Structure World

Structure World


A small mod that lets you generate a void world with a custom structure placed on it.

Server UtilityWorld Generation

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Structure World

A small mod that lets you generate a void world with a custom structure placed on it.

Logo made by Tector (Instagram: @tector_pixel, Discord: Tector#1853)

How it works:

If you downloaded the mod and properly installed it, you'll find 2 new world types in the create world screen.

When creating a world using any of these presets, you'll get no terrain at all except for the generated structure in the spawn.

Adding new world types:

If you have a custom structure and you want to create a custom world type using it, you can do so by creating your structure file using Minecraft's structure block, placing its nbt file in the structures folder (Located at: .minecraft/config/structureworld/structures), and then editing the mod's config file (Located at .minecraft/config/structureworld/structureworld.json).

Here is how the default config file should look like:

Creating a new dimension:

In newer Minecraft versions, anyone can create a new dimension via datapacks.

When using this mod, you can make your custom dimensions work as structure worlds and even have multiple structure worlds in the same server.

Here is how the dimension file should look like:

More information about custom dimensions in 1.16 can be found in the official wiki.

Server-side usage:

If you want to use this mod in a server-side environment you need to set the level-type in the file to structure_your_structure_identifier

(For example: structure_simple_tree or structure_classic_skyblock)

Overriding the default generator:

If you want the structure world generator to always be the main generator in the modpack, you can set the overridingDefault property to true in the mod's config file.

By doing that, all the worlds created by the client will default to the configured world type, and creating a new server will always set the level-type to it as well.

Useful commands:

If you're playing with this mod in a multiplayer environment and you want other players to have their own structure island, you can do so by using the /structureworld create command. You can also teleport to a player's island by using the /structureworld teleport command and you can delete a player's island by using the /structureworld delete command (The blocks will stay there, but the user will not be able to teleport to their island using the teleport command, and you'll be able to create a new island for them. This is not reversible)

Other information:

For bug reporting please proceed to the mod's GitHub repository:

If you have any other questions or suggestions, feel free to call me on Discord @D4rk#0693
You can find me in the Cafeteria Development guild.

Project members




Licensed MPL-2.0
Published 4 years ago
Updated 4 years ago