Subnautica Flow

Subnautica Flow


The mod adds content from subnautica and subnautica below zero

Client and server AdventureEquipmentGame Mechanics MobsTechnology

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Changelog Additions: -added reaper Leviathan -added spinefish -added hoopfish -added Triops -added ghost Leviathan & juvenile ghost Leviathan -added al-an -added precursor blocks -added precursor arm -added precursor parts for Crafting -added al-an Skelton -added precursor structure -added 2 new advancements -added recipes

Changes: -increased the Speed of the gargatuan Leviathan from 2 ---> 3

Behavior: -reaper Leviathans are aggressive and will grap the Player to drag it around -spinefish & hoopfish are passive -Triops will fight back when attacked -ghost Leviathans are aggressive Leviathans -al-an is a precursor that will trade with the Player (with exp) al-an can be summoned by giving the Skeleton an iron block and an ion cube

-precursor arm can hold up creatures of small or medium size by equipping it and shift right clicking on a creature

precursor blocks: precursor decoration block precursor lamp precursor Floor block & smooth Floor block precursor stairs & smooth stairs precursor slabs & smooth slabs precursor smooth wall precursor button precursor line light block & smooth line light precursor tank blocks precursor force field Emitter & water force field Emitter precursor vent precursor fabricator ion cube stand

Additions: -added 10 paintings -added creature menu (accessed through the Right shift Settings menu) -added Phantom Moth Leviathan (Concept art) -added arrow ray -added Boomerang,Magmarang -added holefish

Changes: -gargantuan Leviathan is now ranked under costum creatures and need to be enabled -Snow Stalker Rework

Fixes: -fixed chelicerate spawning on top of the Ocean -fixed the creator mashine playing the Animation (putting ion scraps in and craft) even though the Crafting wasnt initiated

Behavior: -the Phantom moth Leviathan will grap the Player and heat up, which will burn its prey -arrow rays only attack when hurt -When a Snow Stalker is tamed, it can be saddled and ridden -boomerangs are passive -holefish are passive

Additions: -added Chelicerate -added void chelicerate -added sunnyfaller plushy -added cuddlefish plushy -added bladderfish -added raw bladderfish item -added shuttlebug -added sea dragon

Changes: -reduced spawn rate of the eye jelly -added snowy plains as an biom where ice worms can spawn in -changed the design of the enzyme 42

Fixes: -fixed too many glow whales spawn too close to each other -fixed an issue where ice worms werent spawning

Behavior: -chelicerates are aggressive leviathan classed creatures -cuddlefish plushy has a special pose when in off hand -bladderfish is passive but can be killed to get the raw bladderfish -consuming the raw bladderfish gives a bit of oxygen back (stackeble up to 16) -shuttlebug is passive and lives at the bottum of the ocean floor -the sea dragon is a levithan classed creature that is aggressive towards the player and will have a chance to shoot a fireball when hurt

Additions: -Added reginald -added glow whale -added gamerule for skyray pathfinding

Fixes: -fixed mesmer not dying outside of water -fixed mesmer interacting with spectator players

Behavior: -glow whales are rideble and attack back when hurt -reginald is passive

Additions: -added eyeye and red eyeye -added Eye Jelly -added cave crawler -added blood crawler

Changes: -reworked spawn rates

Fixes: -fixed an issue where you couldnt craft oak slabs

Behavior: -eyeyes are passive -Eye Jelly is passive until attacked -cave crawlers are highly aggressive land creatures that spawn at night and are spider like, which makes them able to climb walls -blood crawlers are highly aggressive creatures that resembel the cave crawlers but the blood crawlers are water based

Icy Update

by Pyro_Os on May 21, 2024

Additions: -added Mochi Moshi Plushy -added spinnerfish -added nootfish -added pinnacarid

Changes: -lily paddler rework

-gargantuan leviathan damage increased

Behavior: -nootfish is defensive and will attack back -spinnerfish is passive -pinnacarid is a land and water creature that is defensive, which means it attacks back

Additions: -added hida & mellow nino plushy + recipe -added command /hat [plushy name] / to equip plushy on hat -added rabbit ray -added spikey trap -added cuddlefish -added stalker -added waterproof locker recipe

