels) all at once, so that will take a while. It'd look strange if I didn't.


  • Incomplete forms produced via mobs being below the health threshold will now have their owners properly marked now.

  • Added recipes to create the Nidus Accumulator from Altered Tendons or Toxic Lungs, instead of Dispatcher Membranes.

    • For that matter, Dispatcher Membranes can be used as a substitute for Beckon Membranes when crafting the Beckon Harbringer. Go figure.
  • The Macabre Pearl now also shows what parasites are yours when held, alongside the Factory. Additionally, Loyal parasites will have the witch potion particle effect when either item is held.

  • Light Block breaking behavior for parasites now ignores all infected blocks from this mod, rather than just light sources. It might have already done that, but better safe than sorry.

  • Removed a since-deleted lang entry from the tooltip for the Bloody Clock.

  • Using the Macabre Pearl on a Factory will cause any parasites it creates to be Loyal, as if the pearl was used on them.

    • Also touched up the on-use messages a bit. They now imply the new factory capability that the item has, as well as that it does nothing of value for other Deterrent parasites.
  • Factories are now forced as Factory-Spawned internally. Just figured that made sense.

  • Added a bit of dialogue for trying to use a Macabre Pearl on a Latch. That would be pointless.

  • New Item: Blighted Mirror

    • Shows Beckons and Dispatchers in a similar vain to the Glowing effect while held. Works in the offhand as well.
    • This may look strange if Shaders are enabled, but the mobs should still be visible through blocks.
      • There's also a new mixin for the Entity Culling mod, since that doesn't check for glowing.
        • Specifically NOT the one made by meldexun. That one should already work. There may be a warning about a class not existing now but that's harmless
    • Obtained by trading a Strange Bone with a Factory. Requires Tier 3.
  • New Item: The Pact (Resolute)

    • For those of you who didn't know, The Pact can be used while sneaking to prevent the consumption of the item and the ensuing Evolution Cooldown.
      • However, this can be annoying and the item could be used without sneaking accidentally. That and people might not have known this.
    • Crafting The Pact with a Dispatcher Membrane will produce a "Resolute" version that will never be consumed, or create a cooldown.
      • As a caveat, however, it will also not create a Scent Gland, much like when sneaking with the original Pact.
      • This makes it more of a utility item than a means to an end.
  • The Pact now must actually remove parasites in order for it to receive the 10 second cooldown. If it doesn't, it'll only be 1 second long.

    • This is NOT the Evolution Cooldown. This is the standard Minecraft item cooldown. Just so we're clear.
  • Fixed Monarchs not yielding parasite parts when salvaging with a Factory.

  • Fixed Fear Panic behavior affecting non-parasites. Very embarassing, I'd hate to be the guy that did that

  • Parasite Players will have their particles from the Rage effect rendered at knee level to prevent blocking their view.

    • Additionally, Parasite Players will not have their particles render if they are hiding. This prevents the Rage effect from giving you away.

    • On top of this, your particles won't even render in First Person anymore! They will only render in Third Person now. This is configurable.

    • Most of these changes are both client side and only apply to you. Any other parasite players you see will have the particles render normally, aside from the hiding change.

    • Granted, it appears the particles don't appear more often than not for other entities anyway. Not sure why that is, it happened even before I messed with the code. Oh well.

Config Changes

  • Client - Macabre Pearl: Show Loyal Parasites - Whether a Loyal (Macabre Pearl) parasite will emit particles when you are holding a Factory or Macabre Pearl.

  • Client - Show Factory Spawned Parasites - Now mentions the Macabre Pearl as well.

  • Client - Parasite Player Rage Particles - Whether Parasite Players can see their own Rage particles. If false, takes precedence over the 'Third Person Rage Particles' setting.

  • Client - Third Person Rage Particles - Whether you can see your own Rage particles while in Third Person mode only.

This one. THIS ONE. The main reason it took this long was just figuring out issues that kept cropping up, it's like a game of whack-a-mole and I'm not having fun anymore

Don't even get me STARTED on Requiem. The 1.12.2 version of the mod is ancient. DO NOT ADD THE RUPTERS TO THE POSSESSION LIST. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. The list of parasites is small for a reason. I would not recommend expanding it. If you ask me to fix it I will eat your soul

There's likely still a few hiccups or things not mentioned in the changelog, a lot has changed over the three month long dev cycle (if you can even call it that)

Please, for the love of all that is carbon-based, delete and redo your config files. Hell, a whole new one has been added!

OH ALSO, Enhanced Mobs and Ante are here, and some new items (and a functional block) have joined them. The certainty of steel Even now, they still aren't entirely finished so to speak. The things I have planned aren't entirely necessary quite yet though.

maybe i should take a break

-------- A temporary bug fix has been implemented for parasites not losing points. This can be toggled in the config.


  • A #### ton of internal changes (at least 2, I can't count any higher)

  • A temporary fix for parasites not being able to gain points

  • Buglin Tunnel Decay

  • Bug/Crash/general tweak fixes, and new bugs/crashes to replace them

  • Incompatible with ThiccEntities, use Entifier instead its literally the same mod

  • Some new config options, some better expressed than others


  • Vagrant Divining Rod is now disrupted by Phasing

  • Enhanced Mobs and Ante have been enabled. The former has received many changes.

    • Enhanced Mobs don't hit as hard as they did before, but they now have some new tricks to account for that.
    • They can also teleport now, have fun!
  • Two new potion effects!

    • One to reduce your immunity frames, and hit through your defenses
      • It will fight back if you remove it
    • Another to remove your healing entirely, at least it should
  • Nerfs to the Masticator, Scrying, Viral brew effect, idk I forgot the rest

    • Can you really call it a Masticator nerf when it gets an upgrade? Maybe
    • Oh also the Masticator has a direct upgrade now
  • Items tell you if they come from a Factory or not now

  • Enchantments in the creative menu

  • New Factory Enchantment! It's just Dense Tissue for attack damage

  • New parasite-related items!

    • An item to despawn all parasites
    • An item to spawn a special Scent
    • An item to despawn a specific parasite
    • An item to ride certain parasites
    • An item to read parasite killcount
    • An item sourced from Stage III-IV Beckons (Factory-only)
    • An item sourced from a Bogle (Factory-only)
    • An item sourced from Assimilated Ender Dragon breath
  • Threat-related items, finally

    • An item to disable Enhanced Mob critical hits for several seconds
    • An item to bring a Well to your location from far away
    • An item dropped from hostile Enhanced Mobs
    • An item made from the previously mentioned item using the new block, used to craft the next item
    • An item used to craft the fun stuff, that doesn't like being in your inventory
  • Holy hell that's.. actually I lost count

  • A block to make one of the new items

  • Spooky ghost stuff

  • Epic Siege has been forcibly tweaked

  • Fear is less buggy now

  • UI now shows the Evolution Cooldown, along with mentioning the Catchup mechanic

  • New Brew Effects! Existing effects have also received recipe changes

    • An effect to repeat the last one
    • An effect to Assimilated Enderman your enemies
    • Levitation and Resistance can now also be applied. I'm not explaining how, use JEI!
  • and more(TM)


  • The text in the guidebook has been darkened to increase visibility. It should still be slightly redder than the normal text to indicate that the writer is different

    • For reference, the text is meant to have been written (vandalized) by the player.
  • Compatibility with Requiem/Dissolution.

    • Parasite Player ghosts cannot possess most non-parasite mobs. Any mob they do successfully possess will be converted into its Assimilated Variant if possible.
    • Possessing an Assimilated Adventurer or Thrall will allow a Parasite Player to exit the ghost state, regaining their original form.
    • The Health UI may break if you heal. I'm not even going to TOUCH that, it's purely visual and this mod is old as hell
    • Cotesia now adds on an extra list of possessable entities which cannot be possessed by non-parasite players.
      • This, much like Requiem/Dissolution's whitelist, is configurable.
      • Entities that are present in both lists will produce the same behavior, they will only be possessable by parasite players.
  • New Item: Electroreceptor

    • Shows parasite killcount when used on one. There's a bit of suspension of disbelief going on here
    • Also reads the Biomass and Kills Contributed of parasite players, but they need to not be hiding.
    • Does not require that the user is a parasite, somehow
  • New command: /assimilateplayer

    • Forces the Trustworthy Note cutscene without requiring the item. Does not work if the player is already a parasite or is a ghost.
  • The no-parasite-killing requirement for the Trustworthy Note is now toggleable. It's also mentioned in the config now.

    • My sincerest apologies to those of you who got rupter'd before you could find the note.
      • Even if it's a skill issue-
  • Armageddon-related config options have been moved to their own config file, srpcotesia_armageddon.cfg

    • Additionally, the structure of the options has changed drastically, each mechanic should have its own category now, rather than all being lumped into the same one.
  • Random Point Loss has been removed. I am willing to add it back if some wish for it to return, but the mechanic was gathering dust.

  • Enhanced Mobs and Ante are now enabled by default. The Timer, however, is still disabled.

    • Both of these were and still are intended to give Singleplayer playthroughs depth.
    • Them being disabled by default, however, kind of defeated their purpose for most players. This should fix that.
    • Enhanced Mobs have also received a few nerfs to their attributes. I am willing to modify these if it becomes too easy.
  • Enhanced Mobs' abilities are also now gated behind Ante levels.

    • Below are the new milestones. All of these should be configurable.
    • You may notice some new mechanics here. They are mentioned later on in the changelog.
    • That includes the multipliers! They are config-driven and can be placed at any Ante level you wish. New ones can be added, too.
    • The expected result is that up until Day 40/50, Enhanced Mobs shouldn't cause too much trouble. You aren't really rewarded for fighting them, either.
  • 0 - Day 0+ - Nothing

  • 1 - Day 10+ - Enhanced Mobs appear, unlock Speed, Parrying, and Defense

  • 2 - Day 20+ - Enhanced Mobs unlock Motes and Bane, Defense multiplied by 2x

  • 3 - Day 30+ - Enhanced Mobs unlock Hyper Armor, Effect Cap, and Tattling

  • 4 - Day 40+ - Enhanced Mobs unlock Critical Hits, Bounties, and Bounty Intervention

  • 5 - Day 50+ - Remnants now drop - Enhanced Mobs unlock Yielding, and gain Contact Damage. Bane and Defense multiplied by 2x

  • 6 - Day 60+ - Motes now deal Yielding minimum damage on hit (They deal no damage prior), Mote count is increased to 2

  • 7 - Day 70+ - Critical chance is increased to 75%, Critical Hits apply Clotting

  • 8 - Day 80+ - Motes deal regular damage alongside Yielding damage (no longer boss exclusive)

  • 9 - Day 90+ - All attacks are critical hits, Bane and Defense multiplied by 2x

  • 10 - Day 100+ - Parasites burn in sunlight

  • With that being said, the Timer (still WIP) now applies Clotting to all parasites when The Threat is 80% present, which disables healing.

    • With the new values, this means it will likely occur around day 60. The exact percentage is configurable, although a bit of math is required.
  • Buglin Tunnels will no longer work if the closest player to them is a parasite.

    • Additionally, if they are within 32 blocks, they will decay as well.
  • The Ante Ticks config option now mentions an estimate of how many ticks are in a real-life day, for convenience.

  • SRP can no longer convert a mob if it has been removed from the world. Not sure if this will fix the incomplete form duplication issue, but we'll see.

  • Three new crafting ingredients (technically only two, but eh)

    • Remnants - Special discs dropped by Enhanced Mobs after Ante 5, tied to the entity they dropped from. Assembling 5 different Remnants using a Lithograph will yield Chip Fragments!
      • The Remnant in the creative menu can be used on any mob to obtain their Remnant.
      • Data-Driven (NOT CRAFTTWEAKER, json only) recipes can include a Remnant for a specific mob using the srpcotesia:remnant ingredient factory. use "entity" to specify a specific mob via resource location.
        • An example of this is the Well Magnet recipe.
    • Chip Fragment - Used to craft Callous Chips. Unstable, but safe to have in your inventory. Produced with a Lithograph
    • Callous Chips - Crafted from Chip Fragments, used in a few different crafting recipes.
      • Applies Yielding I as long as it is in your main inventory.
  • New functional block, the Lithograph

    • Converts Remnants into Chip Fragments. Produces 3 Chip Fragments (Configurable) for every 5 unique Remnants.
    • The Remnants inserted into a Lithograph must be unique, no duplicates. The block has 5 slots, all of which must be filled.
    • Item addition and removal is identical to the Osmosis.
  • Multiple new usable items!

    • Well Magnet - Teleports the nearest Well to around 100 blocks from your current location. Destroyed upon use.
      • Requires, among other assorted ingredients, a Wither Remnant.
    • Signal Jammer - Jams Enhanced Mobs for 10 seconds, preventing them from dealing critical hits. Destroyed upon use. - Also prevents them from tattling on you to nearby Enhanced Mobs.
    • The Pact - Made from Pristine Matter from a Stage III or IV Beckon and a few other materials, dismisses (despawns) all parasites in the world with a few exceptions:
      • If used on its own, it will not remove Nexus Tier parasites.
        • If used on a Nexus Tier, all nexus tiers at or below that nexus's stage will be removed.
      • Nexus tiers that are managing a placed block/structure in the world, such as a Node or Dendritus.
      • Placed Factories.
      • Factory-Spawned parasites that are FORCED to persist (Using The Pact on one nullifies this restriction). For instance, an Adapted Summoner spawned by a Factory is exempt, but any parasites it creates in combat are not. This abides by the Factory Persistence config option.
      • If used while sneaking, parasites will be removed without consuming the item, or playing sounds to other players.
        • Otherwise, the item is consumed and a Scent Gland is produced referencing the highest tier parasites dismissed.
    • Scent Gland - Upon hitting an entity, it will spawn a Scent that will spawn the entities indicated in its tooltip. The item will be consumed.
      • Scents spawned this way will not concede to other scents.
      • Parasites spawned this way are not salvageable, but are considered Factory-Spawned. They can despawn, however.
    • Dismissal Wand - Use on or hit a parasite with it to despawn that parasite. Only works for Parasite players or those in Creative Mode.
  • Scents are now visible to parasite players as a blue undulating prism. This can be disabled in the config, if you wish.

    • I wasn't intending on making anything flashy here. Don't get your hopes up.
  • Turning parasites into biomass should now produce a Cyst containing any blocks they broke beforehand, along with any other items they picked up in the process. This excludes the saddle, that drops on its own.

  • Scents and SRP's spawning mechanics will now ignore persistent Factory-Spawned parasites as well as the Factory and Latch, at least in terms of mobcap calculation.

  • The well drain message now indicates directly that points were stolen, instead of just implying something got stronger. Wells don't do that

  • Changed one or two lines of dialogue that didn't match with the speaker

    • Also a chance to modify some lines I didn't like.
  • A Callous Chip can be used to replace the Diamond Block in the Well Sealer recipe. It gives the same amount of sealers.

  • Improved interactions between Minimum Damage, Defense, and Hyper Armor.

    • Hyper Armor will reduce Minimum Damage by half if the damage dealt is below it. Hyper Armor will only heal for regular hits, though, not true damage.
    • Other than that, Minimum Damage will completely bypass Hyper Armor, instead damaging Defense first.
    • This should ideally fix issues where Enhanced Mobs would give parasites free killcount without actually dying.
    • Note, however, that none of these changes will apply to other forms of True Damage. Those will work as they did before, for better or for worse.
  • Enhanced Mobs' critical damage multiplier has been reduced to 2x, from 4x.

    • As a consolation, fire damage attacks will now receive the critical bonus. Those don't have SRP's fire damage multiplier anyway, strangely enough, only onFire and inFire get that luxury.
  • Enhanced Mobs now deal AOE damage on a crit. This deals 70% of the attack's damage as Auric Fire damage.

    • Due to event order shenanigans, this may not reflect the actual damage amount in highly modded environments. Not much I can do about that, though.
  • Enhanced Mobs can now Parry attacks from naturally spawned parasites (this doesn't affect you, unless you make a change in the config...)

    • Whenever a mob they are targetting (or a stray parasitic projectile, not arrows) is moving towards them, Enhanced Mobs may issue a Parry, indicated by sweep particles and a totem sound effect.
    • The parry window is 15 ticks, or 3/4ths of a second. If attacked during this window, the attack will fail and the Enhanced Mob will stun the attacker and any nearby parasites.
      • The stun lasts 4 seconds for parasites, and 2 seconds for parasite players.
      • Enhanced Mobs cannot deal critical hits during this window.
    • If the parry succeeds, there is only a 1 second cooldown, meaning another parry can occur directly after.
    • If the parry fails, however, they will have a 4 second cooldown for using it again.
    • With that being said, maintaining a constant distance from the Enhanced Mob should prevent parries in general.
  • Enhanced Mobs can no longer receive any negative potion effect with an amplifier greater than II (configurable), instead lowering the amplifier before application.

