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-Added descriptions to every gun listing the needed ammo type for the gun and if they can be one-handed

-Rebalanced some melee weapons (overall buff). Works best with Better Combat, but is still balanced for just Terramity

-Added new accessory, Sacred Speed Bracelets

-Uvogre spawns restricted even further

-Buffed attack speed of Murasama

-Blockwaves are now affected by MobGriefing config

-Hero Sword projectile now does magic damage

-Buffed Titanomachy slightly

-Nerfed Elite Rifle slightly

-Buffed Nihility moderately

-Updated credits

-Fixed Cosmilite Armor not flipping gravity

-Added config for mob griefing across the board

-Fixed spawn rate of Uvogres

-Buffed ALL armor durability

-Buffed chaos heart ring (6+ to 8+ health)

-Fixed kamehamehas naturally spawning (oops)


-I now have a Discord server! Please join if you have any questions, want to share something, or have a bug to report : https://discord.gg/nvF9BsFep5

-REWORKED Super Sniffer, entirely different fight, significantly more optimized, better quality animations and attacks, redone textures, made slightly more challenging. New super boss variant, called the Ultra Sniffer. Summoned by striking it with lightning again, while its in phase 2 of its normal fight and less than 10% of its max health. The super boss version is by far the hardest fight in the mod, and gives substantial rewards for anyone who can best it. Do not fight it unprepared.

-Added new accessories that drop from the Ultra Sniffer

-Added Music Sheet of the Omnipotent Ultra Sniffer

-REWORKED Gob, King of Gnomes. Entirely new moveset, reanimated, rebalanced. Overall a much higher quality fight than before.

-REWORKED Hellroks, overall less health, redid animations, textures, spawns, and old attacks removed with a couple new ones! No longer immune to projectiles.

-REWORKED Duskroks, made significantly more simple, with only one unique attack. Redid animations and textures. No longer immune to projectiles.

-Added the Uvogre, an ogre/oni/cyclops-inspired mob that rarely spawns in the overworld

-New guns, Six Shooter, and Celestial 60

-Added new fluid, Prism Solution

-New rare structure, Prismatic Pond

-Added fog to both Stygian Blood and Prism Solution when submerged (doesn't work with some optimization mods)

-Added Gentle Explosives enchant

-Added the ability to toggle off bosses' despawning in the config

-Cyber Glasses' aimbot is now toggleable

-Fixed issue that causes lasers and nukes to cull unnecessarily

-Added artificial blood display

-Added recipe for sniffer eggs

-Added new entries to the guidebook

-Nerfed damage of Dungeon Effigy and Dungeon Sentry

-Structures no longer spawn right at world spawn every time

-Added mirroring potion effect (currently unused)

-Improved explosion effects

-Deepslate gold ore now drops music sheet of the aegis

-Corrected some things in the guidebook

-Reduced screenshake for bombs

-Bedrock ??? Ore renamed to Black Matter Ore

-Reduced spawn rates of fairies

-Buffed ammo boxes (15% -> 25% | 25% -> 40%)

-Fixed sword swing abilities working in spectator mode

-Shadowflame ring no longer deletes item entities

-Music Sheet of Untimely Death no longer wipes your inventory


-New item, the Ocarina of Power. Mix and match Music Sheets to power up your songs! Read more about it in the guidebook.

-32 unique Music Sheets to use with the Ocarina of Power. The guidebook has been updated to go into detail on every single one!

-Added ammo bag, easy way to store extra ammo!

-Better Combat/Epic Fight now works with sword abilities!

-Added the Curse of Misfiring, doubling all guns' recoil. (SUGGESTION FROM @Degainus)

-2 new potion effects, only accessible via the Ocarina of Power.

-Added blue and green fairy bottles.

-New fairy jars! Pretty light source that grants buffs to only players, like regeneration, when you stand nearby.

-Retextured the Energized Core to make it more visually distinct from Alex's Caves.

-More resprites done by MilkyFur (Thank you!).

-Resprited ruby/sapphire/topaz/onyx/iridium tools by Zphen (Thank you!)

-4 new decoration blocks.

-Boss AI further improved. Bosses should no longer target players in creative or in spectator, making mob battles less of a headache!

-Added new ranged_damage_bonus attribute for modpack devs.

-Pink fairies are now able to despawn naturally.

-Nerfed poker chip bracelets.

-Shadow Wizards fight no longer needs an altar nearby to spawn Gundalf.

-Added the Gob spawn egg (i have no idea why it was missing).

-Added potion recipes for Amped & Vulnerability.

-Trial Guardian should no longer rotate on the wrong axis when performing the laser attack.

-Dr. Binty recipe added.

-Added Russain langauge (Thanks @death_nick_ on discord)

-Updated Chinese language (Thanks @zero_miki on discord)

-Added Spanish translation for the guidebook (Thanks @crossader on discord)


A survey is included in the guidebook in this update, please take it!

-Added new head slot with new accessories to go in it

-Added cosmetic models that can be toggled on and off for most accessories. Head slot, belt, and hand slots are ALL modeled!

-10+ new accessories

-More resprites from myself and MilkyFur

-Some older accessories moved to head slot

-Reworked boss AI to function properly for mob battles

-Boss AI made more robust as to not have as many issues

-New gun, Gaia's Tempest. Made with virentium and uses copper rounds.

-New sword, Yoru. Cannot yet be obtained in survival, but is planned for future updates.

-Chinese translation done by @ZeroMiki

-FIX: Reverium chestplate no longer builds up an infinite NBT and causes worlds to crash. If this issues happened to you, you may have to get rid of the chestplate and get another instead.

-FIX: Absorption 2 can now be used to get an excalibur early

-FIX: Ancient stone mask now works after the first night

-FIX: Microwave can now be one-handed

-FIX: Gaianite drops from the correct pickaxe

-FIX: Hellrok Gigaton Hammer now properly tagged as a netherite-tier pickaxe

-FIX: Brimslag now properly drops chthonic crystals and has smelting recipes

-FIX: Adrenaline tablets now give the correct level of potion effects

-fixed black matter not dropping from the ore -more retextures from MilkyFur

-MASSIVE overhaul of many of the textures, thanks to MilkyFur!

-Ores that are only supposed to be mined by a certain tier of pickaxe or better now actually work correctly!

-New recipe for black matter, making it easier to obtain

-Changed recipe of spectral soul

-Tweaked spawn rates of gnomes to make them spawn a little more often

-Tweaked spawn rates of hellroks to make them spawn a little less often

-Corrected description of the Axe of Unholy Divinity

-Elite skeletons no longer spawn in weird places like other mods' dimensions and biomes

-Warp whistle no longer crashes when used in an unintended area

-configs added to change boss health values

ALL CURIOS BAUBLES IN 0.9.1 DID NOT WORK! this version fixes it

-fixed curios tags returning a null

forgot to change the placeholder mod icon

Terramity 0.9

by Aurukel on Aug 14, 2024

First beta release version of Terramity

Project members








Licensed ARR
Published 6 months ago
Updated a month ago