Sturdy Vehicles

Sturdy Vehicles


Changes which items are dropped by minecarts. Also adds some quality of life recipes.

Server Game MechanicsTechnologyUtility

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Sturdy Vehicles

Minecraft versions environment: server
loader: Fabric available for: Quilt Loader
Requires: Fabric API supports: Polymer supports: Mod Menu
license: MIT source on: GitLab issues: GitLab localized: Percentage
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Improve Minecart and Boat recipes, control their drops! Data driven.

Formerly known as Sturdy Carts.

Works server-side* and in single player.
*see Prior Versions below for Minecraft versions 1.20.5-1.21.1.

Sturdy Vehicles adds recipes to separate a Minecart or Boat item from its held item.
e.g. if you put a Minecart with Chest in a crafting grid you can pull the Hopper out from the result slot and the Minecart will remain in the grid with the Chest removed.
You can do the same with Furnace, Hopper, and TNT Minecarts and with Chest Boats.

A renamed Minecart or Boat will keep its name when split from or combined with its held item.

Sturdy Vehicles also allows changing of Minecart and Boat drops, but doesn't change any by default.
Some of the builtin packs change Loot Tables to emulate older versions of Minecraft.

Recipes and Loot Tables are data driven, and everything included is in builtin packs that can be enabled|disabled using /datapack enable|disable "sturdy_vehicles:pack_name".

Mods and mod packs can add similar recipes, read how on the wiki.

Builtin packs
  • Uncraft Minecarts; default: enabled

Adds recipes to separate Minecart with 'Thing's into a Minecart and a 'Thing'.
The 'Thing' is the recipe output while the Minecart is left behind in the crafting grid and receives the name of the input Minecart with 'Thing'.

  • Uncraft Chest Boats; default: enabled

Adds recipes to separate Chest Boats into a Chest and a Boat.
The Chest is the recipe output while the Boat is left behind in the crafting grid and receives the name of the input Chest Boat.

  • Keep Minecart Names; default: enabled

Replace vanilla's Minecart with 'Thing' recipes with new recipes that transfer the name of the input Minecart to the recipe's output.

  • Keep Chest Boat Names; default: enabled

Replace vanilla's Chest Boat recipes with new recipes that transfer the name of the input Boat to the recipe's output.

  • Fragile Carts; default: disabled

Make Minecart with 'Thing's break apart into a Minecart and a 'Thing' instead of dropping themselves. Restores pre-1.19 behavior.
Not intended to be enabled alongside "Fragile Old Carts".

  • Fragile Old Carts; default: disabled

Make Minecarts break apart into 3 Iron Ingots. Minecarts with 'Thing's will also drop the 'Thing'. Similar to pre-1.3.1 boat behavior.
Not intended to be enabled alongside "Fragile Carts".

  • Fragile Chest Boats; default: disabled

Makes Chest Boats break apart into a Chest and a Boat instead of dropping themselves.
Not intended to be enabled alongside "Fragile Old Boats".

  • Fragile Old Boats; default: disabled

Makes Boats break apart into 2 Sticks and 3 Planks (and a Chest in the case of Chest Boats) instead of dropping themselves, similar to pre-1.3.1 behavior.
Not intended to be enabled alongside "Fragile Chest Boats".

Prior versions

Mod versions prior to 2.0.0 are named Sturdy Carts, its id is sturdy_carts, and it adds the recipe types sturdy_carts:minecart_crafting and sturdy_carts:minecart_uncrafting.

On Minecraft versions 1.20.5-1.21.1, to connect to a server with Sturdy Vehicles, either Polymer must be installed on the server, or Sturdy Vehicles must be installed on the client.

Mod versions prior to 1.1.0 only add recipes if Nbt Crafting is installed.

On Minecraft versions prior to 1.19, the mod makes Minecarts with 'Thing's drop themselves (instead of splitting into a Minecart and a 'Thing' which is the pre-1.19 vanilla behavior).


localized: Percentage
If you'd like to help translate Sturdy Vehicles, you can do so on Crowdin.


This mod is only for Fabric (works on Quilt, too!) and I won't be porting it to Forge. The license is MIT, however, so anyone else is free to port it.

I'd appreciate links back to this page if you port or otherwise modify this project, but links aren't required.

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Licensed MIT
Published 3 years ago
Updated 3 months ago