    • Like everything else related to Enhanced Mobs, this only applies if the mob is fighting a parasite.
    • This can be disabled by setting it to -1 or lower.
  • Enhanced Mobs will now deal contact damage once every half second.

  • Enhanced Mobs are now immune to onFire, inFire, lava, and hotFloor.

  • Enhanced Mobs are now immune to Slowness, Needler, and all knockback from parasites.

  • Enhanced Mobs now use a Fire Charge sound effect, rather than a Flint and Steel click.

  • Speaking of sounds, the Well formation sound and the new Discovery sound both have subtitles now!

  • Discovery System: Enhanced Mobs will no longer target parasite players that are hiding, at least at the start...

    • They now need evidence to prove a mob is a parasite before using their special abilities. Such evidence includes:
      • Being attacked by, or attacking the suspect. This only induces targeting if the suspect was indeed a parasite.
      • Holding a Factory. Other items may have reasoning, however shaky it may be, but holding one is a dead giveaway.
      • Riding a parasite.
      • Being close enough to receive the effects of the COTH aura. This has its own config option/distance value.
        • This means that Enhanced Mobs will now target hiding parasites of all kinds (Any mob with COTH II or higher that isn't a player, or any parasite player that uses the hiding function) if they are close enough.
        • This may cause mob infighting. The COTH Rework prevents this from happening very often, however, and Enhanced Mobs are already less prevalent in areas with lots of mobs with COTH.
      • Specifically in the case of parasite players, they will remember if you are a parasite and will attempt to tell other nearby Enhanced Mobs that you are a parasite every second.
        • This also has its own config option, if you want to reduce the distance or disable it entirely.
  • There is a sound cue for when a parasite player is discovered by an Enhanced Mob. I am not a sound designer, so bear with me here.

  • Also, passive Enhanced Mobs are still beholden to the Discovery System, so they can and will tattle on you to the others if they find out you are a parasite.

  • The above change should also now be applied to Enhanced Lycanite's Mobs as well. This also fixes their AI since it didn't target hiding parasites before if they were Enhanced.

  • If an Enhanced Mob that has discovered the player is left to their own devices for too long, they may place a Bounty.

    • Bounties cannot be placed if the Enhanced Mob is being watched by a player that is less than 25 (configurable) blocks away.
    • This has a 10% chance of happening each time it is rolled. That's configurable if you want it to be even lower. The Signal Jammer can also prevent placement of Bounties.
    • Bounties are tough metallic blocks that keep track of known parasite players. Every Bounty in a dimension will share their knowledge.
    • Any Enhanced Mobs that spawn in range of a Bounty will inherit its knowledge as well. They have 1000 blocks of range, which increases by 1000 more for every other Bounty in a dimension.
      • Bounties cannot be placed in range of an existing Bounty. Instead of placing a Bounty, Enhanced Mobs will communicate their knowledge to the existing one.
        • Any Enhanced Mob that receives the effects of a Bounty cannot place a bounty ever again.
      • If 4 or more Bounties exist in a dimension, their range will become effectively infinite. This can be changed or disabled if you wish.
    • Any Parasite Players discovered by Enhanced Mobs will be sent to a Bounty if in range as well.
    • Bounties increase the mob enhancement chance by 10% for each one that exists in the world.
    • Intervention: Every 30 seconds that a known parasite player is in range of a Bounty, all Enhanced Mobs within 60 blocks will spawn a single mote to chase them, regardless of sight.
      • Rememeber that Motes can teleport their owners to the target if they connect.
      • Both the time needed and the distance can be configured.
      • This also gives the target Yielding III.
      • Motes spawned this way last twice as long as normal Motes.
    • Bounties will only clear their list of known parasite players if there are none left in the world, and the mobs they informed will never forget (they will not tattle or place a new bounty, however)
  • The Bounty also has an animated texture! I would never shamelessly plunder an mcmeta file from SRP's Biome Core block, that would be stealing!

  • New Command: /srpcbounty

    • Can be used to list all existing Bounties, known Vagrants, or modify said lists via standard addition, removal, and clearing.
    • Usage: /srpcbounty <list|clear|listtargets|cleartargets> or /srpcbounty <add|remove> <x> <y> <z> or /srpcbounty <addtarget|removetarget> <player or UUID>
  • The /ante command now has a new argument, "recalibrate"

    • This recalculates Ante based on the current world time, good if for some reason you had it disabled for a while
  • The newly added Electroreceptor can be used to obtain the coordinates of the nearest Bounty, but there's a catch:

    • Firstly, the Electroreceptor must be used on an Enhanced Mob.
    • Secondly, each use has a cooldown, and only communicates one random coordinate (x, y, or z) each time.
      • It may be easier to simply backtrack to previous locations you have visited, since that is likely to be where a Bounty has been placed.
  • The mob enhancement chance is now 10% at base. With the timer disabled, that is where it will stay (provided no Bounties are active)

  • A message is now sent to the player if an attack fails due to Hyper Armor

    • Otherwise, the player will be told how much defense the entity has.
  • The Ante requirement for burning in sunlight has been increased to 10, from 7.

    • It also has a warning message that plays when Ante reaches this threshold.
    • It no longer directly deals fire daamge. Instead, the parasite will be set on fire and given Yielding II. Fire Resistance can prevent this, but the sunlight will still occasionally remove that.
    • This means it will occur on day 100, but with Wells active it will likely occur earlier if you aren't proactive enough.
  • Fire Resistance can only be removed by sunlight every second, rather than every tick. The chance has been increased to compensate.

  • Wells will now appear and drain points every 20 days, rather than every 10.

  • Wells now subtract more points than they used to.

  • The Well grace period has been extended to day 30. This means that the first Well will appear on day 50.

  • The maximum distance from the origin that a Well can spawn at is now 5000 blocks, from 20000.

  • The Phasing effect now prevents tracking via the Vagrant Divining Rod.

  • Latches are now immune to Suffocation damage.

    • They also refer to their owner's oxygen when in water, so they won't drown until their owner does.
  • Reduced the Latch's attack damage and maximum health. They now start at 5 and increas by 2 per tier.

  • The Latch now properly awards kill credit to its owner.

  • Fixed crash due to concurrent AI modification.

  • Fixed crash due to clashing with NoExpensive's @Overwrite mixin.

  • Fixed crash caused by a non-living entity attacking an Enhanced Mob.

  • Fixed crash when querying which dimensions were blacklisted for Well spawning.

  • Fixed Flying and Heavy Carrier harming parasite players with their explosions.

  • Fixed Parasite explosions breaking blocks in range of a Dendritus.

  • Fixed Epic Siege not preserving AI predicates.

    • This fixes parasite player AI targeting for mobs defined in SRP's "attack parasites" mob list.
    • It also fixes Enhanced Mob targetting, since that was broken as well.
  • Fixed the Dazed effect preventing the death screen from loading.

  • Well command "fix" argument is now suggested when using tab completion.

  • Increased the volume of the sound played whenever an Enhanced Mob heals from Hyper Armor

  • Fixed Enhanced Mob damage going through shields. The Shield will now take the brunt of the damage.

  • Fixed the new attributes applying after Parasite Adaptation, rather than before as it should.

  • Fixed being able to block attacks using an empty Brew Sac.

  • Fixed duplicate particles on hiding parasites. Syncing of the COTH effect has also been improved.

  • Fixed Well point subtraction not intensifying with each Well added, or subtracting points when no Wells were present.

  • Successfully infecting a creature will now send a status message alongside the sound cue.

  • Fixed desync with the Fear effect's parasite player specific behavior.

    • Also added a item cooldown to indicate what item failed. The Fear effect can cancel the main and offhand individually, meaning one can succeed but not the other.
    • This fix won't be applied in the case of SRP's original Fear behavior being enabled. That is experimental, though, so it is to be expected.
  • Items can be blacklisted from obtainment via Factories in the Extra Parasite Drops setting. Using a - rather than a +, one can specify a drop to be removed instead of added.

    • a * can be used in place of an entity id to apply the change to every parasite mob. This goes for adding drops as well as removing them.
    • These are applied in the order present in the config file.
    • All of this applies to creating drops via Factories, not the actual drops from the parasites.
    • For example, if you want no parasite to ever yield Strange Bones, you'd add "*-srparasites:bone"
  • JEI should now show factories for every parasite present in the creative menu.

    • Additionally, JEI can also be used to see what factories a Factory Enchantment can be applied to, such as Fluidity or Virulent.
    • JEI Loads on game startup, unlike most of this mod's config options. As a result, JEI will need a game restart if any sizeable changes are made, like registering a new parasite.
  • New Potion Effect - Unkindling

    • Reduces fire-based damage sources by 25% per level
    • Also applies Fire Resistance for non-parasite mobs.
    • Can be brewed in a brewing stand using a Quench and a Fire Resistance potion. It can also be strengthened and extended like any other potion effect.
  • Unkindling also reduces Enhanced Mob critical damage.

    • However, this reduction is static; Only 50% no matter the amplifier. (With a 2x bonus, this effectively disables the extra damage)
    • It also only applies if the original attack dealt non-fire damage. Otherwise, Unkindling functions as normal, meaning 25% per amplifier.
  • New Potion Effect - Yielding

    • Causes 5% of maximum health (per amplifier) to be dealt as true damage each hit from a living entity.
    • Also reduces Immunity Ticks by 10% of the entity's maximum immunity ticks per amplifier.
      • In other words, it reduces your immune time by 10% per amplifier. Mods which modify immunity frame behavior may cause this to break or otherwise function differently than expected.
    • Damage will usually pierce shields.
    • Very unstable. It's potion color may temporarily change from time to time.
    • Attempting to remove the effect or prevent it from being applied will cause it to lash out and attack the offending entity.
    • Applied by Enhanced Mobs on hit.
      • Critical hits can cause it to stack. The chance of doing so is a 1 in (current amplifier) chance.
      • Since the effect reduces I-frames, I figured some limitations were necessary.
    • Yielding IV or higher will cause true damage regardless if a living entity caused the hit, meaning hits from fire will receive the true damage bonus as well.
  • This mod's effects can no longer be cured with Milk, excluding Recuperation.

  • The factory parasite players start with will always be a Buglin factory. This can be changed in the config, or forced to be unbound if an empty string is used.

    • Additionally, a recipe has been added to create a Buglin factory from any existing factory in the crafting menu.
  • New Item - Bloodstained Saddle

    • Allows riding certain parasites. Said parasites will show particles around them while holding the item, or if they are currently rideable.
    • Only works on parasites you made, similarly to the Macabre Pearl
    • The control scheme is similar to that of a horse, minus the slowdown from jumping.
    • Current List: Assimilated & Feral Horse, Assimilated & Feral Pig, Monarch
      • The speed parasites travel at increases as the tier goes up. So a Feral is faster than an Assimilated, but not as fast as a Pure.
    • Can be obtained by trading a Saddle with a Factory. Requires Tier 1.
    • Increases Step Height to 1 block if needed, and prevents fall damage for the parasite saddled.
    • The saddle will drop if the parasite dies or is absorbed. It will only drop in those cases, however; removal from existence will delete the saddle as well!
    • Saddled Assimilateds will not melt into moving flesh.
    • Some higher-tier parasites may not take kindly to being ridden around, or rather, not being able to reach their target. They might teleport you around with Dispatcher Tentacles, or break blocks occaisonally (provided a Dendritus isn't active).
      • You also cannot control their special skills, like the Monarch's leap.
      • The internals for this does not support Flying parasites currently, so if there are any planned it might take a bit to come out.
  • An internal mixin has been added to prevent rubberbanding for riding particularly fast parasites.

    • This mixin should fail silently, however, if for some reason it cannot apply.
  • New Item: Nidus Accumulator

    • A redo of another item from the dead and buried MCreator project, the Nidus Accumulator will transform into a Dispatcher Nidus when its bearer kills 15 mobs.
    • It needs to be in the hotbar to collect kills, and only one Accumulator can receive a kill at a time.
    • The Nidus also won't be placed on the ground, that way parasites won't accidentally trigger it.
    • The item is mentioned now in the Dispatcher Nidus tooltip, to indicate that it is the intended way to make Niduses at a reasonable rate.
      • Granted, just stealing them does work despite its difficulty, it's just annoying for both you, the parasite you took it from, and another unmentioned beneficiary.
  • Added upgrade paths for obtaining Feral parasites.

  • Added an entry to the guidebook for Upgrading parasites with a Factory. Also mentioned upgrading to Feral a few times.

  • Added config entries to allow for certain damage types to have a limit on how much damage reduction adaptations can provide.

  • The SIV Beckon Player upgrade now has a list of dimensions where it does not work.

  • In a pinch, Essential Segments can be used instead of Beckon Membranes to create a Beckon Harbringer.

  • Parasite Players can now eat cakes. They will be consumed whole, to not waste any biomass.

    • The Cake will not be eaten if the biomass provided is below 1.
    • With the default food conversion rate, this gives 3 biomass for a whole cake.
  • The Factory-spawned tag should now properly apply to mobs converted into Ferals or Hijackeds.

  • The Masticator now properly reports internally as enchantable. It now has an enchantability of 10.

  • The Masticator's block value has been reduced to 1, from 10.

  • The Masticator now only deals one instance of Minimum Damage instead of eight every 4 ticks.

    • It also deals 5 points of miasma damage every 12 ticks.
  • The Masticator now only applies Poison I and Corrosion I, they are no longer stacking.

  • New Tool: The Consecrator, produced by using either a Masticator or Moldered Segments on a Stage IV Beckon in the Parasite Biome.

    • Deals 10 points of miasma damage instead of 5.
    • Applies Viral I alongside Poison II and Corrosion II.
    • Converts blocks into Biome blocks, sneaking converts them into Beckon infested blocks instead.
      • This tool adds 10 points per block, akin to the pre-nerf Masticator.
    • If it converts a block in range of a Node, it will convert the surrounding blocks' biome to the Parasite Biome if possible. 600 Points Contributed will be awarded for each block biome conversion.
      • This doesn't actually add Evolution Points. It's just accounting for the amount of blocks the biome will likely convert on its own, mostly vertically.
      • This is configurable, of course. The biome behavior can also be disabled if one so desires.
  • New Enchantment: Flaying

    • Basically Dense Tissue, but for attack damage instead of maximum health. Increases it by 10% per level, up to 50% at level 5.
  • Cunning is now a Treasure enchantment, and it has been buffed to add 2 minimum damage per level instead of 1.

  • Reduced drop rates and chances for Factory Innards from Parasite Players and Factories.

  • Books for this mod's enchantments are now present in the creative menu. Additionally, if you wish to include all levels of said enchantment, that has a config option.

  • Enhanced Mob Bane interacts with the parasite damage cap.

    • If a parasite has a damage cap, the Bane will be reduced by ((damageCap - 1) / (damageCap * 3)) as a percentage.
    • So a damage cap of 5 reduces bane by 26%. A dc of 15 reduces it by 31%.
  • The Living and Sentient Armor sets now provide 40% and 60% (configurable) damage reduction for hiding parasite players, respectively.

    • The DR is divided into each piece, so a piece of Living armor will provide 10% DR. You can mix them, if you like unoptimal DR or haven't made the whole set yet.
    • This DR only applies if you are hiding.
    • Damage cannot be reduced below 1.
    • This is mostly a nod to Nexus DR; In some cases, Nexus tiers will only take 40% damage.
  • The Living and Sentient Armor sets now no longer add a vulnerability to any fire damage, instead of just inFire and onFire.

    • To be more specific, it no longer applies the SRP weakness to damage that would ignite an entity (like a fire aspect sword), instead only applying to onFire and inFire like other parasites (and parasite players at base) do.
    • This usually doesn't come up in non-pvp scenarios, especially considering the armor is unobtainable as of this patch.
  • Added guidebook entries for Gravity and Yielding. Also touched up the Enhanced Mobs entry, giving it priority status among other improvements.

  • Enhanced Mobs no longer apply Gravity passively. It is now done through Motes.

