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Disclaimer: This mod is not finished! A lot of new content is to be expected, and mod features are more than likely going to change in the future!

Discord Server for talking about my mods, update progress, suggesting features, or reporting bugs/issues: Click Here

Wiki for Legend of Steve: Click Here


What is the Legend of Steve?

The Legend of Steve is a mod I've been working on for a while with the goal of implementing Zelda in Minecraft in a way that feels like it fits in. The mod has been something I've been working on, on and off for the past few months in order to learn more complicated modding skills, and just to bask myself in Retro Zelda Nostalgia. A majority of the mod's content revolves around older Zelda Features and original-ish content to try to blend the worlds together.

World Gen

Throught the world there are a few new naturally generating things!

  • Loot Grass can be found growing in grassy biomes, which can be cut with a sword to get some sweet goodies such as Emerald Shards, Arrows, Magic Jars, and Fairies
  • Bomb Flowers can be found growing underground near lava, and yield bombs upon being harvested and will occasionally drop seeds when destroyed
  • Small box dungeons with exclusive loot occasionally generate underground with bombs required for entry (Note: The current Dungeon isn't final, read faq for more info)

New Cool Items

With this mod, there is an assortment of new items inspired by the Legend of Zelda Series, just to name a few we have

  • Bombs - Non-destructive explosive weapons that can also break cracked bricks
  • Bombchus - Bombs with the ability to climb walls
  • Boomerangs - Ranged weapons with 3 different tiers + new enchantment 0_0
  • Hookshots - Grappling Hooks that stick to any wooden blocks
  • Fairy Bells - Gives the player a fairy companion with the ability to change the color and enable OoT or MM voices

And much more!

There is also a plethora of Magic items which consume magic, something the player can get from...

Shooting Stars

Occasionally, Shooting Stars will fall from the skys at night with an indicating sound (inspired by BoTW), and can be used immediately to gain a small sum of magic, but can also be used to craft new magic items, or to make better consumables for increasing mana.

Another Event that has the chance to occur at night is a meteor shower, which will increase the chances of shooting stars around the player by 10-fold!


There is much currently in the mod, so I'd highly recommend checking it out if you want to see some of the other cool features, or check out the review video I will probably make soon that will be right here when I get around to it.


Q: Why is the mod marked as in Beta?

A: The mod isn't done yet, I have much more planned, but this is an early release, as I wanted to take a break from this mod for a little.


Q: Why isn't "insert item" in the mod?

A: It is probably coming eventually, I probably just haven't gotten around to it yet! I am also willing to take suggestions for the mod if any are given, so feel free to suggest items too :)


Q: You said to read the FAQ about Dungeons, what's that about?

A: There are actually plans to add dungeons akin to the NES dungeons, but due to wanting to take a break I decided it could wait, that's also why there are some entities in the mod such as Beamos or Bubbles which don't spawn naturally


Q: Dedly Plz port to Forge is da baest

A: but in all seriousness, it might happen, it might not, I don't really want to do it right now especially when the mod isn't finished.


Licensed ARR
Published 6 months ago
Updated 5 months ago