The Root of Fear

The Root of Fear


Adds a unique tree-like horror mob called the Wilted. Be prepared, because this terrifying experience is very different to the average dweller mod. The Wilted is a mutant relative of the Creaking that has escaped the Pale Garden.

Client and server Cursed Mobs

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  • The Wilted will now reroll its bonus behaviours at the end of the night
  • Fixed an issue where the Wilted couldn’t move when in certain light levels
  • Fixed an issue where the cooldown on Wilted warning sounds would be too long if the world was instantly set to night (like with commands)
  • Added a config option to change the amount of bonus behaviours the Wilted spawns with
  • 1.19.2 backport
  • Added a tag for biomes that the Wilted can spawn in, if biomes are added, the Wilted will only spawn when the Player is in those biomes and all warning signs will only appear while the Player is in those biomes. If left empty, the Wilted will spawn everywhere as usual
  • The Wilted will no longer have increased vertical grabbing distance while moving through walls
  • Doubled the cooldown time of the Wilted sounds that play on the nights before the Wilted comes
  • Increased the amount of times the Wilted tries to find a position to restart its disguised phase at when killing a Player
  • The Wilted can now walk on Powder Snow
  • Light Extinguishers will no longer act as solid blocks to the Wilted
  • Added 4 new bonus behaviours to the Wilted, bringing the total number of bonus behaviours to 10
  • /rootoffear ultimatetarget clear can now target multiple Wilted
  • Fixed a bug where Light Extinguishers might not save their owner when the game was reloaded
  • The Wilted will now return to its disguised phase after killing a Player if there aren’t any other targetable Players nearby
  • Water fog, Lava fog and Powder Snow fog will no longer be affected by the Wilted’s fog
  • Wilted sounds will now start playing at night 3 days before the Wilted spawns instead of 2 days before
  • The Wilted’s fog will now always be 80 blocks away unless the render distance is shorter than that
  • Remade the Wilted’s spawn timer system
  • Changed the default value of the “wilted_first_spawn_day” config option to 1, which is required to make the Wilted spawn on the second night with the new spawn timer system
  • Added a config option that allows you to make the Wilted spawn in dimensions other than the Overworld
  • Improved how the Wilted checks for spawn and burrowing locations
  • Added a lot of new commands
  • The Wilted will now take damage from light even if it's in water or rain
  • Added a cooldown for the Wilted targeting mobs that attack it. 4 seconds for non-players and 10 seconds for players, the cooldown is overridden if the Wilted is attacked by a player and its current target isn’t a player
  • Cats within 50 blocks of the Wilted will now randomly hiss
  • Wolves within 50 blocks of the Wilted will now randomly howl
  • Tamed Wolves will no longer run away from the Wilted
  • Tamed Wolves will now attack the Wilted
  • The Wilted can no longer use its break blocks ability if mobGriefing is false
  • The Wilted can no longer break blocks with a destroy time equal to or higher than 50
  • The Wilted will now add a cooldown to Lava Buckets like it does with light emitting block items
  • The Wilted will now add a cooldown to Fire Charges like it does with light emitting block items
  • Dispensers with Light Extinguishers blocking them will no longer work
  • Light Extinguishers that have extinguished air will now be deleted
  • The Wilted will no longer try to extinguish flowing fluids
  • Attempted to improve performance of Light Extinguishers by stopping them from performing unnecessary entity behaviours
  • Attempted to improve performance of Light Extinguishers by stopping them from rendering if there are other Light Extinguishers on all sides
  • Portal travel will now be prevented while the Wilted is active
  • The Wilted will now destroy Nether Portal blocks instead of extinguishing them
  • The fog is now closer
  • Fixed an issue where the fog would be extremely dense if Enlightend was installed
  • Fixed a bug where the Wilted wouldn’t spawn on snow layers
  • Fixed an issue where MixinExtras wasn't bundled in with the mod, which would cause the game to crash if there wasn't another mod that used MixinExtras installed
  • Fixed Radium incompatibility
  • Fixed Canary incompatibility
  • Fixed crash when using the recommended Forge version
  • Fixed server startup crashes
  • Mobs with more than 100 health will by default no longer run away from the Wilted (configurable)
  • The Wilted is now immune to fall damage even with its immunity turned off in config
  • The Wilted is now immune to drowning even with its immunity turned off in config
  • Mobs hit by the Wilted’s target being slammed down during its melee attack will now be damaged
  • The Wilted will now add a cooldown to Flint and Steel like it does with light emitting block items
  • Changed the cannot sleep messages to "You may not rest now; something is hunting you"
  • Added config options
  • Fixed a movement bug that would cause the Wilted to freeze
  • Fixed a bug where the leaf particles would spawn too low down during the Wilted's reveal animation
  • Attempted to fix a mixin-related crash

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Licensed ARR
Published 4 months ago
Updated 4 months ago