  • Enhanced Mobs will, every 3 (configurable) seconds, send a Mote after their target. (Boss mobs will spawn 6, such as the Wither)

    • Motes are repurposed and improved Shulker Bullets which trade in their Levitation effect for Gravity, teleportation, and if Yielding is involved, a bit of percentage damage.
    • They are faster than normal Shulker Bullets, and for their first 10 seconds of existence, phase through walls and incoming attacks, indicated by blue particles.
      • If a Mote breaks on a surface and its target is not alive or is removed from the world, and its owner has a new viable target, a new Mote will emerge from the previous one to attack it.
    • Motes cannot be dodged via Phasing.
    • Motes normally do not deal damage, however there are very notable exceptions:
      • As mentioned earlier, the Yielding effect will proc its true damage effect whenever a Mote strikes a victim.
      • Motes spawned by bosses, such as the Wither, will deal the mob's Bane value as damage on hit. This can be critical damage as well.
    • By default, line of sight is not required to spawn a Mote, only being targeted (being discovered becomes the criterion if that system is enabled). A check can be enabled in the configs if you wish.
    • On impact, it will deal some projectile damage (which can crit) and then do one of the following:
      • If possible, apply Gravity (certain amount of blocks above the ground, etc.)
      • Otherwise, it will teleport the Enhanced Mob to the Mote's location. There is a configurable blacklist for preventing certain mobs from being able to teleport with Motes. Shulkers, for instance, cannot do this.
        • It also fails if the Enhanced Mob is not in loaded chunks.
  • Enhanced Mobs cannot attack or be harmed within a half second after teleporting with a Mote.

    • This is completely ignored if the mob is within 2 blocks of their target before teleporting.
  • Ante is now capped at 10.

  • Recuperation now only heals every 1.5 seconds, rather than every half-second.

    • Its heal rate is effectively a third of what it once was.
  • Scrying's bonus is now additive, adding the experience value of the entity killed per amplifier. This dramatically reduces the amount of extra points it provides.

    • I cannot understate how much of a drastic nerf this is. It goes from 125 points per XP point down to a measly 3 per XP for the same amplifier.
    • With the new value, a Zombie kill only gives around 5 extra evolution points/biomass with Scrying I.
    • This was a necessary change, however, as I feel this effect was a little overpowered.
  • Brews now only apply effects for 5 seconds.

  • Brew Base damage is now 6. Sticks, Flint, and Iron Ingots are no longer used as damage modifiers.

    • Instead, Altered Tendons are now used to reset the damage amount back to 6.
  • Items will now show which Factory they can be produced with in their tooltip. They will cycle if multiple can provide it.

    • This can be disabled if you wish.
  • The Explosion brew effect has been changed dramatically.

    • It is now brewed using a Bogle Charge, a special drop obtained from salvaging drops from a Bogle Factory.
    • It deals 3x the brew's base damage on a direct hit. This applies separately from the explosion itself.
    • The explosion now has power 5 + the amplifier of the brew.
    • The damage of the brew itself and the explosion should stack.
    • The cost has been increased to 20, from 10.
    • It is now incompatible with Harm, and vice versa. This effect is intended to be an upgrade.
  • Wither Bane now requires a Wither Skeleton Skull to be brewed instead of a Nether Star.

  • Wither Bane now only deals 50% of the brew's damage.

  • Poison Bane now deals 80% of base damage.

  • Wither Bane and Poison Bane are now incompatible.

  • Apply Wither is now brewed with Soul Sand.

  • New Brew Effect: Repeat - Costs 10 biomass - Brewed with a Nether Star.

    • Activates the effect directly preceding it in the Sac's effect list.
  • New Brew Effect: Rally - Costs 20 biomass - Brewed with a Dendritus

    • Teleports the closest parasite within 20 blocks, but farther than 5 blocks, to the brew's impact location.
  • Brew incompatibilities are also config driven too! Add a flag to the regular config string (also separated by the semicolon) and use that flag for both effects.

    • An example is provided for Explosion and Harm. Any number can be used, as long as both effects use the same number.
  • Viral is no longer added to brews using a Reeker Fang. That item adds Apply Poison now.

    • It is now applied using Virulent Breath, a replacement for Dragon Breath that is obtained from Assimilated Ender Dragon clouds.
  • Viral is now capped at II from Brew Sacs.

  • Recuperation is now capped at II from Brew Sacs.

  • Brews can apply a few new potion effects:

    • Longarms Armor Fragment - Resistance - Max amplifier III - 5 biomass
    • Shulker Shell - Levitation - 5 biomass
  • Assimilated Ender Dragon clouds now give Virulent Breath rather than Dragon's breath.

    • Virulent Breath can also be traded in for Dragon's Breath using a Factory.
    • It also replaces the Reeker Fang as the reagent for the Viral effect in Brew Sacs.
  • Values for the Reclamation Table have been nerfed.

    • They have received changes to better align with the actual XP values provided by the parasites the items are obtained from.
      • For instance, Beckon Membranes now only give a mere 5 XP each to better align with the Stage I Beckon, which only gives 16 XP by default.
    • Also, the Summoner Core can now be reclaimed. Not sure how I missed that one.
  • The Macabre Pearl will no longer teleport parasites to places they will suffocate in, unless the offending blocks can be broken by the parasite.

    • This doesn't check for any MobGriefingEvent cancellation, so the pearl may still make a mistake under rare circumstances.
    • Phasing will remove this restriction.
  • The Macabre Pearl can now be used to teleport all loyal parasites (that's the moniker for those you've used it on) to the user.

    • This will also clear their attack target.
    • This also does not have a collision check. be wary.
  • Parasitic Flora (Beckon and Parasite Biome tendrils) are now transparent for parasite players.

    • This can be disabled in the config, of course. The transparent textures are located in this mod's resources, same , since I couldn't find a way to dynamically change them.
  • The Access Transformer should also finally be in the jar now. I mean it was probably there before I never checked-

    • This is developer stuff, it doesn't affect gameplay.
  • Scape and Spartan: Parasites's weaponry can now be repaired by Summoners, Adapted or otherwise.

  • Point yield from the Phasing effect has been reduced. Points are now only generated for the outer edge of the parasite's hitbox, generally speaking.

    • Phasing is also much slower now. It only procs every 2 seconds rather than every half-second, to better emulate parasite block breaking.
    • As a consolation, the distance travelled each teleport has been increased to 3 blocks from 1.
      • Additionally, the maximum hardness multiplier has been increased to 3.5x, from 1.5x. This means that Preeminents can phase through Obsidian, provided I'm not bad at math.
  • Beheading now only needs 3 damage (1.5 hearts) in order to proc now.

Config Changes

== Main

  • TEMP: Allow Parasite Point Loss - Fixes a bug with SRP v1.9.21 where parasites cannot lose points by default.

  • Biomass Settings - Repairable Items - Added "swparasites", the modid for Scape and Spartan: Parasites.

  • Logging Settings - Transparent Flora Logging - Debugging feature, prints transparent flora model processing to the console.

  • Client - Parasite Player Transparent Flora - Whether certain parasitic flora (Beckon and Parasite Biome tendrils) are transparent for parasite players.

  • Client - Parasite Player see Scents - Whether Parasite Players can see Scents

  • Client - Creative Menu All Enchantment Levels - Whether the Creative Menu shows all natural levels for all of this mod's enchantments.

  • Client - Show Source of Parasite Drops - Whether to show the Factories that can be used to obtain a given item.

  • Potion Settings - Scrying - Point Gain Scalar - Renamed to Point Gain Multiplier, both to better communicate what it does and change the data type internally. - This option is now a simple multiplier on the amount of points gained, nothing more. - Also reduced to 1. This means it effectively does nothing.

  • Potion Settings - Phasing - Break if Not - Changed to false

  • Potion Settings - Phasing - Block Hardness Multiplier - Changed to 3.5, from 1.5

  • Parasite Player Drops - Changed to srpcotesia:factory_drop;20;2;true

  • Bloom Settings - SIV Upgrade Player Blacklist - Dimensions where SIV Beckons cannot upgrade Parasite Players

  • Bloom Settings - Beheading Threshold - Reduced to 3, from 7.

  • Entity Adaptation Effectiveness & Weapon Adaptation Effectiveness & Misc Adaptation Effectiveness - Multiplier on Adaptation Effectiveness for each damage type.

  • Living Armor DR & Sentient Armor DR - Parasite-Player-specific damage reduction gained per piece of armor.

  • Parasite Players Prevent Loot - Whether parasites will not drop loot or XP if a parasite player is the closest player to them.

  • Factory Behavior - Extra Parasite Drops - Description changed to indicate the new features added. - Added Pristine Matter and Bogle Charge drops

  • Factory Behavior - Parasite Upgrade Paths - Added Assimilated->Feral paths for all Assimilateds.

  • Block Settings - Lithograph Chip Production - Number of Chip Fragments produced by the Lithograph

  • Block Settings - Reclamation Settings - Practically every entry has changed, I'm too tired to list them

  • Item Settings - Phasing Disrupts Vagrant Divining Rod - should be self-explanatory.

  • Item Settings - Well Magnet Distance - The distance from the player, in blocks, that the Well Magnet will teleport a Well to.

  • Item Settings - Signal Jammer Jam Time - The amount of time, in ticks, that the Signal Jammer disables Enhanced Mob Critical Hits for.

  • Item Settings - The Consecrator Durability - Durability value for The Consecrator, works the same as the original

  • Item Settings - Masticator Block Value - Changed to 1, from 10

  • Item Settings - Masticator Miasma Damage & Consecrator Miasma Damage - Amount of damage dealt every 12 ticks by these tools' miasma clouds.

  • Item Settings - Consecrator Converts Biomes - Whether The Consecrator can convert Biomes into the Parasite Biome

  • Item Settings - Consecrator Biome Value - Amount of Evolution Points generated for converting the biome of each 1x1 chunk slice.

  • Item Settings - Trustworthy Note - TN Killing Disqualifies - Whether killing a parasite prevents the Trustworthy Note from being found.

  • Potion Settings - New Categories: Unkindling, Yielding, and Clotting

  • Mod Compatibility - Epic Siege Predicate Module - Enables the Epic Siege Predicate AI modification, carrying over targeting predicates with Epic Siege AI.

  • Mod Compatibility - Dissolution/Requiem: Force COTH Rework Resist Breaking - Whether possession forcefully breaks this mod's weak COTH resistance.

  • Mod Compatibility - Dissolution/Requiem: Extra Possession - Parasites that can also be possessed, but only by Parasite Players.

  • Random Point Loss - Removed.

  • Brew Settings - Recipes - Brew Effect Recipes - Changed recipes for Wither Bane and Explosion, and added recipes for the two new effects.

  • Brew Settings - Recipes - Brew Effect Potion Recipes - Changed recipe for the Wither and Viral effects, and added recipes for Poison, Resistance, and Levitation - Effects like Viral and Recuperation have received caps on their amplifiers.

  • Brew Settings - Recipes - Damage Modifiers - Removed minecraft:stick, minecraft:flint, and minecraft:iron_ingot recipies. srparasites:lurecomponent3 is now used to reset the damage.

  • Brew Settings - Base Damage - Increased to 6, from 3

  • Brew Settings - Potion Duration - Reduced to 100, from 200

  • Brew Settings - Effects - Poison Bane - Increased to 0.8, from 0.5

  • Brew Settings - Effects - Wither Bane - Decreased to 0.5, from 0.9

  • Brew Settings - Effects - Explosion - Damage Modifier - Increased to 0.9, from 0.5

  • Brew Settings - Effects - Explosion - Direct Hit Damage Modifier - Increased to 3, from 1.1

  • Brew Settings - Effects - New Category: Rally

  • Enchantment Settings - New Category: Flaying

  • Enchantment Settings - Cunning - Treasure - Set to true, from false

=== Mobs

  • Factory - Drops - Changed to srpcotesia:factory_drop;10;1;true

  • Latch - Attack Strength & HP - Reduced to 5, from 10

  • Latch - Attack Strength Per Tier & HP Per Tier - Reduced to 2, from 5

=== Armageddon (All options in the Armageddon category of the main config have been interspersed throughout this file, put with the mechanic that they modify)

  • Most options have either changed or had their names changed, and many won't appear in this changelog. We'd be here all day!

  • New Categories: Enhanced Mobs, Armageddon Timer, and Ante, with each explaining their mechanic in a perhaps not-so-brief fashion

  • Wells - Well Grace Period - Changed to 720000, from 240000

  • Wells - Well Ticks - Changed to 480000, from 240000

  • Wells - Time added to Armageddon Timer - Changed to 480000, from 240000

  • Wells - Well Drain Ticks - Changed to 480000, from 240000

  • Wells - Well Max Distance - Changed to 10000, from 20000

  • Wells - Phase 0 Point Loss - Changed to 200, from 50

  • Wells - Phase 1 Point Loss - Changed to 400, from 75

  • Wells - Phase 2 Point Loss - Changed to 800, from 100

  • Wells - Phase 3 Point Loss - Changed to 10000, from 400

  • Wells - Phase 4 Point Loss - Changed to 50000, from 5000

  • Wells - Phase 5 Point Loss - Changed to 100000, from 50000

  • Wells - Phase 6 Point Loss - Changed to 5000000, from 2500000

  • Wells - Phase 7 Point Loss - Changed to 50000000, from 10000000

  • Ante - All values now have the mechanic affected prepended to their name. For instance, Maximum Defense has been renamed to Enhanced Mobs: Maximum Defense

  • Ante - Maximum Ante - Changed to 10, from 256

  • Ante - Enhanced Mobs: Custom Stat Modifiers - Custom Ante-based modifiers for Enhanced Mob Bane, Defense, and Hyper Armor.

  • Ante - Enhanced Mobs Unlock - Ante needed for Enhanced Mobs to spawn naturally.

  • Ante - Enhanced Mobs: Critical Hit Unlock - Ante needed for Enhanced Mobs to use Critical Hits.

  • Ante - Enhanced Mobs: Yielding Unlock - Ante needed for Enhanced Mobs to apply Yielding.

  • Ante - Enhanced Mobs: Contact Damage Unlock - Ante needed for Enhanced Mobs to use Contact Damage.

  • Ante - Enhanced Mobs: Bane Unlock - Ante needed for Enhanced Mobs to use Bane, a damage additive that only applies against parasites.

  • Ante - Enhanced Mobs: Defense Unlock - Ante needed for Enhanced Mobs to use Defense, an auxillary health boost against parasites.

  • Ante - Enhanced Mobs: Hyper Armor Unlock - Ante needed for Enhanced Mobs to use Defense, an auxillary health boost against parasites.

  • Ante - Enhanced Mobs: Speed Effect Unlock - Ante needed for Enhanced Mobs to give themselves the Speed effect.

  • Ante - Enhanced Mobs: Clotting Effect Unlock - Ante needed for Enhanced Mobs to apply Clotting on Critical Hits.

  • Ante - Enhanced Mobs: Tattling Unlock - Ante needed for Enhanced Mobs to inform each other of known Parasite Players.

  • Ante - Enhanced Mobs: Effect Cap Unlock - Ante needed for Enhanced Mobs to resist potion effects that go above a certain amplifier, by default II.

  • Ante - Enhanced Mobs: Mote Unlock - Ante needed for Enhanced Mobs to spawn Motes in combat.

  • Ante - Enhanced Mobs: Mote Minimum Damage Unlock - Ante needed for Motes to proc the Yielding effect's true damage effect on hit.

  • Ante - Enhanced Mobs: Mote Damage Unlock - Ante needed for Motes to deal projectile damage on hit.

  • Ante - Enhanced Mobs: Extra Mote Unlock - Ante needed for non-boss Enhanced Mobs to spawn an extra Mote in combat.

  • Ante - Enhanced Mobs: Extra Mote Count - Amount of Motes to add to Enhanced Mobs once the Extra Mote Unlock is triggered.

  • Ante - Enhanced Mobs: Parry Unlock - Ante needed for Enhanced Mobs to parry their targets.

  • Ante - Enhanced Mobs: Bounty Unlock - Ante needed for Enhanced Mobs to create Bounties.

  • Ante - Enhanced Mobs: Bounty Intervention Unlock - Ante needed for Bounties to issue Interventions.

  • Ante - Enhanced Mobs: Crit Chance Increase Unlock - Ante needed to increase the chance of a Critical Hit.

  • Ante - Enhanced Mobs: Crit Chance Increase - Amount to increase Critical Hit chance. This requires the Crit Chance Increase Unlock.

