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This mod added a fox origin with many powers focusing around fox's behaviours in game and irl.
Current latest version: V4.1.2

This is my first time writing a mod. Technically it's not a mod, I just created the datapack first (also my first time) and added the fabric header file then converted it to .jar to make it work in mods folder.
In this way I can use resource pack and datapack together >:3

Somewhat inspired by origin used by Fundy in Origin SMP...

Currently Known Imcompatibilities:

Fabric Side

Entity Culling will disable the Hunt Skill's "See Mobs Nearby" effect (Because mobs are culled and you can't see them qwq)

Forge Side
  1. Alex Cave will disable your Passive Night Vision Power (This occurs for ALL origins, not just this one)
  2. Entity Culling will cause Debug Log to throw A LOT error (and potentially lag?)
  3. Your first use of [/origin gui] will be blocked. You have to use it twice. (Forge Origins Bug)

Language 可选:
简体中文 & English

Brief Intro:

Power Intro

Detailed Explaination:

Click to expand (a lot!)

[NOTE] You can view more info in-game, this list is only a preview of preview :3


Press [Primary Skill Key] to launch yourself
While falling down: You deal and receive 2x damages
This skill can be combined with the Hunt skill for more ouchie

Fox Pouch

Press [Secondary Skill Key] to open up a 5-slots inventory that keeps items upon death.


1. Disguise as a fox when going AFK :3
2. Able to command fox
3. Ride Some Entities (Players included)


Activate by double-tap and hold the sneak key to:
    1.Turn Invisible
    2.Make mobs around you glow
    3.Increase attack for the next 5 seconds


(+)Running speed and Running jump height increase.
(+)Ignore fall distance under 24 blocks.
(+)Crouch when falling to greatly reduce fall damage.


(+/-)Shrinked Size.
(+)Less noticable to mobs.
(-)Max Health Reduced.


(-)Cannot use shield
(-)Cannot wear armor heavier than iron armors
(-)Use up air twice as fast when under water
(-)Secret Surprises when use mace :3 [For 1.21+]


(+)Permanent night vision.
(+)Foxes trust you.
(+)Quadrupled damage against chicken, rabbit, fish, turtle.
(+)Ignore berry bushes.
(+)Hold jump to levitate in powder snow.
(+)Receive an item when waking up. Weight of items depending on the items foxes hold when spawn naturally.
(+)Dig very fast with empty paws
(+)Deal more damages to Merling and Avian
(-)Recive more damages from Blazeborn
(-)Can't sleep when expose to sky
(-)Wolf and Polar bear around you will become hostile. Unless you are invisible using the skill [Hunt]
(-)Predators are 1000% more deadly to you, even in late game


(+)Ignore Freezing damage.
(-)Fire and explosion deal more damage to you.
(-)Slowdown when get wet. Wear Water Protection armors to avoid.

When out of water + under cover + not moving, will do a lil shaking animation to shake the water and slowdown effect off.
Shake snow animation also available,  just an animation......


(+/-)During these conditions, you will get fear effect, a.k.a shaking animation, speed 1 and weakness 1:
    -Near a Polar bear or a wolf
    -Near a Villager  (No longer applies after having advancement hero_of_the_village)
    -Near a Warden  (No longer applies after killed 3 wardens)
    -Near a Wither  (No longer applies after killed 1 wither)
    -Near an Ender dragon  (No longer applies after killed 1 Ender dragon)
    -Thunder (No longer applies after struck by lightning 16 times)
    -Low Health (No longer applies after died 8 times)
    -In the nether (No longer applies when equipping elytra or having fire_resistence or armours fire_protection enchantment level sum >=4) (Or after 10 min inside)
    -In the end (No longer applies when equipping elytra)(Or after 10 min inside)
    -Near Human / Enderian / Blazeborn / Shulk Origin Player (Temperarily disabled after interacted)
    -Near a player / mob with tag ("foxie_fear") (No longer applies when Booped / Pet / Fed :3)

Unique Taste

(+)Glow berries and Sweet berries buffed
(+)Prey foods buffed lesser.
(+)The above foods apply regeneration 1 for 3 seconds.
(-)All other foods except for apple, rotten flesh, 3 golden foods are nerfed, half as effective as before.
(+)Chicken and rottenflesh will not give you negative effects.
(+)When consuming sweet berries or glow berries:
    A small chance the berry is not consumed.
    An even smaller chance for you to receive a random positive effect:


(+)Increased Attack Speed.
(-)Easier to get hungry.
(-)Damage you deal is proportional to your current food level. From 105% at max food level to only 40% at lowest.

Fox Sound Pack

1. Make various fox sounds in different senario
2. Can be Interacted by other players to boop / pet / feed :3
3. Replace hit sound with bonk if you are hit by a stick

Optional Powers [That are inconsistent, and can be turned off for performance]

1. Mute the annoying Fall Sound
2. Walk on Powder Snow

You can also config some settings about this origin, by using [/function thorigins:fox_settings] to get a Fox Setting Book, or..

Open with text editor the [For Server Admin] inside the .jar file for more info on permanent modification.

There is also a "DLC" for this origin. Featuring some transformable evolutions only for this fox origin. Check [ThDilos Fox Origin Expanded]

Project members




Licensed ARR
Published a year ago
Updated 21 days ago