Datapack Extensions

Datapack Extensions


Provides new tools for creating datapacks

Server LibraryUtility

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Datapack Extensions

The aim of this mod is simple: give datapack authors more tools to create the things they want. This mod primarily operates on the server side (though it does have some optional client side stuff, too). As of now, it adds one new command, extends the functionality of three vanilla commands, and extends one vanilla predicate. More will come in the future.

This mod can be installed on the server without clients needing it as well.

This mod does not modify any vanilla behaviours, any datapack that works in vanilla will work exactly the same with this mod installed.

Client-side features

These features are optional, the mod will still work on the server without clients needing to install anything.

This mod adds an unobtainable item group to the creative inventory. This group contains things like command blocks, structure blocks, and light blocks, and is mainly meant to be used as a quick tool for getting these items without having to type in long /give commands. Most of these items are useless to non-operators, so using it to cheat without permission won't do anything! Servers do not need to install this mod for this feature to work.

Custom argument types will not auto-complete properly and will show as errors unless the mod is installed client-side. However, the commands still work. As of 0.1.2, the only custom argument type is for the tdcdata.function sub command of /scoreboard players.

Server-side features

More complete documentation on these features can be found on the wiki.


  • /freeze : A new command that can inspect and modify the freezing ticks of entities (the powder snow effect).

Extensions to Vanilla

  • tdcdata.type predicate for the light predicate in minecraft:location_check.
  • tdcdata.keepInventory rule for score board teams (set using /team modify <team> tdcdata.keepInventory)
  • tdcdata.item condition for execute if
  • More mathematical operations for /scoreboard players

If you have any suggestions, please create an issue with your request here and we can discuss it! Most of the stuff here so far are just utilities I would like to see in the game - but if there's anything else you'd like to see then I'd love to hear it!

Project members




Licensed MIT
Published 3 years ago
Updated 3 years ago