  • Ante - Enhanced Mobs: All Crit Unlock - Ante needed to always deal Critical Hits.

  • Ante - Enhanced Mobs: Remnant Unlock - Ante needed to drop Remnants.

  • Ante - Enhanced Mobs: Maximum Defense - Reduced to 30, from 300 (Keep in mind, this is a multiplier on base maximum health! 1 means 100%!)

  • Ante - Enhanced Mobs: Defense per Ante - Reduced to 1, from 5.

  • Ante - Enhanced Mobs: Maximum Hyper Armor - Reduced to 50, from 75 (This one isn't, though. It's a flat number.)

  • Ante - Enhanced Mobs: Hyper Armor per Ante - Reduced to 3, from 10

  • Ante - Enhanced Mobs: Bane per Ante - Reduced to 3, from 10. (Another reminder, Enhanced Mobs effectively have random crits. This one is flat as well)

  • Ante - Enhanced Mobs: Maximum Bane - Reduced to 50, from 75

  • Ante - Enhanced Mobs: Speed Amplifier per Ante - Reduced to 0.5, from 1.

  • Ante - Ante to Burn in Sunlight - Changed to 10, from 7.

  • Ante - Burning in Sunlight: Warning Message - Message sent to all parasite players when ante causes sunlight to become dangerous.

  • Ante - Burning in Sunlight: Chance to remove Fire Resistance - Changed to 0.1, from 0.01

  • Enhanced Mobs - Starting values for Hyper Armor, Defense, Bane, Speed Amplifier, and Gravity Amplifier are now provided.

  • Enhanced Mobs - Mob Enhancement Enabled - Changed to true, from false

  • Enhanced Mobs - Enhancement Chance - changed to 0.1, from 0

  • Enhanced Mobs - Hyper Armor Max Healing - Increased to 1, from 0.5

  • Enhanced Mobs - Enhanced Mobs Tattle Players - Whether Enhanced Mobs will tell other Enhanced Mobs if a player is a parasite or not.

  • Enhanced Mobs - Tattling Distance - How close Enhanced Mobs need to be to each other to notify them that a player is a parasite.

  • Enhanced Mobs - Enhanced Mobs Discover Parasites - Whether Enhanced Mobs need evidence to prove an entity is a parasite, and thus use their abilities.

  • Enhanced Mobs - Discovery Player Only - Whether Enhanced Mobs can only discover if players are parasites, not checking other mobs.

  • Enhanced Mobs - Discovery Distance - If an Enhanced Mob is this close to a hiding parasite, in blocks, they will instantly know that they are a parasite.

  • Enhanced Mobs - Bounties Enabled - Determines whether Bounties, an offshoot of the Discovery System, are enabled.

  • Enhanced Mobs - Bounty Place Chance - Chance for an idle Enhanced Mob to place a Bounty, rolled around natural despawning time. Only rolled if the mob knows about a Vagrant to report.

  • Enhanced Mobs - Bounty Player Distance Requirement - Minimum distance, in blocks, from a watching player required to place a Bounty.

  • Enhanced Mobs - Bounty Range - Base range for the effects of a Bounty. This is multiplied by the amount of them in the world.

  • Enhanced Mobs - Bounty Intervention Range - Maximum distance from the player an Enhanced Mob can be to still be called upon by a Bounty during an Intervention.

  • Enhanced Mobs - Intervention Intangibility Ticks - Amount of ticks within which Motes spawned by a Bounty will be invincible and phase through walls.

  • Enhanced Mobs - Parry Enabled - Whether Enhanced Mobs can parry attacks from naturally-spawned parasites.

  • Enhanced Mobs - Parry Player Inclusion - Whether Enhanced Mobs can parry attacks from parasite players or the parasites they create.

  • Enhanced Mobs - Bounty Intervention Time - Time, in ticks, in between each Intervention if in range of a Bounty.

  • Enhanced Mobs - Bounty Enhancement Chance Increase - Amount that each nearby Bounty will increase the Mob Enhancement chance.

  • Enhanced Mobs - Bounty Terminal Count - If the amount of bounties in the world reaches this number, their range will span the entire dimension.

  • Enhanced Mobs - Bounty Dimension Blacklist & Whitelist - Bounties cannot be placed in the dimensions in this list.

  • Enhanced Mobs - Bounty Entity Blacklist & Whitelist - Enhanced Mobs in this list will never place Bounties.

  • Enhanced Mobs - Bounty Enhancement Chance Increase - Amount that each nearby Bounty will increase the Mob Enhancement chance.

  • Enhanced Mobs - Bounty Enhancement Chance Increase - Amount that each nearby Bounty will increase the Mob Enhancement chance.

  • Enhanced Mobs - Critical Hit Chance - The chance that an Enhanced Mob will deal a Critical Hit, with increased damage and other effects.

  • Enhanced Mobs - Critical AOE Range - Range of AOE damage dealt by Enhanced Mobs whenever they crit something.

  • Enhanced Mobs - Critical Damage Multiplier - Damage multiplier for entities hit by an Enhanced Mob's crit.

  • Enhanced Mobs - Critical AOE Damage Multiplier - Damage multiplier for entities caught in Enhanced Mobs' critical AOE effect. By default, it reduces the damage by 30%.

  • Enhanced Mobs - Effect Amplifier Cap - Maximum negative effect amplifier Enhanced Mobs can receive.

  • Enhanced Mobs - Enhancement Dimension Blacklist & Whitelist - Dimensions where mobs cannot be enhanced.

  • Enhanced Mobs - Remnant Blacklist & Whitelist - Mobs which will not drop Remnants when enhanced.

  • Enhanced Mobs - Passives drop Remnants - Whether passive Enhanced Mobs can still drop Remnants.

  • Enhanced Mobs - Motes Enabled - Whether Enhanced Mobs can produce Motes.

  • Enhanced Mobs - Mote LOS Check - Whether an Enhanced Mob needs to be able to see their target in order to spawn a Mote to chase after them.

  • Enhanced Mobs - Stray Mote LOS Check - Whether any entity that is not a Mote's target must be visible to the Mote's owner in order to be struck.

  • Enhanced Mobs - Ticks Between Motes - Amount of ticks in between each Mote deployment.

  • Enhanced Mobs - Mote Intangibility Ticks - Amount of ticks within which Motes will be invincible and phase through walls.

  • Enhanced Mobs - Mote Count - Number of Motes deployed by regular Enhanced Mobs.

  • Enhanced Mobs - Boss Mote Count - Number of Motes deployed by boss Enhanced Mobs.

  • Enhanced Mobs - Mote Blacklist & Whitelist - Mobs which will not produce Motes in combat.

  • Enhanced Mobs - Passives create Motes - Whether passive Enhanced Mobs can still create Motes in combat.

  • Enhanced Mobs - Mote Teleportation Blacklist & Whitelist - Mobs which will not teleport with their Motes in combat.

  • Armageddon Timer - Days Until Armageddon - changed to 75 days, from 50 days.

  • Armageddon Timer - Clotting Presence Required - Presence value, out of 1.0, required to apply Clotting to all parasites.

mod compat


  • Fixed minimum damage dealt by Factory-Spawned parasites causing mobs to not drop XP if the minimum damage instantly kills them.

    • This was only ever really an issue for the Acid Bath Nade.
  • Fixed rendering issue with Electrobob's Wizardry, as of recent updates. Citzern will be blamed

  • Fixed Champions not dropping champion loot if a Factory-Spawned parasite killed the champion.

  • Fixed Infernal Mobs not dropping Infernal Mob loot whenever a Factory-Spawned parasite kills them.

What's a hotfix?


  • Moved the Colony distance requirement to Factory Behavior, from the Factory's entry in mobs.

    • The requirement can also be turned off now.
  • The "Missing Colony" text should no longer overlap with the Retrieve biomass text in the UI.

  • The Fall Resistance config option now affects any damage that uses the same source as fall. It also reduces Elytra Collision Damage.

    • This differs from standard parasite fall resistance a little bit.
    • This is done via an inverse fall distance calculation based on the damage taken. So
  • Renamed the Targetting Expansion category in the config to Mod Compatiblity.

    • I'd advise checking that category if you made any changes to Targetting Expansion, such as disabling the Lycanites Mobs compatibility (for some reason)
  • Fixed Realistic Torches incorrect item ids in the Item Trades.

  • Fixed spontaneous targetting issues. It now requires both the player and target to be visible to the parasite.

  • Alerting other parasites now works a bit differently.

    • Attacking a mob that has Embolism will not cause parasites to attack it, provided it isn't fighting back.
    • Parasites will retain their current attack target provided you are not actively harming or being harmed by the enemy.
      • If you are, they will switch attack targets.
  • A new entry has been added to the guidebook to explain targeting behavior more thoroughly.

  • Embolism now halves movement speed for its duration. This slowdown is stronger the higher the amplifier.

  • Fixed Epic Siege Mod causing parasite player following AI to break.

    • I have also included a fix for general parasite following AI, since that broke too.
  • Fixed Epic Siege Mod griefing and digging AI causing parasites to break blocks regardless of Phasing.

    • Griefing AI will not target parasitic light sources. This can be reenabled in the config if that's what you want, for some reason.
  • Also added a check to Epic Siege's targeting AI if it ever somehow gets applied to a parasite. This can be restricted to Parasite Players if one so desires, but I doubt it will have much impact regardless.

  • Fire no longer allows block breaking in range of a Dendritus.

  • The UI can now be shifted up or to the right (in units of pixels) via the config.

Config Changes

  • Renamed Targetting Expansion to Mod Compatiblity, some descriptions have changed.

  • Mod Compatibility - Epic Siege Targeting Module - Enables the Epic Siege Targeting AI modification, preventing parasites from being targeted by parasites using Epic Siege AI.

  • Mod Compatibility - Epic Siege Targeting Fix Players Only - Restricts the Epic Siege Targeting AI modification to only exempt parasite players, not other parasites. Disabled by default.

  • Mod Compatibility - Epic Siege Griefing Module - Enables Epic Siege Griefing AI modification.

  • Mod Compatibility - Epic Siege Griefing Cotesia Blocks - Allows parasites to passively grief parasitic blocks from this mod, such as Gloom Torches. Disabled by default since that goes against the point of those blocks.

  • Mod Compatibility - Epic Siege Digging Module - Enables Epic Siege Digging AI modification.

  • Factory Behavior - Item Trades - realistictorches:lit_torch to realistictorches:torch_lit realistictorches:unlit_torch to realistictorches:torch_unlit

  • Client - Overlay Rightward Shift & Overlay Upward Shift - Shifts the Parasite Player overlay UI up and to the right. Units are pixels, so it may look different at different UI scales. Negative values are possible, but not recommended.

  • Factory Behavior - Colony Requirement - Whether Pre-eminent or higher-tier Factories need an active Colony to produce parasites.

== Mobs

  • Moved Minimum Colony Distance from Factory to Factory Behavior.

== 1.1.3 Changelog == Procrastination


  • The mod will no longer launch on SRP v1.9.20 or below. It will mention the requisite version needed on launch, but it won't go any farther.

  • Added Ink Sacs to the Assimilated Squid extra drops.

  • Parasite Players can use Glass Bottles obtain Dragon's Breath from Toxic Clouds generated by the Assimilated Ender Dragon and its severed head.

    • This works just like getting Dragon's Breath from a normal Ender Dragon cloud.
  • Parasite Players can no longer attack parasite weak points. No clue how I missed this.

  • Dirty Needles no longer work on Enhanced Mobs, or mobs that are permanently COTH immune, such as Skeletons.

  • SRP's COTH resistance is now synced from server to client, in most cases.

    • This means the COTH particles will no longer render for COTH immune mobs, such as Skeletons or Creepers.
  • Fixed biomass being wasted if an invalid extra drop config was used. This should also remove the log spam.

  • Making parasite drops with a Factory no longer requires doMobLoot to be true.

    • This can be reenabled, if you desire.
  • Fixed the Maul and Scythe harming parasites if you are a parasite.

  • Fixed Beckons spawned by Stage IV Beckons not inheriting the Factory-Spawned tag.

  • Fixed Phase Boosters not working if they were set to apply globally in the configs.

  • The Assimilated Squid and Assimilated Ender Dragon Factories can no longer receive the Breaching enchantment. No clue how those got in there.

  • Wells will no longer spawn in The End

  • The damage calculation for Parasite Players has been tweaked to better match other parasites.

    • If a Parasite Player somehow becomes immune to fire (This is the immunity that entities like Blazes have, NOT the Fire Resistance effect or related phenomena), onFire and inFire will be cancelled.
      • This is likely to never actually happen. If it somehow does, though, there you go.
    • Attacks will only be counted as fire damage if the source was onFire or inFire, like with other parasites.
    • Damage should now be tripled if it severs a parasite player's secondary head. This does not affect absorption hearts.
    • The general ordering of calculating inhibitors such as Adaptations and the Damage cap now match other parasites much more closely.
  • From here, I'm going to be Pivoting the conversation from bugfixes.

  • Raised the Factory's enchantability to 12.

  • The Living and Sentient Pick-axe now harvest cobwebs, bushes, crops, and vines at 20x the tool's efficiency.

    • The Sentient Pick-axe now harvests parasitic blocks at 8x the speed, as opposed to the Living Pick-axe's mere 2x speed.
    • They also no longer consume durability when mining such blocks, as well as any parasitic block in general.
    • The Chitin mining speed bonus is now 16x/8x for the Sentient and Living Pick-axe, respectively.
  • Parasites will now automatically attack any mob that is targetting a Parasite Player and gets any closer than 30 blocks.

    • This will only work if you are above or at their Tier (or you made them), you are visible to the parasite, and if you are not hiding.
    • It may take them a second to catch on, though.
  • Throwing has been renamed to Augment: Throwing. This doesn't affect its id, though.

  • New Enchantment: Dense Tissue

    • Raises maximum HP for spawned parasites by 20% per level. Maxes out at level V (5), the resulting parasite will have double max hp.
    • Also affects the Factory itself, raising its HP. Only really impactful for high tier Factories, though.
    • This enchantment has a rarity of Uncommon.
  • New Enchantment: Rarefaction

    • Causes The Masticator to occasionally not consume a Fetid Canister.
    • The chance increases by 10% per level, up to 50%
    • This enchantment has a rarity of Very Rare
  • New Treasure Enchantment: Augment: Acid Bath

    • Massively increases the size and damage of the Wraith Nade.
    • 15x the radius/fuse time, and 6x the damage. Also multiplies the Minimum Damage.
    • Larger nades generally take much longer to deploy
    • The Nade model is scaled by 1.5x for these nades, to accurately convey their size to the player.
    • The Nade will also not collide with blocks. It will instead only fall for a full second, then it will float.
    • This enchantment has a rarity of Very Rare, not that it matters.
  • Factories of the same bound parasite (or both unbound) can now be combined in an anvil. Doing so will combine their enchantments like any other tool.

    • Factories will also now retain their anvil repair cost when placed and picked back up.
    • Note that I didn't mention Tier at all. Factories of different tiers can be merged, the one in the left slot determines the tier of the resulting factory.
      • Don't forget: you can change a factory's tier by binding it to a parasite of the desired tier.
  • Enchanted Factories now have the enchantment glint render for their bound parasite's spawn item.

    • Additionally, the custom glint now renders on the itemized Factory itself, as if it were placed.
  • The custom Enchantment Glint for Factories can now be disabled, if desired. The option is client sided.

    • This also includes the glint on the spawn item.
  • Parasite Players can now see invisible parasites. They will be partially transparent.

  • Following AI for Flying Parasites has been improved.

    • Flying parasites will attempt to maintain their elevation unless they cannot see the player.
      • This DOES NOT apply to the Macabre Pearl's teleportation. While the logic is affected, the parasite will always be teleported to the player's position.
    • Their teleport distance, and maximum following distance, is much higher than that of grounded parasites.
      • They usually won't teleport to you unless you are in a more closed environment.
  • The other Preeminents now have increased fuse times, they are all increased by 4000 ticks now

  • The Masticator now deals 8 bouts of Minimum Damage each time it attacks an entity, in a single tick, every four ticks.

    • In other words, I have octupled its damage, and that damage is True Damage.


  • The Vagrant Divining Rod is repaired with Altered Tendons.

  • The Living Pickaxe requires Toxic Lungs to repair, not Altered Tendons.

Config Changes

  • Well Settings - Dimension Blacklist - Added "1", or The End.

  • Client - Render Factory Entity Glint - Whether a Factory will render the custom Enchantment Glint when placed.

