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Tired of waiting for your ore to finally finish smelting? Are you starving to death while watching your wheat grow? Growing tired of watching (theoretical) paint dry? Stop wasting time and start using Time In A Bottle! Just click any tickable block, like a furnace, crops, brewing stand, and more!
- Accelerate how fast blocks are ticked!
- Passively collect time
- Easy to use admin command
- Curio and keybind support with the TIAB Curio Support Mod
- Forge, Fabric, and NeoForge support! (1.20.6+)
Super fast furnace
Crafting recipe
Use commands to add/remove time from a bottle
Grow wheat fast!
First a "Time in a bottle" item is required.
Once obtained, wait for the time to increase.
Once the time has increased, right click (Shift right click for blocks like the furnace), and the block has been sped up! Each click doubles the speed applied and will last 30 seconds.
There is one command that change add/remove time from a bottle
/tiab <addTime/removeTime> <seconds>
Times required
For each "x2" 30 seconds of stored time is required. Each click requires the following time.
x2 - 30 seconds
x4 - 30 seconds
x8 - 60 seconds
x16 - 120 seconds
x32 - 240 seconds
x64 - 480 seconds
The configuration file can be found in <world folder>/serverconfig/tiab-server.toml
#Max Stored Time Possible in ticks
max_stored_time = 622080000
#Ticks constant in ticks
ticks_const = 20
#Each use Duration in seconds
each_use_duration = 30
#Define maximum time the items can be used continuously. Corresponding to maximum times faster: Eg. 2^8=256
max_rate_multi = 8
Only 1.20.1 and above is supported, for earlier versions use the mod this is a fork of Time in a bottle standalone.
If you wish to support me you can donate or subscribe to Patreon.
Support can be provided over the discord server or on the GitHub repository
Forked from Time in a bottle standalone by haoict
The original idea comes from the Random Things Mod by Lumien231
Description done by JustDoom ;)