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LostCities 1.21-8.2.6

   - New 'avoidVillages' config to avoid generating Lost Cities in chunks that have villages. Default set to true
   - New 'biosphere_caves' landscape type and profile to combine a cavern type world with spheres (for usage with Lost Worlds)
   - Fixed city level calculations for the new 'cavespheres' landscape type
   - Fixed a problem where some type of station could override multibuilding chunks
   - Chances of scattered buildings were reversed. A chance of 0 would make it generate all the time. Warning! This will change how rare scattered buildings are! You might want to adjust your world style for this
   - Added new 'scatteredChanceMultiplier' profile option to control the chance of scattered buildings. This value is multiplied with the normal chance
   - The new 'scatteredChanceMultiplier' profile option can now also be set from the in-game Lost City configuration screen
   - Scattered building placement checking is now more accurate. Mostly with regards to the 'maxheightdiff' option which now actually works for single chunk buildings
   - It is no longer required to specify fountains, parks, front types, rail dungeons, or stairs in the city style. If they are missing then no fountains or parks will be generated
   - The 'inpart', 'inbuilding', and 'inbiome' conditions for parts, spawners, ... now support lists in addition to a single value
   - New 'belowpart' condition which checks if the floor below this one is a certain part. This can be used to make sure that a certain part only generates on top of another part. This also supports lists
   - Problem with scattered parts with multiple floors where the height for the subsequent floors was not correctly calculated

LostCities 1.20-7.3.6

   - New 'avoidVillages' config to avoid generating Lost Cities in chunks that have villages. Default set to true
   - New 'biosphere_caves' landscape type and profile to combine a cavern type world with spheres (for usage with Lost Worlds)
   - Fixed city level calculations for the new 'cavespheres' landscape type
   - Fixed a problem where some type of station could override multibuilding chunks
   - Chances of scattered buildings were reversed. A chance of 0 would make it generate all the time. Warning! This will change how rare scattered buildings are! You might want to adjust your world style for this
   - Added new 'scatteredChanceMultiplier' profile option to control the chance of scattered buildings. This value is multiplied with the normal chance
   - The new 'scatteredChanceMultiplier' profile option can now also be set from the in-game Lost City configuration screen
   - Scattered building placement checking is now more accurate. Mostly with regards to the 'maxheightdiff' option which now actually works for single chunk buildings
   - It is no longer required to specify fountains, parks, front types, rail dungeons, or stairs in the city style. If they are missing then no fountains or parks will be generated
   - The 'inpart', 'inbuilding', and 'inbiome' conditions for parts, spawners, ... now support lists in addition to a single value
   - New 'belowpart' condition which checks if the floor below this one is a certain part. This can be used to make sure that a certain part only generates on top of another part. This also supports lists
   - Problem with scattered parts with multiple floors where the height for the subsequent floors was not correctly calculated

LostCities 1.20-7.3.5

   - Fixed maxfloors not being honored completely. It was possible for buildings to go to maxfloors+1
   - Multibuildings will now override structures no matter what. This had to be done because otherwise multibuildings could sometimes generate partially

LostCities 1.21-8.2.5

   - Fixed maxfloors not being honored completely. It was possible for buildings to go to maxfloors+1
   - Multibuildings will now override structures no matter what. This had to be done because otherwise multibuildings could sometimes generate partially

LostCities 1.21-8.2.4

   - Fixed a bug with cellars

LostCities 1.20-7.3.4

   - Fixed a bug with cellars

LostCities 1.20-7.3.3

   - Fixed a bug where scattered multibuildings would sometimes only generate partially
   - Extended the range of the locatepart command (from max 15 chunk distance to 30)
   - New locate command to locate a building. This command also works if edit mode is not enabled
   - Slightly reduced multibuilding chances
   - Slightly reduced scattered building chances
   - Added a new 'settings' block to the world style. Currently only contains the new 'railwayavoidance' with as two options: 'ignore' and 'block_railway' ('ignore' is currently default). With 'block_railway' railways will not generate if a building has a lot of cellars and it would intersect the railway. i.e. buildings have priority over railways

LostCities 1.21-8.2.3

   - Fixed a bug where scattered multibuildings would sometimes only generate partially
   - Extended the range of the locatepart command (from max 15 chunk distance to 30)
   - New locate command to locate a building. This command also works if edit mode is not enabled
   - Slightly reduced multibuilding chances
   - Slightly reduced scattered building chances
   - Added a new 'settings' block to the world style. Currently only contains the new 'railwayavoidance' with as two options: 'ignore' and 'block_railway' ('ignore' is currently default). With 'block_railway' railways will not generate if a building has a lot of cellars and it would intersect the railway. i.e. buildings have priority over railways
   - Because server configs work completely different on 1.21 we had to change the way that Lost Cities works. Basically you have to edit lostcities-server.toml. There you can edit the 'selectedProfile' value and that will be used as default for single player worlds as well as for servers.