Changes: -changed the icon for the creature tab to the river prowler item -made all ambient sounds quiter to build a better ambience with multible of the same creatures at the same time -changed the size of the gargantuan leviathan by 1.5x

Fixes: -fixed that the crashfish is too loud

Behavior: Plushy command: /hat (hida,ultraunit,pyro) to equip the plushy on your hat you need to have the plushy in your inventory and have no helm equipped

Spikey Trap: when the player comes too close, the spikey trap will grap him and start eating him. to make the trap release the him, the player has to hold sneak

Cuddlefish: can be tamed by cookies can be shift right click to play joy animation wont tp after owner

Rabbit ray: passive

Stalker: aggresive creature that can drag items with it

Added Sounds: -added sounds for seamonkey(ambient,hurt,death,steal) -added sounds for river prowler(ambient) -added sounds for warper(ambient) -added sounds for crimson ray(ambient) -added sounds for arcticray(hurt,death,ambient) -added sounds for brinewing(hurt,death,ambient) -added sounds for bruteshark(hurt,death,ambient) -added sounds for cryptosuchus(hurt,death,ambient) -added sounds for pengwing,pengling(hurt,death,ambient) -added sounds for rockpuncher(hurt,death) -added sounds for baby and adult snowstalkers(hurt,death,ambient) -added sounds for spikeytrap(ambient) -added sounds for squidshark(ambient,hurt,death) -added sounds for symbiotes -added sounds for featherfishes(hurt,death) -added sounds for lilypaddler(hurt,death) -added sounds for iceworm(ambient,hurt,death) -added sounds for shadow leviathan(ambient,hurt,death)

Additions: -added crashfish -added SulfurPlant -added arctic ray -added subnautica flow settings menu(r-shift)

Changes: -changed the lenght of the river prowler a little bit -sandshark is now comepletly invisible except for the sand particle,when borroing in the ocean floor

Behavior: -crashfish will sleep in their plant until someone comes too close, then they will swim towards the player or living entity if no player is near and explode with massive power which will kill most creatures -sulfur plant spawns in lukewarm oceans -sulfur plants can be right clicked to get gun powder

Additions: -added lava larva -added lava lizard -added river prowler -added river prowler icon with item id:rpitem (can only be gotten with command) -added river prowler advancement (kill a river prowler)

Changes: -changed the follow reach of the symbiotes (now a bit less) -changed that snow stalkers(baby and adult) spawn at frozen rivers -changed that peepers,bleeders now also spawn in rivers -changed arctic peepers now also spawn in frozen rivers -removed the glowing of the arctic peeper,peeper,bleeder

Behavior: Lava larva -when lava larva swims over redstone block,redstonelamp, it will stick itself onto it and will absorb it -when absorbing redstone power they regenerate hp

River Prowler the river prowler is the only creature that spawns in river bioms (but also deep oceans)

Additions: -added PDA again -added Khaara info page -added titan holefish -added pick up for thumpers (right click on them) -added recipes for ultraunit17 plushy, pyro plushy -added symbiote -added cryptosuchus -added boneshark

Changes: -thumper doesnt disappear when placed in creative -thumpers range increased dramaticly -changed ice worm animation (walking/swimming) -changed the size of the ice worm a little bit

Fixes: -fixed ice worm not floating in water

Behavior: Titan Holefish & Symbiote -when right click on titan holefish it will give of air and replanish oxygen -titan holefish spawn symbiotes randomly every couple minutes or when attacked -symbiotes spawn every couple minutes if no other symbiote is around the titan holefish -when titan holefish is attacked, psawn a swarm of symbiotes -symbiotes follow nearest titan holefish and try to find onther one when the original dies

Cryptosuchus -the cryptosuchus is passive but only as long as the player doesnt annoy it -the cryptosuchus has a aggression meter, when the player is in a specific distence to the cryptosuchus the aggression meter rises and if its too high the cryptosuchus will attack -if the cryptosuchus is hurt, its aggression is instantly maxed out and will attack


added Ice Worm

added Warper

added plushies

added thumper item

added thumper advancements


fixed the "rock puncher" name from ... to ...

rock punsher ----> rock puncher

Behavior :

Warper only attacks when player is infected with the khaara virus (potion effect/effect)

Thumper distracts the ice worm and can take 2 ice worm hits before breaking

Project members




Licensed ARR
Published 10 months ago
Updated 8 months ago