Initial Release 0.0.1! Tested to work on NeoForge 21.0.163. Dedicated Server tested and works.
Works with Thingamajigs Neo 1.7.3.
Dyed Balloon Blocks (bouncy and float, and provide a full air recovery when popped underwater in your offhand)
Converter (used for special in-world recipes and conversions)
Golden Apple Shard (made by clicking a Converter with Purifying Water)
Globized Golden Apple Shard (made by combining a glob with a golden apple shard)
Purifying Crafting Ingredients/Decorations (all required to make the Purifying Block)
Sludge and Purifying Water (ones horrible for health, the other great for health)
Thingamajig State Cell (like copper bulb, but no light and faster updating)
Moving Probable Block (a strange move-based block that does anything it wants, based on randomness, more moves = better reward tiers)
Byproduct (made from putting sludge on-top or letting it spill onto the Converter, can make 1 bonemeal from 2 blocks of byproduct) and other things