LostCities 1.21-8.2.2

   - Now also avoid pillager outposts with the avoidStructures option
   - New server config options 'avoidStructuresAdjacent' and 'avoidVillagesAdjacent' to avoid generating Lost Cities in chunks that have structures or villages adjacent to them. Default on
   - New server config option 'avoidFlattening' to avoid flattening the terrain where structures were avoided. Default on

LostCities 1.20-7.3.2

   - Now also avoid pillager outposts with the avoidStructures option
   - New server config options 'avoidStructuresAdjacent' and 'avoidVillagesAdjacent' to avoid generating Lost Cities in chunks that have structures or villages adjacent to them. Default on
   - New server config option 'avoidFlattening' to avoid flattening the terrain where structures were avoided. Default on

LostCities 1.19-6.2.2

   - Now also avoid pillager outposts with the avoidStructures option
   - New server config options 'avoidStructuresAdjacent' and 'avoidVillagesAdjacent' to avoid generating Lost Cities in chunks that have structures or villages adjacent to them. Default on
   - New server config option 'avoidFlattening' to avoid flattening the terrain where structures were avoided. Default on

LostCities 1.21-8.2.1

   - Better api to get multibuilding information

LostCities 1.20-7.3.1

   - Better api to get multibuilding information

LostCities 1.19-6.2.1

   - Better api to get multibuilding information

LostCities 1.21-8.2.0

   - Better error reporting in some situations
   - Highway parts can now be randomized
   - Railway parts can now be randomized
   - Streets are now parts ('street_*.json') and can be customized. Part of the city style. This means that the old settings like streetWidth and the street palette entries are no longer used!
   - Added new 'cityMinHeight' and 'cityMaxHeight' profile options to better control where cities can spawn based on the height of the terrain
   - New command 'resumeedit' to resume editing a part after reloading the world
   - Major refactor of the multi building system:

- This system should be much faster

- Very large multibuildings have better chances to actually spawn

- New 'multisettings' block in the world style. This allows control over how the multibuildings spawn

   - 'multi_max_x' and 'multi_max_z' have now been removed from the profile. They are no longer used
   - 'building2x2Chance' has now been removed from the profile. It is no longer used

LostCities 1.20-7.3.0

   - Better error reporting in some situations
   - Highway parts can now be randomized
   - Railway parts can now be randomized
   - Streets are now parts ('street_*.json') and can be customized. Part of the city style. This means that the old settings like streetWidth and the street palette entries are no longer used!
   - Added new 'cityMinHeight' and 'cityMaxHeight' profile options to better control where cities can spawn based on the height of the terrain
   - New command 'resumeedit' to resume editing a part after reloading the world
   - Major refactor of the multi building system:

- This system should be much faster

- Very large multibuildings have better chances to actually spawn

- New 'multisettings' block in the world style. This allows control over how the multibuildings spawn

   - 'multi_max_x' and 'multi_max_z' have now been removed from the profile. They are no longer used
   - 'building2x2Chance' has now been removed from the profile. It is no longer used

LostCities 1.19-6.2.0

   - Better error reporting in some situations
   - Highway parts can now be randomized
   - Railway parts can now be randomized
   - Streets are now parts ('street_*.json') and can be customized. Part of the city style. This means that the old settings like streetWidth and the street palette entries are no longer used!
   - Added new 'cityMinHeight' and 'cityMaxHeight' profile options to better control where cities can spawn based on the height of the terrain
   - New command 'resumeedit' to resume editing a part after reloading the world
   - Major refactor of the multi building system:

- This system should be much faster

- Very large multibuildings have better chances to actually spawn

- New 'multisettings' block in the world style. This allows control over how the multibuildings spawn

   - 'multi_max_x' and 'multi_max_z' have now been removed from the profile. They are no longer used
   - 'building2x2Chance' has now been removed from the profile. It is no longer used

LostCities 1.21-8.1.1

   - Fixed a problem with the exportpart command
   - Fixed a problem with editmode. It didn't properly remember the editing data when reloading a world

LostCities 1.20-7.2.1

   - Fixed a problem with the exportpart command
   - Fixed a problem with editmode. It didn't properly remember the editing data when reloading a world

LostCities 1.19-6.1.1

   - Fixed a problem with the exportpart command
   - Fixed a problem with editmode. It didn't properly remember the editing data when reloading a world

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Licensed MIT
Published 2 years ago
Updated 20 days ago