Tensura Compat: Open Parties and Claims

Tensura Compat: Open Parties and Claims


A compatibility brigde between Tensura: Reincarnated and Open Parties and Claims.

Client and server ManagementUtility

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  • Client sometimes crashes when the player applies effects on mobs inside claims.
  • Energy Drain is now disabled in Claim.
  • Harmful effects is now disabled in Claim.
  • Possession is now disabled in Claim.
  • Skill Plundering (both copy and steal) is now disabled in Claim.
  • Spiritual Attack is now disabled in Claim.
  • Teleporting forcing (Swap, Gate, etc.) is now disabled in Claim.
  • Better opac-perm commands.
  • Added bonus claim system usable with commands /opac-perm.
  • The mod now requires Opac to be installed to run, instead of only crashing when playing.


  • Tensura skills/magics/battelwills won't break/place/change blocks inside claimed chunk.
  • Tensura skills/magics/battelwills won't damage players and entities when either the attacker or the target is inside a claimed chunk.