  • Client - Render Factory Item Glint - Whether a Factory will render the custom Enchantment Glint if it is an item.

  • Client - Render Factory Spawn Item Glint - Whether a Factory will render the vanilla Enchantment Glint on its bound parasite's spawn item.

  • Biomass - Parasite Cost Settings - "srparasites:wraith|5|640|4000", "srparasites:bomber_heavy|5|640|4000", "srparasites:carrier_colony|5|640|4000",

  • Enchantment - New Categories: Dense Tissue, Rarefaction, and Acid Bath.

  • Factory Behavior - Extra Parasite Drops - added "srparasites:sim_squid+minecraft:dye;50;2;false"

  • Factory Behavior - doMobLoot For Drops - Whether making parasite drops using a Factory requires the doMobLoot gamerule to be true.



  • The mod will no longer launch on SRP v1.9.20 or below. It will mention the requisite version needed on launch, but it won't go any farther.

  • Added Ink Sacs to the Assimilated Squid extra drops.

  • Parasite Players can use Glass Bottles obtain Dragon's Breath from Toxic Clouds generated by the Assimilated Ender Dragon and its severed head.

    • This works just like getting Dragon's Breath from a normal Ender Dragon cloud.
  • Parasite Players can no longer attack parasite weak points. No clue how I missed this.

  • Dirty Needles no longer work on Enhanced Mobs, or mobs that are permanently COTH immune, such as Skeletons.

  • SRP's COTH resistance is now synced from server to client, in most cases.

    • This means the COTH particles will no longer render for COTH immune mobs, such as Skeletons or Creepers.
  • Fixed biomass being wasted if an invalid extra drop config was used. This should also remove the log spam.

  • Making parasite drops with a Factory no longer requires doMobLoot to be true.

    • This can be reenabled, if you desire.
  • Fixed the Maul and Scythe harming parasites if you are a parasite.

  • Fixed Beckons spawned by Stage IV Beckons not inheriting the Factory-Spawned tag.

  • Fixed Phase Boosters not working if they were set to apply globally in the configs.

  • The Assimilated Squid and Assimilated Ender Dragon Factories can no longer receive the Breaching enchantment. No clue how those got in there.

  • Wells will no longer spawn in The End

  • The damage calculation for Parasite Players has been tweaked to better match other parasites.

    • If a Parasite Player somehow becomes immune to fire (This is the immunity that entities like Blazes have, NOT the Fire Resistance effect or related phenomena), onFire and inFire will be cancelled.
      • This is likely to never actually happen. If it somehow does, though, there you go.
    • Attacks will only be counted as fire damage if the source was onFire or inFire, like with other parasites.
    • Damage should now be tripled if it severs a parasite player's secondary head. This does not affect absorption hearts.
    • The general ordering of calculating inhibitors such as Adaptations and the Damage cap now match other parasites much more closely.
  • From here, I'm going to be Pivoting the conversation from bugfixes.

  • Raised the Factory's enchantability to 12.

  • The Living and Sentient Pick-axe now harvest cobwebs, bushes, crops, and vines at 20x the tool's efficiency.

    • The Sentient Pick-axe now harvests parasitic blocks at 8x the speed, as opposed to the Living Pick-axe's mere 2x speed.
    • They also no longer consume durability when mining such blocks, as well as any parasitic block in general.
    • The Chitin mining speed bonus is now 16x/8x for the Sentient and Living Pick-axe, respectively.
  • Parasites will now automatically attack any mob that is targetting a Parasite Player and gets any closer than 30 blocks.

    • This will only work if you are above or at their Tier (or you made them), you are visible to the parasite, and if you are not hiding.
    • It may take them a second to catch on, though.
  • Throwing has been renamed to Augment: Throwing. This doesn't affect its id, though.

  • New Enchantment: Dense Tissue

    • Raises maximum HP for spawned parasites by 20% per level. Maxes out at level V (5), the resulting parasite will have double max hp.
    • Also affects the Factory itself, raising its HP. Only really impactful for high tier Factories, though.
    • This enchantment has a rarity of Uncommon.
  • New Enchantment: Rarefaction

    • Causes The Masticator to occasionally not consume a Fetid Canister.
    • The chance increases by 10% per level, up to 50%
    • This enchantment has a rarity of Very Rare
  • New Treasure Enchantment: Augment: Acid Bath

    • Massively increases the size and damage of the Wraith Nade.
    • 15x the radius/fuse time, and 6x the damage. Also multiplies the Minimum Damage.
    • Larger nades generally take much longer to deploy
    • The Nade model is scaled by 1.5x for these nades, to accurately convey their size to the player.
    • The Nade will also not collide with blocks. It will instead only fall for a full second, then it will float.
    • This enchantment has a rarity of Very Rare, not that it matters.
  • Factories of the same bound parasite (or both unbound) can now be combined in an anvil. Doing so will combine their enchantments like any other tool.

    • Factories will also now retain their anvil repair cost when placed and picked back up.
    • Note that I didn't mention Tier at all. Factories of different tiers can be merged, the one in the left slot determines the tier of the resulting factory.
      • Don't forget: you can change a factory's tier by binding it to a parasite of the desired tier.
  • Enchanted Factories now have the enchantment glint render for their bound parasite's spawn item.

    • Additionally, the custom glint now renders on the itemized Factory itself, as if it were placed.
  • The custom Enchantment Glint for Factories can now be disabled, if desired. The option is client sided.

    • This also includes the glint on the spawn item.
  • Parasite Players can now see invisible parasites. They will be partially transparent.

  • Following AI for Flying Parasites has been improved.

    • Flying parasites will attempt to maintain their elevation unless they cannot see the player.
      • This DOES NOT apply to the Macabre Pearl's teleportation. While the logic is affected, the parasite will always be teleported to the player's position.
    • Their teleport distance, and maximum following distance, is much higher than that of grounded parasites.
      • They usually won't teleport to you unless you are in a more closed environment.
  • The other Preeminents now have increased fuse times, they are all increased by 4000 ticks now

  • The Masticator now deals 8 bouts of Minimum Damage each time it attacks an entity, in a single tick, every four ticks.

    • In other words, I have octupled its damage, and that damage is True Damage.


  • The Vagrant Divining Rod is repaired with Altered Tendons.

  • The Living Pickaxe requires Toxic Lungs to repair, not Altered Tendons.

Config Changes

  • Well Settings - Dimension Blacklist - Added "1", or The End.

  • Client - Render Factory Entity Glint - Whether a Factory will render the custom Enchantment Glint when placed.

  • Client - Render Factory Item Glint - Whether a Factory will render the custom Enchantment Glint if it is an item.

  • Client - Render Factory Spawn Item Glint - Whether a Factory will render the vanilla Enchantment Glint on its bound parasite's spawn item.

  • Biomass - Parasite Cost Settings - "srparasites:wraith|5|640|4000", "srparasites:bomber_heavy|5|640|4000", "srparasites:carrier_colony|5|640|4000",

  • Enchantment - New Categories: Dense Tissue, Rarefaction, and Acid Bath.

  • Factory Behavior - Extra Parasite Drops - added "srparasites:sim_squid+minecraft:dye;50;2;false"

  • Factory Behavior - doMobLoot For Drops - Whether making parasite drops using a Factory requires the doMobLoot gamerule to be true.

I have decided to push off the Well rework for a bit while I do some housekeeping on mechanics that I have neglected. A major one being the Patchouli book. Most of this update was dedicated to that specifically.


  • Retextured the Tier 0 Factory to match the new Rupter and Mangler textures.

  • Fixed an issue where parasites killing mobs would add Points Contributed during a phase cooldown

  • Fixed Factories being unable to upgrade Bolsters, as well as an accidental duplicate path for the Longarms.

  • Fixed the Dismissal System failing to detect Beckons in some cases. Also fixed a couple of other minor bounding box related issues.

  • Fixed Parasite Players not getting loot whenever one of their parasites, or their deployed Latch, kills an entity.

    • Extra care has been put in to make sure Parasite Players receive player-only drops as well.
  • Catch-Up Mechanic: Parasite Players can now gain points contributed during the phase cooldown up to the points needed for the current evolution phase's bloom tier.

    • This does not actually add Evolution Points. This is more of a multiplayer/quality of life feature.
    • This may not work with all methods of adding points.
    • This can also be disabled.
  • Adaptations for the Living and Sentient armor sets can now be viewed and modified in the Malleability Menu.

  • Factories can no longer be created with health. It can be reenabled, of course, but I'd recommend you leave it off due to its exploitability

  • Increased the amount that Summoner Repair can repair.

  • The Latch can no longer attach to Factories.

  • Increased the throw power of the Latch when sneaking to 3, from 2.5.

  • The Latch will now prioritize whatever entity you are pointing at.

    • Think about it this way: If you were to Left Click, which entity would you hit? That's the one.
  • The guidebook, "Hyperbiology and You", is now available if you have Patchouli installed.

    • The Book will be given whenever you receive the Trustworthy Note via natural means. It can also just be crafted with a Book and Rupter Viscera.
    • This new release may not be 100% accurate, but it should contain information on most, if not all of the major mechanics of this mod.
  • New Item: Vagrant Divining Rod

    • Crafted from Altered Tendons, two Redstone Dust, Nether Quartz, and two Diamonds.
    • Emits mist in the direction of the nearest Parasite Player, as long as you are in the same dimension.
    • Does nothing if they are in a different dimension, or there are no Parasite Players present.
    • Parasite Players will receive an ominous message when they are tracked.
  • New Item: Scorned Pearl

    • Crafted from Factory Innards, Ender Pearls, and a Nether Star.
    • Reality doesn't seem to like it very much.
    • When used on a Carcass in complete darkness, it lowers the Evolution Phase by the Lure's stage.
    • So a Lure made from Rupter Viscera will reduce the phase by 1.
    • Deals True Damage to any parasites in a 10 chunk radius when used, as a percentage of their maximum HP, and scaling up to 100% at the epicenter.
      • It also sets them on fire.
      • Within 5 chunks, it applies Immalleable.
      • Within 2.5 chunks, it applies Dazed.
  • Factories and Parasite Players will not drop any loot if they are Tier 0.

  • Parasite Players now have drops, only rolled whenever they die to a living entity. They drop Factory Innards now, but it can be configured just like any other parasite.

  • The minimum damage attributes have been separated into Melee and Projectile variants.

    • meleeMinimumDamage and projectileMinimumDamage
    • meleePercentDamage and projectilePercentDamage
  • New Block: Beckon Harbringer

    • When given enough biomass, it will create a Factory-Spawned Stage I Beckon. It is essentially the Beckon equivalent of a Dispatcher Nidus.
    • Unlike the Nidus, however, it will not collect killcount on its own. You will have to supply the biomass yourself.
    • The texture is literally just a recolored Nidus don't get your hopes up here
    • This block won't work if there is an existing Beckon within a 100 block radius. Any Beckons which interfered will receive Glowing for 5 seconds.
  • Throwing-augmented Kyphosi will now apply Rage II to any parasite they throw.

  • Most of the commands in the mod now support receiving player arguments, or multiple players using a target selector, like @p

    • /togglespam has been renamed to /togglenote. It also supports player arguments.
    • The /adapt command now supports multiple entities too, notifying the sender if non-adaptible parasites were selected.
      • It also mentions how many parasites tried to adapt to the damage source.
    • The syntax of the commands have had a new argument added, where the player's name or a target selector can be used.

Config Changes

  • Block Settings - Beckon Harbringer Enabled - Whether the Beckon Harbringer can be used.

  • Block Settings - Beckon Harbringer Biomass Requirement - Amount of biomass needed to use the Beckon Harbringer.

  • Parasite Player Drops - Items that a Parasite Player will drop. Mimics standard SRP drop strings.

  • Item Settings - Vagrant Divining Rod Durability

  • Item Settings - Vagrant Divining Rod Enabled

  • Item Settings - Scorned Pearl Enabled

  • Biomass - Repair Amount - Increased to 100, from 10.

  • Bloom - Catch-Up Mechanic - Whether Parasite Players can gain points contributed, but not Evolution Points, during a Phase Cooldown.

  • Factory Behavior - Health to Factory - Whether a player's health can be used as a substitute for biomass when creating a Factory.

  • Factory Behavior - Parasite Upgrade Paths - replaced duplicate Longarms path with Bolster branch.

== Mobs

  • Latch - Latch Cannot Attach List - added "srpcotesia:factory"

  • Latch - Sneaking Throw Power - Increased to 3, from 2.5.

  • Factory - Drops - Increased chance to drop Factory Innards to 30%, from 10%, and reduced maximum amount to 2, from 3.

I hate it here


  • Fixed mixin apply error

== 1.1.1 Changes

Just bugfixes


  • The Living and Sentient weapons now properly bypass Parasite Player damage caps and weaknesses, if applicable.

  • The Living and Sentient Pick-axe now properly bypass parasite damage caps and weaknesses.

  • Fixed a bug where upgrading parasites could create parasites past the player's current bloom tier.

  • The Dendritus should now be much more strict in its breaking prevention. A.k.a the Monarch shouldn't break blocks anymore.

  • The Dendritus now has 500 blocks of range per stage. This means a stage IV will have around a 2000 block range.

  • Fixed Phase Cooldown message playing erroneously.

  • Keep Inventory should now properly preserve the player's equipped phase booster.

Config Changes

  • Dendritus Range - changed to 500, from 50.

Just bugfixes


  • The Living and Sentient weapons now properly bypass Parasite Player damage caps and weaknesses, if applicable.

  • The Living and Sentient Pick-axe now properly bypass parasite damage caps and weaknesses.

  • Fixed a bug where upgrading parasites could create parasites past the player's current bloom tier.

  • The Dendritus should now be much more strict in its breaking prevention. A.k.a the Monarch shouldn't break blocks anymore.

  • The Dendritus now has 500 blocks of range per stage. This means a stage IV will have around a 2000 block range.

  • Fixed Phase Cooldown message playing erroneously.

  • Keep Inventory should now properly preserve the player's equipped phase booster.

Config Changes

  • Dendritus Range - changed to 500, from 50.


  • Fixed Item Trades not working for sword items.

  • Minor texture changes for the Alt Sentient Pick-axe.

Definitely not an excuse to jump version numbers.

The majority of this update was acclimation to the new SRP update. As such, there are very few changed barring parity.

You will HAVE to regenerate your configs if you don't want issues later. Changes

  • Updated to SRP 1.9.20

  • Parasite Players are now affected by the Evolution Phase stat buff.

  • Modified several config variables to support the two new bloom tiers. The original values have not changed

  • Prey is now hotswapped to Rage, instead of Strength.

  • The texture for the Living/Sentient Pick-Axe has been overhauled to match the new weapon textures.

    • It, along with the Living Scalpel, also has an alt texture like the other weapons.
  • The Living Pick-axe is now created via trading a Living Greataxe instead of a Hardened Bone Handle.

    • It now functions more like a weapon now, dealing 5% armor durability damage each hit at a 75% chance. It also deals much more damage now, a bit less than the Greataxe.
    • It even has a Sentient variant! This one has a 100% chance to degrade armor each hit.
    • Of course, this doesn't mean it doesn't work as a tool anymore, in fact, it's effectiveness has been buffed and it should work on the majority of blocks now.
  • The Reclamation Table now has mappings for the Sentient weaponry/tools, and the Living Pickaxe has had its XP yield increased to compensate for its new cost.

  • The Fear effect now works a bit differently for parasite players.

    • The chance to fail both placing blocks and using items is now 10% at base, and increases by 10% per amplifier.
    • This is independent (and can stack with, if that is enabled) SRP's base Fear functionality. Usually that is disabled though.
  • Mobs will spawn past the Spawning Denied phase milestone if there is a non-hiding Parasite Player within 10 chunks.

    • The mobs will be afflicted with Weakness IV and Slowness IV.
    • This is indicated ingame with a special status message, one for both hiding and unhiding.
  • Fire Resistance prevents biomass from being drained via fire.

  • Fire Resistance can be used to preserve the Beheading Threshold, even against fire damage!

  • Parasite Player beheading chance increased to 60%, from 40%.

Config Changes

  • Parasite Player Spawn Loophole - Whether non-parasites can still spawn near non-hiding parasite players past the phase that bars them.

  • Bloom - Beheading Chance - Increased to 0.6, from 0.4

  • Bloom - Literally any list-based config entry has gotten 2 new entries.

