


A Carpet extension allowing for finer tick stepping control.

Client and server Utility

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This mod uses Fallen's fabric mod template.

A carpet extension that allows you to freeze and step to any specific tick phase, as well as step through tile ticks, fluid ticks, block events, entities, and block entities individually. Get it on your client for highlights and a HUD.


[] represents an optional argument, and <> represents an obligatory argument. If an argument is written like count=1, that means 1 is the default value.

  • tick freeze [phase=subtickDefaultPhase]: Freezes/unfreezes right before phase.
  • tick step [count=1] [phase=subtickDefaultPhase]: Steps count ticks, ending right before phase. Supports tick step 0 [phase] to step to a later phase in the same tick.
  • phaseStep [count=1]: Steps count phases forward, stepping to the next tick if necessary.
  • phaseStep <phase>: Steps to phase, within the current tick.
  • phaseStep <phase> force: Steps to the next phase stepping to the next tick if necessary.
  • queueStep <queue> [count=1] [range=subtickDefaultRange]: Steps through count elements in queue withinrange blocks, within the current tick. Set range to -1 for unlimited range.
  • queueStep <queue> [count=1] [range=subtickDefaultRange] force: Steps through count elements in queue within range blocks, stepping to the next tick if necessary. Set range to -1 for unlimited range.

Special cases

Block events and block ticks have the option to use a different mode for stepping. Block events can step through whole block event depths, and block ticks can step through whole block tick priorities.

  • queueStep blockEvent [mode=index] [count=1] [range=subtickDefaultRange] [force]
  • queueStep blockTick [mode=index] [count=1] [range=subtickDefaultRange] [force]

Client config

To open the config menu, use Modmenu.

  • Stepped: The stuff that has already been stepped through.
  • Stepping: The stuff that got stepped in the most recent queueStep.
  • To Step: The stuff that has not been stepped through yet.
  • Separator: The color used between and around the cells of the table.
  • Position: The color used for the arrow and line indicating the current position in the tick.
  • HUD Alignment: Which edge or corner of the screen the HUD is aligned to.
  • HUD Offset: The offset in pixels from the aligned position.
  • Max Queue Size: The maximum number of queue elements displayed in the HUD.
  • Max Highlight Size: The maximum number of highlighted queue elements in the HUD.

Carpet rules

This mod uses carpet rules for its configuration options. For how to use the text formatting, search for "format(components, ...)" in

  • subtickDefaultPhase=blockTick: The default tick phase to freeze at and step to, if it's not specified in the command.
  • subtickDefaultRange=32: The default range within which to queueStep.
  • subtickTextFormat=ig: The format for command feedback text.
  • subtickNumberFormat=iy: The format for command feedback numbers.
  • subtickPhaseFormat=it: The format for command feedback phases.
  • subtickDimensionFormat=im: The format for command feedback dimensions.
  • subtickErrorFormat=ir: The format for command feedback errors.

Project members



Space Walker



Licensed LGPL-3.0-only
Published 2 years ago
Updated a year ago