Added Rift Element Crystals (When Used in the right contiditons they give hour long effects simliar to that element effect)
Added Rift Table (Gui included but not functional yet)
Updated Sporm AI and pathfinding
Debuffed Rifterman
Added Rift Mango (1/5 chance to drop from rift vine)
Changed Recipe for rift immunity from honey to rift mango
Changed Manderin Grass & Rift Vine Textures
Debuffed Rifterman "Finial Stand" Speed
Added Rift Grifter Mob (Blaze/Breeze Variant)
Added Rifterman (More Powerful enderman)
Added Secret Grifter varaint
Added Survival And Creative Rift'o Bottles
Added Cloud Particles
Added Warped Cloud Particles
Added Geckolib Support
Changed Rift biome generation
Changed Rift Weed Chunk placement
Changed Rift Gas Recipe (Empty Rift Crystal -> Rift Cloud)
Change Rift Immunity Recipe (Rift Crystal -> Honey)
Changed Textures
- Rift Cloud
- Rift Immunity Potion
Backported 1.20.1
Forge Support
- Added Basalt Crystals
(Drops empty rift Crystals, Reqiures a diamond pickaxe or higher to mine, can be silked touched & forturne, found on levels 40-70 (in the walls) only in the rift biome (manderine not included))
- Added Spore Particles
- Added Player Rift Particles
- Added Rift Weed Particles
- Updated Ambiance
- Update Rift Biome Generation
- New Rift Mushroom Step Sounds
- 3 variantions of Basalt Crystal Strucures (Small 1, Normal 2, Large 5)
- Removed End Generation
- Added Nether Generation
- Added Mandarin Rift Biome
- Added Rift Silt Moss
- Added 3 New plant types
- Rift Vine
- Rift Weed
- Mandarin Grass
- Added Transfiguration, Shatterd book, Shatterd Enchantment & rift omen needed
The Rift
Enchantment Transfigeration
Rift Crack (Empty and Full)
Rift Omen
Rift Immunity
Rift Gas
Rift Cap
Rift Shroom