  • Item Settings - Living Pick-Axe Attack Damage

  • Item Settings - Living Pick-Axe Attack Range

  • Item Settings - Sentient Pick-Axe Durability

  • Item Settings - Sentient Pick-Axe Attack Damage

  • Item Settings - Sentient Pick-Axe Attack Range

  • Item Settings - Pick-axe Armor Damage

  • Block Settings - Reclamation Settings - Modified Living Pick-axe, added Sentient weapons/tools "srpcotesia:tool_pickaxe;425", "srparasites:weapon_scythe_sentient;1400", "srparasites:weapon_axe_sentient;1375", "srparasites:weapon_sword_sentient;1425", "srparasites:weapon_cleaver_sentient;1450", "srparasites:weapon_bow_sentient;1475", "srpcotesia:tool_pickaxe_sentient;1425",

  • Random Point Loss - Phase 9 Point Loss & Phase 10 Point Loss

  • Well Settings - Phase 9 Point Loss & Phase 10 Point Loss

  • Effect Swaps - "srparasites:prey;srparasites:rage", from "srparasites:prey;minecraft:strength"



  • More work has been done to keep Factories from moving around. They also don't rotate anymore.

    • Don't you hate it when your hitbox keeps dragging you around? No? Just me?
  • Factory-Spawned Nexus versions will no longer be forced to despawn when in the Parasite Biome.

  • Possibly fixed issue where Parasite Players switching dimensions caused packet mismatch.

== 1.0.17 Changelog


this is not the well rework, I just saw some defaults I didn't like.

This update included a minor internal change for the Dendritus. It is highly advised to pick up and place down your Dendritus once you update. They will be reset to Stage 0, voiding their effects until they random tick or you right click/replace them.


  • Fixed Obfuscate-related head rendering issue.

    • Note that Obfuscate is not compatible with Real First Person 2, so combining the two mods may cause issues.
  • Hermit's Arsenal: Killing a Parasite Player with a Living Core in the offhand will do the following:

    • If the Parasite Player is Tier 3 (Adapted), then the core will become a Vengeful Core.
    • If the Parasite Player is Tier 4 (Pure), then the core will become a Wrathful Core.
  • Fixed an issue where a residual hit color indicator was showing even if the player in question was hidden.

    • In other words, Adaptation hit colors are now properly hidden if you are hiding.
  • Creative Mode should make spending biomass free.

  • The tools from this mod have received repair items:

    • Living Scalpel and Pick-axe are repaired with Altered Tendons, unlike other Living Tools, due to their contentedness
    • Well Divining Rod is repaired with Blaze Powder.
    • The Masticator is repaired with Beckon Membranes.
  • The Living Scalpel will refuse to salvage any drops if its durability is 1 or below (provided its max durability is higher than that. If not, it'll break as normal).

    • Since enchanting the scalpel is incentivized now, I didn't want anyone accidentally breaking theirs.
  • When getting drops from a Factory, Looting levels now increase the yield.

    • This is governed by a new config option which increases the amount of items per looting level.
    • This works similarly to the unique neighbor bonus Factories already had.
  • The Minimum Damage and Percentage Minimum Damage attributes should now work properly on adaptible parasites, and have proper display names.

    • The internal functionality has been altered to emulate SRP's minimum damage more closely. It also shouldn't pierce totems anymore.
    • Percentage Minimum Damage is referred to as "Minimum Damage Conversion Rate" to better indicate what it does.
  • Using a Factory on a placed bound Factory should now copy its bound parasite.

  • The overlay for trading should now mention the proper key.

  • Most tooltips will now be properly hidden if the reader isn't a parasite.

  • The Trustworthy Note's message for the Evolution Phase being too high has been changed.

  • The COTH indicator should work properly on servers now.

  • The Explosion brew effect should no longer crash servers.

  • Factories should now move substantially less.

  • Dendriti now store their corresponding Dispatcher's Stage instead of just the range.

    • This means that existing Dendriti should be interacted with or replaced to update their data.
    • This is also an excuse to refer to their Stage as if they are a Nexus version.
  • Wells that are somehow inaccessible (dimension removed, or outside of the configured well spawning range) will be moved to the Overworld, or 0, 0, or both.

    • Each time the server prepares to drain points via wells or spawn a new well, it will check each existing well to see if they are in a valid location.
    • If there are no spawnable dimensions, all wells in the world will be cleared and no more will spawn.
  • The maximum Well distance has been reduced from 100k to a more sensible value, 20k.

    • I thought it was 10k too tbh
  • the /srpcwell command now has a new argument: "fix", which forces the retroactive relocation/removal behavior. It has an optional dimension argument.

  • Fixed a minor internal issue with the /srpcwell command and dimensions.

  • Parasites created by a Factory cannot despawn.

    • This only applies to them, not just parasites with the tag. So if an Adapted Summoner makes a few Assimilateds, those refer to normal despawning logic, but will also be Factory-Spawned.
  • Added Dismissal System

    • Stage IV Beckons will dismiss unoccupied Stage IV and III Beckons close by, and gain 1 Damage Cap (configurable) each time.
      • The check is done every minute, in around a 14 block radius.
      • The game will only start keeping track of parasite creation time once this update comes out, since it added the functionality.
        • In order to still allow for dismissal, for beckons with equal ages, the one that ticks first will dismiss the others, if in range.
        • A few other minor features have also switched to this variable.
      • If successful, this will generate 10000 (configurable) Evolution Points per Beckon dismissed.
        • If the Beckon is Factory-Spawned (see below) parasite players can receive credit for this as well.
      • This is meant to remove excess beckons spawned by Stage IV Beckons, which when unhindered (a.k.a when a parasite player protects them) can lag servers.
        • This can also happen if nobody handles the beckon problem.
        • This only ever really happens outside the Parasite Biome.
        • This feature might be removed at some point, at least for dismissing Stage IV beckons, since this is probably a bug
  • More torches should now be convertible:

    • Aether & Aether II Ambrosium Torches
    • Bone Torch's Bone Torch
    • Realistic/Survivalist Lit and Unlit Torches
    • The Betweenlands' Sulfur Torch, and its Extinguished variant.
  • More precautions have been taken to make sure the Assimilated Adventurer does not despawn during the Trustworthy Note cutscene.

    • If the position you are in is unloaded and the Adventurer cannot be found, the process will complete early.
    • If you leave the game mid transition, you should retain your progress. Good for if the server dies or something.
    • The Adventurer now receives the Dazed effect during the process, preventing it from wandering or attacking enemies.
  • Beckons infecting blocks (Not the biome infecting blocks) will now award point credit to the player that spawned them, if applicable.

  • More has been done behind-the-scenes to make sure the Factory-Spawned marker carries over. It should carry over now for the following:

    • Right clicking on a Dispatcher Nidus with an empty hand (can be disabled)
    • Reinforcement System, wherein the Beckon spawned will be Factory-Spawned (can be disabled)
    • Beckons spawning more Beckons (see above)
    • Parasites spawning more parasites, generally
    • Bombs spawning parasites (such as that from the Heavy Bomber)
  • The Factory-Spawned marker no longer makes a parasite salvageable by default.

    • This means you can own a parasite but still be unable to dissolve it.
  • Fixed a bug where dying to a living entity would crash the game.

  • Rudimentary Crafttweaker support!

    • New fields for IPlayer: isParasite, corpseBloom, parasiteBiomass, and parasiteMaxBiomass.
    • These correspond to whether a player is a parasite, their current bloom tier, the amount of biomass they have, and the maximum they can attain.
    • Maximum Biomass will be altered whenever a player's bloom tier changes, regardless of what is done in scripts.
      • It's really only here for the getter.
  • Fixed Desaturation Shader still rendering if its intensity was zero.

  • Fixed the repairing mechanic causing sounds to play when no repair occurred.

  • Nocube's SRP Addon items have been added to the repairing whitelist.

  • The beheading check is now done after armor calculations, and presumeably as a result other cancellations of attacks, where it will fail.

    • It also has a health threshold, if the post-calc damage is less than 7 health (3.5 hearts), beheading cannot occur.
  • The Trustworthy Note (and the Faustian Note) have been retextured. Should look a lot nicer now.

    • The Trustworthy Note also no longer has the enchantment glint. The Faustian Note still has it, though.
  • New Item: Faustian Note

    • Looks like and functions identically to the Trustworthy Note, except without the Evolution Phase requirement.
    • Can be obtained by trading a Book or Trustworthy Note with a Factory.
  • New Item: Macabre Pearl

    • When used on a parasite, that parasite will follow its creator much more readily than usual.
    • They will teleport if out of range.
    • Use the item again on the parasite to toggle this behavior.
  • New Item: Factory Innards

    • Drops from Factories. Does not have a use currently.
    • This item will have no use for Parasite Players, and it is advised that they destroy them.
  • Chitin is now made in batches of 16, not 9.

  • Projectiles from parasite players will no longer impact parasites. This is an expansion of previously Latch-exclusive behavior.

    • This only applies to projectiles that use or extend vanilla classes, such as EntityFireball.
  • Phasing is now applied in increasing amplifier depending on the stage of its corresponding Dispatcher.

    • Phasing now has a chance to prevent projectiles from impacting its bearer, increasing with amplifier.
    • The chance is configurable. It defaults to 20% per level, so for a Stage IV Dendritus, there will be an 80% chance for projectiles to phase through parasites.
    • Parasite Players now recieve Phasing passively when in range of a Dendritus.
  • A Stage II or higher Dendritus will apply Phasing to all parasites that spawn in range, much like a Node.

    • The effect has a 0%/33%/66%/100% chance to be applied, depending on the Stage.
    • The parasites that don't receive it on spawn can still receive the effect via the original method.
    • This means that parasites that normally can't break blocks may receive the effect.
  • The Dendritus' tooltip now mentions that it intentionally prevents parasite block breaking behavior.

    • This was the whole point of the block, but it was never mentioned for some reason.
  • Giving a Dendritus to a Dispatcher should be less finicky now, and shouldn't give the Dendritus temporary extra range.

    • It also no longer bypasses the requirement that a Dendritus be outside the range of another Dendritus.
  • New Block: Cartilage

    • A weak, foamy block, meant to be a simple building block in the Parasite Biome.
    • Mined faster with a Shovel, but you don't need one to break it.
    • Can be made in large quantities from Altered Tendons and Hivesoil/Visceral Mud/Hivestone. Hivestone gives a whole stack, as opposed to just 16.
    • The Biome cannot spread to this block. It can be used as a barrier to areas you don't want converted.
    • It is, however, somewhat toxic for non-parasites, rarely giving them Bleeding within a 2 block radius.
  • Presumeably fixed parasitic webs still affecting parasite players.

  • Increased the Latch's Attack Damage and Max Health to 10 (5 hearts), from 2.

    • Additionally, the Latch's Attack Damage and Max Health will now increase by 5 for each bloom tier after the one you unlock it at.
    • So with a default config, at Tier 2 (Primitive), the Latch will deal 20 damage each hit. At Tier 3 (Adapted), it'll deal 30.
    • All of this is affected by SRP's attribute scaling, following it more closely than before.
    • The Latch will still refer to the Player's attack damage if it is greater.
  • Certain Factories have received new salvage drops:

    • Assimilated & Feral Sheep: Wool and String, with String being rarer
    • Assimilated & Feral Cow/Horse: Leather
    • Host & Herd: Bone
  • Added in some new Factory Trades:

    • Visceral Mud <-> Sand
    • Fortified Bone <-> Bone Block
    • Book -> Faustian Note
    • Thin Parasitic Log -> Sugar Canes (Originally Dark Oak Log)

Config Changes

  • Block Settings - Cartilage Bleeding - Whether Cartilage causes nearby mobs to bleed uncontrollably.

  • Well Settings - Well Max Distance - Reduced to 20000, from 100000

  • Well Settings - Retroactive Well Removal - Whether all wells will be removed if there aren't any usable dimensions.

    • A sound will play and draining/spawning won't occur if this is disabled.
  • Well Settings - Retroactive Well Relocation - Whether all wells will be removed if there aren't any usable dimensions.

  • Factory Behavior - Spawn Persistence - Whether created parasites cannot despawn.

  • Dismiss Beckons - Whether Stage IV Beckons will dismiss younger Stage III-IV Beckons.

  • Dismissal Value - Amount of Evolution Points generated when Stage IV Beckons dismiss younger Beckons.

  • Dismissal Damage Cap Increase - Amount that Stage IV Beckons dismissing younger Beckons increases their Damage Cap by.

  • Dismissal Damage Cap Maximum - Maximum amount that Stage IV Beckons dismissing younger Beckons increases their Damage Cap to.

  • Reinforcement Ownership Transfer - Whether spawning Beckons via the Reinforcement System (or similar method internally) will carry over the Factory-Spawned tag.

  • Block Settings - Use Dispatcher Nidus - Whether parasite players can right click on Dispatcher Niduses to spawn in a Factory-Spawned Dispatcher, provided they have enough biomass.

  • Factory Behavior - Item Trades - Duplicated Gloom Torch trade for several modded torch variants, and added a couple of new ones: "minecraft:sand;srparasites:parasitestain#1;5", "srparasites:parasitestain#1;minecraft:sand;0",

  • Factory Behavior - Extra Parasite Drops - Added new drops: "srparasites:host+minecraft:bone;25;15;false", "srparasites:hostii+minecraft:bone;30;20;false",

  • Biomass Settings - Repairable Items - Added nocube's mod ids.

  • Bloom Settings - Beheading Threshold - Amount of post-armor damage needed to be dealt to behead a parasite player.

  • Bloom Settings - Beheading Threshold Fire - Whether fire damage bypasses the threshold.

  • Factory Behavior - Looting Drop Factor - The fraction of the looting level to convert into bonus drops. Only applies to the Living Scalpel.

  • Item Settings - Living Scalpel Anti-Break - Whether the Living Scalpel should try to avoid breaking if possible. Only applies if its max durability is greater than 1.

== Mobs

  • Latch - Attack Strength - Increased to 10, from 2.

  • Latch - Max Health - Increased to 10, from 5.

  • Latch - Attack Strength Per Tier - Amount to increase the Latch's Attack Damage by with Corpse Bloom.

  • Latch - Max Health Per Tier - Amount to increase the Latch's Maximum Health by with Corpse Bloom.

  • Factory - Drops - Items that the Factory will drop.


this is not the well rework, I just saw some defaults I didn't like.

This update included a minor internal change for the Dendritus. It is highly advised to pick up and place down your Dendritus once you update. They will be reset to Stage 0, voiding their effects until they random tick or you right click/replace them.


  • Fixed Obfuscate-related head rendering issue.

    • Note that Obfuscate is not compatible with Real First Person 2, so combining the two mods may cause issues.
  • Hermit's Arsenal: Killing a Parasite Player with a Living Core in the offhand will do the following:

    • If the Parasite Player is Tier 3 (Adapted), then the core will become a Vengeful Core.
    • If the Parasite Player is Tier 4 (Pure), then the core will become a Wrathful Core.
  • Fixed an issue where a residual hit color indicator was showing even if the player in question was hidden.

    • In other words, Adaptation hit colors are now properly hidden if you are hiding.
  • Creative Mode should make spending biomass free.

  • The tools from this mod have received repair items:

    • Living Scalpel and Pick-axe are repaired with Altered Tendons, unlike other Living Tools, due to their contentedness
    • Well Divining Rod is repaired with Blaze Powder.
    • The Masticator is repaired with Beckon Membranes.
  • The Living Scalpel will refuse to salvage any drops if its durability is 1 or below (provided its max durability is higher than that. If not, it'll break as normal).

    • Since enchanting the scalpel is incentivized now, I didn't want anyone accidentally breaking theirs.
  • When getting drops from a Factory, Looting levels now increase the yield.

    • This is governed by a new config option which increases the amount of items per looting level.
    • This works similarly to the unique neighbor bonus Factories already had.
  • The Minimum Damage and Percentage Minimum Damage attributes should now work properly on adaptible parasites, and have proper display names.

    • The internal functionality has been altered to emulate SRP's minimum damage more closely. It also shouldn't pierce totems anymore.
    • Percentage Minimum Damage is referred to as "Minimum Damage Conversion Rate" to better indicate what it does.
  • Using a Factory on a placed bound Factory should now copy its bound parasite.

  • The overlay for trading should now mention the proper key.

  • Most tooltips will now be properly hidden if the reader isn't a parasite.

  • The Trustworthy Note's message for the Evolution Phase being too high has been changed.

