Stop Drop N Roll
"Just do the Stop, Drop N Roll!"
"Oh I'm okay now, thank you!"
Do you always find yourself on fire? Well me too. But don't worry! You can do the Stop, Drop N Roll to put yourself out!
Stop Drop N Roll adds the ability to crouch and extinguish yourself. By default, it shortens the remaining time you are flammable by a percentage and may not always succeed. These options are configurable, so you can make it always succeed and completely extinguish yourself!
- Crouch to extinguish the flames
- Modify the chance to extinguish the flames
- Modify how long each success removes from the remaining flame time
- Configurable option to require spinning while crouched (Roll)
- Configurable required spinning speed (or faster spins puts it out faster)
- Advancements
To use this mod you just need to be on fire, and spam crouch until your no longer on fire!
There are currently two options in the config file which can be found in <minecraft directory>/config/
- The chance that a single crouch will succeed in reducing the time remaining
- The amount that will be removed from the remaining fire ticks
Both of these options are from 0-1. 0 is 0%, 1 is 100% and 0.32 would be 32%
- JustDoom - Developer
- Am Noah - Gave me the idea for this mod
Support can be provided on my discord server, or you can report any bugs on the GitHub repository here
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