Things Betwixt

Things Betwixt


A simple mod that adds a special feature: When a players is falling into the Void to their doom, they are instead being teleported to a spicific Y-Coodrinate of the specific dimension.

Client and server Game MechanicsUtility

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Things Betwixt

This mod brings a new feature: interdimensional teleportation through falling into the Void of a dimension.


When a player is falling below Y= -20, they are instantly teleported into specified dimension in the same X- and Z-Coordinates but a specified Y-Coordinate. This data is specified and can be changed in configuration. Directions on how to use these parameters are described in config parameters' description.

Parameter Number
Default Y 256
From Overworld -1 to the Nether
From Nether 1 to the End
From End 0 to Overworld


There are also 5 slots with similar parameters for custom teleportation links in Configuration, which can be edited via Minecraft Mods menu or directly through the config file. (Works with modded dimensions. The only problem is dimension ID 100, don't use that) Furthermore, both the 3 main dimensions' links and the mod itself can be deactivated in the configuration too.

The Void

Though this mod makes it possible to travel through dimensions via the Void, it is STILL under a layer of unbreakable bedrock, so mods adding possible solutions to this problem are highly recommended to use along with Things Betwixt.

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Licensed ARR
Published 6 months ago
Updated 6 months ago