SubathonLib (Old)


An old library for the sub-a-thon mod (previously called CubeController)

Client and server CursedGame MechanicsLibrary

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Deprecated project

A proper documentation will be available with Beta 5 release

A library for executing actions, such as modifying the game behavior or applying a random potion to the players, that can be controlled by another mod, a datapack or the player.
In other words, a library to break the game with control.


The mod contain some controls by default, some of them are entity_jump, potion_chaos and inventory_shuffle

To modify or read a control information you can use the /gamecontrol command
The command format is /gamecontrol <control> (get|set|invoke)

The mod offers a way to always show or hide the information shown on the client screen with the NBT {alwaysVisible: true/false} and {hideInfo: true/false}


To set a control NBT run the command /gamecontrol <control> set data <NBT>
To force the NBT to be exactly what you insert in the command use /gamecontrol <control> set dataRaw <NBT>
Be careful! When using set dataRaw the NBT will be exactly as you type, so if you don't insert it properly it can use more storage/RAM

All data is saved on the world data folder: <gamedir>/saves/<world>/data/cubecontroller.dat

Any mod can add easily add a new control using the library register methods developer wiki (WIP)

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Licensed LGPL-3.0-only
Published 3 years ago
Updated 3 years ago