Take complete control over how players interact with structures in your Minecraft world. From protecting ancient ruins to managing combat zones, StructuresTweaker offers comprehensive structure management capabilities.
✨ Key Features
🛡️ Structure Protection
- Configure protection settings for any structure
- Protect original blocks while allowing new construction
- Disable protection after defeating key mobs
- Prevent unauthorized modifications
⚔️ Player & Combat Controls
- Toggle PvP within structures
- Manage mob spawning
- Control explosions and fire spread
- Regulate item pickup permissions
- Control elytra flight in structures
- Manage ender pearl usage
- Toggle riptide trident usage
⚙️ Per-Structure Configuration
Each structure has customizable settings in a simple JSON format:
"configVersion": 2,
"canBreakBlocks": true,
"canInteract": true,
"canPlaceBlocks": true,
"allowPlayerPVP": true,
"allowCreatureSpawning": true,
"allowFireSpread": true,
"allowExplosions": true,
"allowItemPickup": true,
"onlyProtectOriginalBlocks": false,
"allowElytraFlight": true,
"allowEnderPearls": true,
"allowRiptide": true
🎮 Commands
/structuretweaker show enable
- View structure boundaries/structuretweaker show disable
- Hide boundaries/structuretweaker defeat
- Remove structure protection
⚡ Performance Features
- Efficient structure caching system
- Minimal memory usage
- Optimized for servers
- Smart chunk tracking
🔌 Integration
- Works with all structure-adding mods
- Automatic config generation
- Data pack compatibility
- Command block automation support
🐛 Bug Reports
Found a bug? Have a suggestion? Please report them on our GitHub Issues or Discord Server !
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