  • The COTH indicator should work properly on servers now.

  • The Explosion brew effect should no longer crash servers.

  • Factories should now move substantially less.

  • Dendriti now store their corresponding Dispatcher's Stage instead of just the range.

    • This means that existing Dendriti should be interacted with or replaced to update their data.
    • This is also an excuse to refer to their Stage as if they are a Nexus version.
  • Wells that are somehow inaccessible (dimension removed, or outside of the configured well spawning range) will be moved to the Overworld, or 0, 0, or both.

    • Each time the server prepares to drain points via wells or spawn a new well, it will check each existing well to see if they are in a valid location.
    • If there are no spawnable dimensions, all wells in the world will be cleared and no more will spawn.
  • The maximum Well distance has been reduced from 100k to a more sensible value, 20k.

    • I thought it was 10k too tbh
  • the /srpcwell command now has a new argument: "fix", which forces the retroactive relocation/removal behavior. It has an optional dimension argument.

  • Fixed a minor internal issue with the /srpcwell command and dimensions.

  • Parasites created by a Factory cannot despawn.

    • This only applies to them, not just parasites with the tag. So if an Adapted Summoner makes a few Assimilateds, those refer to normal despawning logic, but will also be Factory-Spawned.
  • Added Dismissal System

    • Stage IV Beckons will dismiss unoccupied Stage IV and III Beckons close by, and gain 1 Damage Cap (configurable) each time.
      • The check is done every minute, in around a 14 block radius.
      • The game will only start keeping track of parasite creation time once this update comes out, since it added the functionality.
        • In order to still allow for dismissal, for beckons with equal ages, the one that ticks first will dismiss the others, if in range.
        • A few other minor features have also switched to this variable.
      • If successful, this will generate 10000 (configurable) Evolution Points per Beckon dismissed.
        • If the Beckon is Factory-Spawned (see below) parasite players can receive credit for this as well.
      • This is meant to remove excess beckons spawned by Stage IV Beckons, which when unhindered (a.k.a when a parasite player protects them) can lag servers.
        • This can also happen if nobody handles the beckon problem.
        • This only ever really happens outside the Parasite Biome.
        • This feature might be removed at some point, at least for dismissing Stage IV beckons, since this is probably a bug
  • More torches should now be convertible:

    • Aether & Aether II Ambrosium Torches
    • Bone Torch's Bone Torch
    • Realistic/Survivalist Lit and Unlit Torches
    • The Betweenlands' Sulfur Torch, and its Extinguished variant.
  • More precautions have been taken to make sure the Assimilated Adventurer does not despawn during the Trustworthy Note cutscene.

    • If the position you are in is unloaded and the Adventurer cannot be found, the process will complete early.
    • If you leave the game mid transition, you should retain your progress. Good for if the server dies or something.
    • The Adventurer now receives the Dazed effect during the process, preventing it from wandering or attacking enemies.
  • Beckons infecting blocks (Not the biome infecting blocks) will now award point credit to the player that spawned them, if applicable.

  • More has been done behind-the-scenes to make sure the Factory-Spawned marker carries over. It should carry over now for the following:

    • Right clicking on a Dispatcher Nidus with an empty hand (can be disabled)
    • Reinforcement System, wherein the Beckon spawned will be Factory-Spawned (can be disabled)
    • Beckons spawning more Beckons (see above)
    • Parasites spawning more parasites, generally
    • Bombs spawning parasites (such as that from the Heavy Bomber)
  • The Factory-Spawned marker no longer makes a parasite salvageable by default.

    • This means you can own a parasite but still be unable to dissolve it.
  • Fixed a bug where dying to a living entity would crash the game.

  • Rudimentary Crafttweaker support!

    • New fields for IPlayer: isParasite, corpseBloom, parasiteBiomass, and parasiteMaxBiomass.
    • These correspond to whether a player is a parasite, their current bloom tier, the amount of biomass they have, and the maximum they can attain.
    • Maximum Biomass will be altered whenever a player's bloom tier changes, regardless of what is done in scripts.
      • It's really only here for the getter.
  • Fixed Desaturation Shader still rendering if its intensity was zero.

  • Fixed the repairing mechanic causing sounds to play when no repair occurred.

  • Nocube's SRP Addon items have been added to the repairing whitelist.

  • The beheading check is now done after armor calculations, and presumeably as a result other cancellations of attacks, where it will fail.

    • It also has a health threshold, if the post-calc damage is less than 7 health (3.5 hearts), beheading cannot occur.
  • The Trustworthy Note (and the Faustian Note) have been retextured. Should look a lot nicer now.

    • The Trustworthy Note also no longer has the enchantment glint. The Faustian Note still has it, though.
  • New Item: Faustian Note

    • Looks like and functions identically to the Trustworthy Note, except without the Evolution Phase requirement.
    • Can be obtained by trading a Book or Trustworthy Note with a Factory.
  • New Item: Macabre Pearl

    • When used on a parasite, that parasite will follow its creator much more readily than usual.
    • They will teleport if out of range.
    • Use the item again on the parasite to toggle this behavior.
  • New Item: Factory Innards

    • Drops from Factories. Does not have a use currently.
    • This item will have no use for Parasite Players, and it is advised that they destroy them.
  • Chitin is now made in batches of 16, not 9.

  • Projectiles from parasite players will no longer impact parasites. This is an expansion of previously Latch-exclusive behavior.

    • This only applies to projectiles that use or extend vanilla classes, such as EntityFireball.
  • Phasing is now applied in increasing amplifier depending on the stage of its corresponding Dispatcher.

    • Phasing now has a chance to prevent projectiles from impacting its bearer, increasing with amplifier.
    • The chance is configurable. It defaults to 20% per level, so for a Stage IV Dendritus, there will be an 80% chance for projectiles to phase through parasites.
    • Parasite Players now recieve Phasing passively when in range of a Dendritus.
  • A Stage II or higher Dendritus will apply Phasing to all parasites that spawn in range, much like a Node.

    • The effect has a 0%/33%/66%/100% chance to be applied, depending on the Stage.
    • The parasites that don't receive it on spawn can still receive the effect via the original method.
    • This means that parasites that normally can't break blocks may receive the effect.
  • The Dendritus' tooltip now mentions that it intentionally prevents parasite block breaking behavior.

    • This was the whole point of the block, but it was never mentioned for some reason.
  • Giving a Dendritus to a Dispatcher should be less finicky now, and shouldn't give the Dendritus temporary extra range.

    • It also no longer bypasses the requirement that a Dendritus be outside the range of another Dendritus.
  • New Block: Cartilage

    • A weak, foamy block, meant to be a simple building block in the Parasite Biome.
    • Mined faster with a Shovel, but you don't need one to break it.
    • Can be made in large quantities from Altered Tendons and Hivesoil/Visceral Mud/Hivestone. Hivestone gives a whole stack, as opposed to just 16.
    • The Biome cannot spread to this block. It can be used as a barrier to areas you don't want converted.
    • It is, however, somewhat toxic for non-parasites, rarely giving them Bleeding within a 2 block radius.
  • Presumeably fixed parasitic webs still affecting parasite players.

  • Increased the Latch's Attack Damage and Max Health to 10 (5 hearts), from 2.

    • Additionally, the Latch's Attack Damage and Max Health will now increase by 5 for each bloom tier after the one you unlock it at.
    • So with a default config, at Tier 2 (Primitive), the Latch will deal 20 damage each hit. At Tier 3 (Adapted), it'll deal 30.
    • All of this is affected by SRP's attribute scaling, following it more closely than before.
    • The Latch will still refer to the Player's attack damage if it is greater.
  • Certain Factories have received new salvage drops:

    • Assimilated & Feral Sheep: Wool and String, with String being rarer
    • Assimilated & Feral Cow/Horse: Leather
    • Host & Herd: Bone
  • Added in some new Factory Trades:

    • Visceral Mud <-> Sand
    • Fortified Bone <-> Bone Block
    • Book or Trustworthy Note -> Faustian Note
    • Thin Parasitic Log -> Sugar Canes (Originally Dark Oak Log)

Config Changes

  • Block Settings - Cartilage Bleeding - Whether Cartilage causes nearby mobs to bleed uncontrollably.

  • Well Settings - Well Max Distance - Reduced to 20000, from 100000

  • Well Settings - Retroactive Well Removal - Whether all wells will be removed if there aren't any usable dimensions.

    • A sound will play and draining/spawning won't occur if this is disabled.
  • Well Settings - Retroactive Well Relocation - Whether all wells will be removed if there aren't any usable dimensions.

  • Factory Behavior - Spawn Persistence - Whether created parasites cannot despawn.

  • Dismiss Beckons - Whether Stage IV Beckons will dismiss younger Stage III-IV Beckons.

  • Dismissal Value - Amount of Evolution Points generated when Stage IV Beckons dismiss younger Beckons.

  • Dismissal Damage Cap Increase - Amount that Stage IV Beckons dismissing younger Beckons increases their Damage Cap by.

  • Dismissal Damage Cap Maximum - Maximum amount that Stage IV Beckons dismissing younger Beckons increases their Damage Cap to.

  • Reinforcement Ownership Transfer - Whether spawning Beckons via the Reinforcement System (or similar method internally) will carry over the Factory-Spawned tag.

  • Block Settings - Use Dispatcher Nidus - Whether parasite players can right click on Dispatcher Niduses to spawn in a Factory-Spawned Dispatcher, provided they have enough biomass.

  • Factory Behavior - Item Trades - Duplicated Gloom Torch trade for several modded torch variants, and added a couple of new ones: "minecraft:sand;srparasites:parasitestain#1;5", "srparasites:parasitestain#1;minecraft:sand;0",

  • Factory Behavior - Extra Parasite Drops - Added new drops: "srparasites:host+minecraft:bone;25;15;false", "srparasites:hostii+minecraft:bone;30;20;false",

  • Biomass Settings - Repairable Items - Added nocube's mod ids.

  • Bloom Settings - Beheading Threshold - Amount of post-armor damage needed to be dealt to behead a parasite player.

  • Bloom Settings - Beheading Threshold Fire - Whether fire damage bypasses the threshold.

  • Factory Behavior - Looting Drop Factor - The fraction of the looting level to convert into bonus drops. Only applies to the Living Scalpel.

  • Item Settings - Living Scalpel Anti-Break - Whether the Living Scalpel should try to avoid breaking if possible. Only applies if its max durability is greater than 1.

== Mobs

  • Latch - Attack Strength - Increased to 10, from 2.

  • Latch - Max Health - Increased to 10, from 5.

  • Latch - Attack Strength Per Tier - Amount to increase the Latch's Attack Damage by with Corpse Bloom.

  • Latch - Max Health Per Tier - Amount to increase the Latch's Maximum Health by with Corpse Bloom.

  • Factory - Drops - Items that the Factory will drop.

Apologies for not uploading this sooner, I was working on moving computers since this one was getting repaired.


OH also, there is a Well rework planned, but it relies on another feature that will take a while to implement. For now, I'm pushing this out to fix a bug that was killing servers.


  • Fixed a critical bug where Wells making sounds would crash servers.

    • I mean they can warp reality so it makes sense
  • There's a bit of Patchouli stuff in here that is coming out in the next update, for now it's heavily unfinished.

    • Consider this a sneak peek. Pretty much all of the text will change though so

Config Changes

  • Literally nothing



  • Fixed the Soulless Core's recipe using an incorrect mod id for the Dirty Needle.

1.0.16 Changelog

The Reclamation Update


  • Moving Flesh should no longer aggro on enemies parasite players are fighting.

    • Same goes for Rupters below their attack phase, although they may still be a bit apprehensive
  • Naming Factories, either via nametag or an anvil, will also cause it to apply that name to any parasites it spawns or upgrades.

    • This also means that Factories will keep their custom names when turned into items and vice versa.
    • This also works for upgrading parasites or when spawning via the Emboldened marker.
  • The Crux and Heed have been moved down to Tier 3 (Adapted).

  • The Evolution and Deevolution wands now work on parasite players.

    • The Evolution wand will increase bloom by 1, and increases kills contributed if necessary.
    • The Deevolution wand will decrease bloom by 1, and kill the player instantly if they are at 0 when it is used.
      • The bloom level will be regained after 10 seconds.
  • If the Assimilated Adventurer is destroyed or otherwise despawns in the first half-second after using the note, you will instantly become a parasite.

    • This is meant to avoid issues where it despawns or something
  • Stage IV Beckons will no longer give infinite biomass.

    • They will instead auto-upgrade nearby parasite players to Bloom level 4 (Pures).
    • This will not increase points contributed, the upgrade will be lost when you die.
  • Two new attributes: Percentage Damage and Minimum Damage ("srpcotesia.percentDamage" and "srpcotesia.minimumDamage", respectively)

    • The formula for how much minimum damage is dealt in an attack is minimumDamage + amount * percentDamage.
    • So setting percentDamage to 0.1 will add 10% of an attack's damage as Minimum Damage.
  • The Dendritus only needs an Ender Pearl instead of an Eye of Ender now.

  • The Masticator now has an optional 3D model, as requested by a pack developer.

    • It can be enabled in the configs: Item Settings - Masticator 3D Model
  • Increased the duration of Night Vision for parasite players. Should reduce flickering.

  • New Block: the Reclamation Table!

    • This extremely cold receptacle allows for you to send unneeded parasite drops to [REDACTED] in exchange for experience.
    • Of course, this also includes items created with parasite parts, such as Lures, Living and Sentient Weaponry/Armor, and other related items.
    • The list of items that can be given away is Config-Driven, and also shown in JEI.
  • New Item: Soulless Core

    • Can be used to obtain Hermit's Arsenal's Living Core variants without killing a parasite.
    • Right-click on the required parasite while holding this item.
    • Does nothing if Hermit's Arsenal is not installed.
    • Only works for parasite players.
  • Parasite Players can repair parasitic equipment by holding it in their main hand and sneaking.

    • This requires a Summoner (Primitive or Adapted) to be nearby. This requirement can be disabled.
    • Repairs do not cost any biomass.
  • Parasite Players can now Leap in the direction they are facing by pressing X while on the ground. The Malleability Menu has been rebound to Y.

    • This requires Tier 1, or Assimilated/Feral.
    • Holding the button should make you leap as soon as you hit the ground.
    • Jumping right when you leap might make you faster, but it also reduces height substantially.
  • Parasite Players now have similar fall reduction to parasites.

    • If the distance fallen is below the Fall Reduction value, no damage is taken.
  • Fixed a possible bug where biomass wasn't being spent for Factory Trades.

  • Fixed a bug where the parasite storage indicator wouldn't render for parasites of the same tier as the player.

  • Fixed a bug where the JEI Compatibility would try to call client-side code on the server.

  • Fixed Desaturation not applying at all.

  • Parasitic light sources allowing spawns now has logging, disabled by default so it isn't spammed.

    • This is good for testing if the torches actually work if you're unsure.
  • What do you mean parasite sight? I don't recall a feature relating to that.

Config Changes

  • Logging - Log Light Sources - Whether to log parasites successfully spawning via parasitic light sources.

  • Biomass - Parasite Cost Settings - srparasites:crux and srparasites:heed now have tier 3.

  • Bloom - Leaping Enabled - Whether parasite players can leap.

  • Bloom - Bloom For Leaping - Bloom requirement for leaping.

  • Bloom - Stage IV Beckon Upgrade Bloom - Bloom level that Stage IV Beckons will upgrade parasite players to.

  • Item Settings - Masticator 3D Model - Whether the Masticator uses a 3D model instead of the 2D one.

  • Block Settings - Reclamation Settings - Amount of XP gained for a given item when using the Reclamation Table.

  • Block Settings - Reclamation Biomass Requirement - Amount of biomass needed to operate the Reclamation Table.

  • Biomass - Repair Parasite Equipment - Whether parasite players can repair parasitic equipment

  • Biomass - Summoner for Repair - Whether repairing parasitic equipment needs a Summoner.

  • Biomass - Repair Amount - The amount that is repaired each second.

  • Biomass - Repairable Items - Items that can be repaired.

  • Biomass - Repairable Items Blacklist - Whether the Repairable Items list is a Blacklist instead.

The Reclamation Update


  • Moving Flesh should no longer aggro on enemies parasite players are fighting.

    • Same goes for Rupters below their attack phase, although they may still be a bit apprehensive
  • Naming Factories, either via nametag or an anvil, will also cause it to apply that name to any parasites it spawns or upgrades.

