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Available for Fabric, Forge and NeoForge near you.

It is recommended to use Noisium and/or C2ME with The Afterdark for better performance and playability.



The Afterdark is a mod that adds a truly hardcore, 384 blocks tall and dark dimension, where you can gather massive amounts of resources, but still in a bit discougerable way. Some resources can be found only through the specific Afterdark biomes, or even through the dungeons. High worldgen complexity makes your journey a bit complicated, but fun and rewarding, rather than boring.

While we're still working on the diversity of the biomes, there are already 8 biomes perfectly fitting the idea of the true deep dark. You can check out the biomes in the Gallery section.


How to get to The Afterdark?

While adventuring, you can notice a new structure near the Ancient City with the strange pulsating portal around it, that asks you for some sort of a crystal that may be left by magicians years ago somewhere in the chests nearby. When you right-click the portal with the crystal, you'll be teleported to the Afterdark, where your true hardcore-ish journey begins. There are no portal back being spawned. You need to find Darkest City and teleport back by the same portal structure or find another way to go outside the dimension. (Maybe some other dimensions may help you?)



Special thanks to:

  • VeiTr, who helped with the structure code and some modelling stuff, while I was working on the idea of the dimension.
  • Apothicon, who created Ecospherical Expansion, so I could figure out how the worldgen datapacks work, how to create different configured and placed features.


License and Modpack Usage

You can use the mod in any modpack and do whatever you want as long as LGPLv3 license is not violated.

Some small modified parts of the Ecospherical Expansion present in The Afterdark. Ecospherical Expansion is licensed under MIT License.



Q: Do you have any plans updating the mod to 1.x?

A: If the next major update didn't destroy the whole worldgen flaw, then probably yes. Otherwise, maybe I'll stick to a version for some time providing bugfixes and new features and figuring out the changes. Currently we're going to support both 1.20.1 and 1.21.1 versions atleast, once we will feel, that the most features are stable and playable. If you would like to contribute to the project, you can send a PR.

Q: Is the mod compatible with Terralith, Geophilic, any other worldgen mod?

A: In most cases, yes. There shouldn't be any issues, because these biomes are located in the dimension, not modifying the Overworld, Nether or any other dimension.

Q: I would like to add compat with The Afterdark! How can I do this?

A: We're still working on the dimension, however you can use #the_afterdark:afterdark_biomes tag if you wish to allow the structure to be spawned in this dimension. If you wish to add something complex and you need some assistance with adding a mod integration with The Afterdark, feel free to open an issue and we'll try to sort it out.

Project members






Licensed LGPL-3.0-or-later
Published 4 months ago
Updated 3 months ago