    • This also means that Factories will keep their custom names when turned into items and vice versa.
    • This also works for upgrading parasites or when spawning via the Emboldened marker.
  • The Crux and Heed have been moved down to Tier 3 (Adapted).

  • The Evolution and Deevolution wands now work on parasite players.

    • The Evolution wand will increase bloom by 1, and increases kills contributed if necessary.
    • The Deevolution wand will decrease bloom by 1, and kill the player instantly if they are at 0 when it is used.
      • The bloom level will be regained after 10 seconds.
  • If the Assimilated Adventurer is destroyed or otherwise despawns in the first half-second after using the note, you will instantly become a parasite.

    • This is meant to avoid issues where it despawns or something
  • Stage IV Beckons will no longer give infinite biomass.

    • They will instead auto-upgrade nearby parasite players to Bloom level 4 (Pures).
    • This will not increase points contributed, the upgrade will be lost when you die.
  • Two new attributes: Percentage Damage and Minimum Damage ("srpcotesia.percentDamage" and "srpcotesia.minimumDamage", respectively)

    • The formula for how much minimum damage is dealt in an attack is minimumDamage + amount * percentDamage.
    • So setting percentDamage to 0.1 will add 10% of an attack's damage as Minimum Damage.
  • The Dendritus only needs an Ender Pearl instead of an Eye of Ender now.

  • The Masticator now has an optional 3D model, as requested by a pack developer.

    • It can be enabled in the configs: Item Settings - Masticator 3D Model
  • Increased the duration of Night Vision for parasite players. Should reduce flickering.

  • New Block: the Reclamation Table!

    • This extremely cold receptacle allows for you to send unneeded parasite drops to [REDACTED] in exchange for experience.
    • Of course, this also includes items created with parasite parts, such as Lures, Living and Sentient Weaponry/Armor, and other related items.
    • The list of items that can be given away is Config-Driven, and also shown in JEI.
  • New Item: Soulless Core

    • Can be used to obtain Hermit's Arsenal's Living Core variants without killing a parasite.
    • Right-click on the required parasite while holding this item.
    • Does nothing if Hermit's Arsenal is not installed.
    • Only works for parasite players.
  • Parasite Players can repair parasitic equipment by holding it in their main hand and sneaking.

    • This requires a Summoner (Primitive or Adapted) to be nearby. This requirement can be disabled.
    • Repairs do not cost any biomass.
  • Parasite Players can now Leap in the direction they are facing by pressing X while on the ground. The Malleability Menu has been rebound to Y.

    • This requires Tier 1, or Assimilated/Feral.
    • Holding the button should make you leap as soon as you hit the ground.
    • Jumping right when you leap might make you faster, but it also reduces height substantially.
  • Parasite Players now have similar fall reduction to parasites.

    • If the distance fallen is below the Fall Reduction value, no damage is taken.
  • Fixed a possible bug where biomass wasn't being spent for Factory Trades.

  • Fixed a bug where the parasite storage indicator wouldn't render for parasites of the same tier as the player.

  • Fixed a bug where the JEI Compatibility would try to call client-side code on the server.

  • Fixed Desaturation not applying at all.

  • Parasitic light sources allowing spawns now has logging, disabled by default so it isn't spammed.

    • This is good for testing if the torches actually work if you're unsure.
  • What do you mean parasite sight? I don't recall a feature relating to that.

Config Changes

  • Logging - Log Light Sources - Whether to log parasites successfully spawning via parasitic light sources.

  • Biomass - Parasite Cost Settings - srparasites:crux and srparasites:heed now have tier 3.

  • Bloom - Leaping Enabled - Whether parasite players can leap.

  • Bloom - Bloom For Leaping - Bloom requirement for leaping.

  • Bloom - Stage IV Beckon Upgrade Bloom - Bloom level that Stage IV Beckons will upgrade parasite players to.

  • Item Settings - Masticator 3D Model - Whether the Masticator uses a 3D model instead of the 2D one.

  • Block Settings - Reclamation Settings - Amount of XP gained for a given item when using the Reclamation Table.

  • Block Settings - Reclamation Biomass Requirement - Amount of biomass needed to operate the Reclamation Table.

  • Biomass - Repair Parasite Equipment - Whether parasite players can repair parasitic equipment

  • Biomass - Summoner for Repair - Whether repairing parasitic equipment needs a Summoner.

  • Biomass - Repair Amount - The amount that is repaired each second.

  • Biomass - Repairable Items - Items that can be repaired.

  • Biomass - Repairable Items Blacklist - Whether the Repairable Items list is a Blacklist instead.

1.0.15 isn't real


  • Fixed NullPointerException crash due to erroneous casting

1.0.15 changelog:

I can't even fathom This update is mostly Threat-related. I have been busy with other things recently so this update doesn't have much meat in it.


  • Fixed "Need x biomass" message for Orbs missing the biomass amount.

    • It also should no longer be erroneously displayed if you don't have Orbs unlocked. There was a message for that, but it wasn't playing.
  • Now compatible with Real First Person 2, parasite player features will be present too!

  • Fixed the fix for Turn that was in the last hotfix. Hopefully.

  • Buffed both Ante and Enhanced Mobs, they should be stronger now.

  • New potion effect: Gravity

    • Slams a mob down on the ground, expires when they hit the ground.
    • The speed you fall at is scaled by the amplifier.
    • Deals 10 damage on impact, only scales with the amplifier, not distance fallen.
      • This deals TRUE DAMAGE if you are on fire though. You have been warned.
    • If it expires before you hit the ground, no damage is taken.
  • Enhanced Mobs will apply 2 seconds of Gravity to mobs they are targetting if they are in the air.

    • The amplifier applied will scale with Ante, similarly to the Speed effect.
    • 3 passable blocks are needed below the target, as well as the block the target is in. The blocks must also be non-liquid.
  • Enhanced Mobs applying Speed to themselves or Gravity to their enemies can now be disabled.

  • Sunlight after Ante 7 will now deal true damage.

    • This deals 20 damage per second, and works similarly to Minimum Damage.
    • It also has a per-tick chance to remove Fire Resistance if one has it.
    • Don't go outside.
  • Well Grace Period has been reduced to 10 days. The first Well should appear on day 20 now.

Config Changes

  • Wells - Well Grace Period - Changed to 240000, from 480000

  • I've touched up the entry descriptions for most of the Ante-related options.

  • Armageddon - Maximum Defense - Changed to 300, from 100

  • Armageddon - Defense per Ante - Changed to 5, from 0.5

  • Armageddon - Maximum Hyper Armor - Changed to 75, from 50

  • Armageddon - Hyper Armor per Ante - Changed to 10, from 5

  • Armageddon - Maximum Bane - Changed to 75, from 10

  • Armageddon - Bane per Ante - Changed to 10, from 1

  • Armageddon - Chance to remove Fire Resistance - Chance that, each tick, the Fire Resistance effect will be removed if in direct sunlight after the Ante threshold.

  • Armageddon - Maximum Speed Amplifier - Changed to 7, from 4

  • Armageddon - Mobs Apply Speed - Whether Enhanced Mobs can apply Speed to themselves.

  • Effects - New Category: Gravity

  • Effects - Gravity - Gravity Damage - Base damage for the effect, defaults to 20. Scales with the amplifier.

  • Armageddon - Gravity Amplifier per Ante - Amount of Gravity amplifier to add per ante. The resulting value, if it is not an integer, is rounded down.

  • Armageddon - Maximum Gravity Amplifier - Maximum amplifier for the Gravity effect when applied via Enhanced Mob.

  • Armageddon - Gravity Passable Blocks Needed - Amount of passable blocks beneath the target needed to apply Gravity.

  • Armageddon - Mobs Apply Gravity - Whether Enhanced Mobs can apply Gravity to airborne targets.

I can't even fathom This update is mostly Threat-related. I have been busy with other things recently so this update doesn't have much meat in it.


  • Fixed "Need x biomass" message for Orbs missing the biomass amount.

    • It also should no longer be erroneously displayed if you don't have Orbs unlocked. There was a message for that, but it wasn't playing.
  • Now compatible with Real First Person 2, parasite player features will be present too!

  • Fixed the fix for Turn that was in the last hotfix. Hopefully.

  • Buffed both Ante and Enhanced Mobs, they should be stronger now.

  • New potion effect: Gravity

    • Slams a mob down on the ground, expires when they hit the ground.
    • The speed you fall at is scaled by the amplifier.
    • Deals 10 damage on impact, only scales with the amplifier, not distance fallen.
      • This deals TRUE DAMAGE if you are on fire though. You have been warned.
    • If it expires before you hit the ground, no damage is taken.
  • Enhanced Mobs will apply 2 seconds of Gravity to mobs they are targetting if they are in the air.

    • The amplifier applied will scale with Ante, similarly to the Speed effect.
    • 3 passable blocks are needed below the target, as well as the block the target is in. The blocks must also be non-liquid.
  • Enhanced Mobs applying Speed to themselves or Gravity to their enemies can now be disabled.

  • Sunlight after Ante 7 will now deal true damage.

    • This deals 20 damage per second, and works similarly to Minimum Damage.
    • It also has a per-tick chance to remove Fire Resistance if one has it.
    • Don't go outside.
  • Well Grace Period has been reduced to 10 days. The first Well should appear on day 20 now.

Config Changes

  • Wells - Well Grace Period - Changed to 240000, from 480000

  • I've touched up the entry descriptions for most of the Ante-related options.

  • Armageddon - Maximum Defense - Changed to 300, from 100

  • Armageddon - Defense per Ante - Changed to 5, from 0.5

  • Armageddon - Maximum Hyper Armor - Changed to 75, from 50

  • Armageddon - Hyper Armor per Ante - Changed to 10, from 5

  • Armageddon - Maximum Bane - Changed to 75, from 10

  • Armageddon - Bane per Ante - Changed to 10, from 1

  • Armageddon - Chance to remove Fire Resistance - Chance that, each tick, the Fire Resistance effect will be removed if in direct sunlight after the Ante threshold.

  • Armageddon - Maximum Speed Amplifier - Changed to 7, from 4

  • Armageddon - Mobs Apply Speed - Whether Enhanced Mobs can apply Speed to themselves.

  • Effects - New Category: Gravity

  • Effects - Gravity - Gravity Damage - Base damage for the effect, defaults to 20. Scales with the amplifier.

  • Armageddon - Gravity Amplifier per Ante - Amount of Gravity amplifier to add per ante. The resulting value, if it is not an integer, is rounded down.

  • Armageddon - Maximum Gravity Amplifier - Maximum amplifier for the Gravity effect when applied via Enhanced Mob.

  • Armageddon - Gravity Passable Blocks Needed - Amount of passable blocks beneath the target needed to apply Gravity.

  • Armageddon - Mobs Apply Gravity - Whether Enhanced Mobs can apply Gravity to airborne targets.



  • The overlay for looking at a Factory now mentions how to put in and take out biomass, provided you aren't holding anything.

  • Factory description now mentions that nearby placed Factories of the same tier increase drop payout.

    • The other Factories have to each be bound to a different parasite. Duplicates don't count.
    • This is meant to incentivize collecting Factories for every parasite.
  • Enchantments now mention what they do in the configs.

  • New Enchantment: Cunning

    • Non-treasure, I-V
    • Increases Minimum Damage dealt by spawned parasites. Damage increases by 1 per level.
  • The Turn Brew Effect now awards points akin to COTH infection.

    • It should also no longer work on Enhanced Mobs, if it ever did
  • Added Ignis Knife and Ignis Chakram from Hermit's Arsenal into the Fear Items list, since they are fire-related.

Config Changes

  • Enchantments - All - Now have a description for each enchantment

  • Enchantments - New Category: Cunning

  • Enchantments - Cunning - Per-Level Damage Increase - Amount of Minimum Damage gained per level.

  • Bloom - Fear Items - Added "hermitsarsenal:ignis_knife;4", "hermitsarsenal:ignis_chakram;4"

  • Brew Settings - Effects - Turn - Turn Value - Amount of Evolution Points gained when the effect turns a mob. Defaults to 6.

Area of effect


  • The Trustworthy Note cutscene has been shortened substantially, and should only take around 32 seconds to finish now.

  • The Trustworthy Note now appears regardless of moon phase. That requirement was kind of silly anyway.

  • Parasite players can now create orbs after Adapted Tier (Bloom level 3)

    • This differs pretty heavily from when orbs normally appear, around Primitive stage, but I wanted to give level 3 more of an identity.
    • Orbs will give whatever effects you have to nearby parasites, known as Diffusion. They also apply their own.
    • Orb effects are fully configurable, and mimic SRP's standard configs, with an extra addition to account for Corpse Bloom.
    • Orbs can steal xp, and the stolen xp will be given to the parasite player that made them.
    • The Latch and Orb cannot be used simultaneously. Having a Latch active will prevent you from making an orb, and vice versa.
  • In unrelated news, the Recuperation effect now heals once every half second instead of second.

    • It also supports negative amplifiers for no reason whatsoever, not suspicious at all

Config Changes

  • Item Settings - Trustworthy Note - TN Appears Naturally - Modified description to indicate that moon phase requirement has been lifted. It can be reenabled, however.

  • Item Settings - Trustworthy Note - TN Moon Phase - Changed to ALL, from FULL_MOON

    • Also removed a vestigial mentioning of NEVER, which didn't even make it to release
    • It now mentions ALL instead, since that can be used to lift the requirement.
  • Bloom - Orb Enabled - Whether player orbs are enabled.

  • Bloom - Orbs Steal Experience - Whether player orbs can steal experience.

  • Bloom - Orb Biomass Cost - Self-explanatory, spent whenever an orb is created. Defaults to 5.

    • Orbs can be made free by setting this to 0.
  • Bloom - Orb Bloom Requirement - Corpse Bloom requirement for creating an orb. Defaults to 3.

  • Bloom - Orb XP Steal per Bloom - Amount of experience points to steal for each bloom level, starting at Tier 0.

  • Bloom - Orbs Diffuse Effects - Whether player orbs can give nearby parasites whatever effects the player had.

    • This process is referred to as Diffusion.
    • This only works for beneficial effects.
  • Bloom - Orb Diffusion Blacklist - Effects which orbs cannot diffuse from their bearers to nearby parasites.

    • Defaults to minecraft:invisibility, but more effects can be added.
  • Bloom - Orb Diffusion Whitelist - Whether the prior blacklist is a whitelist instead, only allowing effects on the list to be diffused.

  • Bloom - Orb Settings - This one's pretty complicated, it contains the potion effects applied by player orbs.

    • The formatting is nearly identical to base SRP orb config format, with two minor changes

      • (bloomRequirement)+ is prepended to all effects. So 5+0;30;1;srpcotesia:scrying;2;0 only works on tier 5.
        • This cannot be omitted. Put 0+ if you want it to work regardless of tier.
      • For multiple instances of the same effect, the one listed (and qualifying) first, top down, is chosen.
        • This is calculated seperately for effects which have different targets (enemies, allies, self, etc.)
        • This is how you get effects that scale in amplifier alongside tier, like with Hunger in the default settings.
    • Default: "5+0;30;1;srpcotesia:scrying;2;0", "5+2;30;7;minecraft:strength;1;1", "5+2;5;5;srpcotesia:recuperation;1;0", "5+0;5;-5;srpcotesia:recuperation;1;0", "4+0;30;3;srparasites:viral;1;0", "4+0;10;1;srparasites:corrosive;1;0", "4+2;5;2;srpcotesia:recuperation;1;0", "4+0;30;3;minecraft:hunger;1;0", "3+0;15;1;srparasites:viral;1;0", "3+0;15;1;minecraft:poison;1;0", "3+0;15;1;minecraft:hunger;1;0", "3+0;15;1;minecraft:wither;1;0"

      • Notice how minecraft:hunger is listed twice here. The one with tier 4 is listed first, so it takes precedence. The same happens for srpcotesia:recuperation.
        • However, recuperation also has a second instance with negative amplifier, but a different target (enemies), so it isn't ignored.
    • TLDR: List stuff in descending tier order.



  • Changed early mixins to no longer reference config variables, to prevent unecessary class loading

    • Instead, they now have shady static variables in the aptly named SuspiciousVariables class, which references nothing else.
  • Adding points via infection no longer rewards kills if there is a Phase Cooldown active.

    • It also uses a mixin in effectCoth now.
  • Removed a ton of unused imports, it probably doesn't matter but eh

Project members


Developer and "Artist"


Licensed ARR
Published a year ago
Updated 5 months ago