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Mini-update. fixed bugs

Honey Feast

UPDATE 1.6 Honey Feast


  • Honey apple
  • Honey broth
  • Bucket of honey (liquid block: honey)
  • A bucket of thick honey
  • Winter, spring, summer, autumn, interseasonal ingot pieces
  • Winter, spring, summer, autumn and interseasonal blocks can now create the power of a lighthouse
  • 4 new paintings
  • Logs from mod can be fried into charcoal
  • If the player is wearing all the interseasonal armor, then the player will not receive damage in the lava
  • Winter, spring, summer, autumn forest (new biomes)


  • Some textures of objects and blocks have been changed
  • The chance of crude ore falling from the ore block corresponds to vanilla ores. Also depends on the enchantment: Luck!
  • The interseasonal multitool has been removed

Bug fixes:

  • Now ore blocks from the Time of year one mod drop out if the player breaks them with a pickaxe with enchantment: silk Touch
  • Fixed a bug with the texture display on the armor of the forge template "Atmosphere"

UPDATE 1.5.3


  • Forging template "Atmosphere" (Available only in creative mode!)
  • Achievement "New Winter"
  • Winter stone blocks can be cut using a cutter when pressing the PCM (It is in the test)
  • When pressing wood, there is a hand animation when pressing


  • Changed the texture of the spring door
  • The texture of the seasonal apple has been changed

UPDATE 1.5.2


  • Carved stone tiles


  • The texture of the interseasonal armor on the player

Technical update!

UPDATE 1.5.1


  • Interseasonal armor
  • Interseasonal cutter
  • Steps and slabs of smooth stone (Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn)
  • Seed
  • Digging ores with a chance to get a raw version, if you enchant the tool for good luck, the chances will increase


  • Changed the texture of the summer door and hatch
  • Changed the texture of the spring and autumn logs
  • Textures of Interseasonal instruments have been changed
  • Changed the number of trading sheets, from 16 to 8
  • Changed the number of carved stone bricks obtained during crafting from 4 to 1

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where flyers could be bought regardless of the level of the peasant's trade
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to get a full-fledged ingot from an ore block, rather than a raw version
  • Fixed a bug when the "Interseasonal tool" could not peel the bark from a tree



  • Interseasonal items: ingot, block, tools and more (Tools are better than non-merite ones, they are also obtained by combining netherite tools with an interseasonal ingot on the blacksmith's table!)
  • Root achievement
  • Interseasonal multitool (Has the mechanics of an axe, shovel and pickaxe in one tool. Temporarily unable to peel bark from wood)
  • Interseasonal improvement for jade armor


  • Changed the strength of the cutter from 70 to 74
  • The cutter can be repaired with an iron ingot
  • 2 crude ores fall from all types of ores
  • The melting rate of ores depends on their meaning (Winter melts longer than summer)

Bug fixes:

  • Cutter no longer has the "Multitool" tag. Replaced with a "Shovel"
  • Raw ores are now falling from stone ores
  • Crafting of any items from all types of boards is available

The next innovation v1.5.1:

  • Interseasonal armor
  • Interseasonal cutter

The release of version 1.4 has taken place!!!


  • Ores now have a variation of deepslate
  • Block: Stone tile


  • The texture of the winter door has been changed

Bug fixes:

  • A block of foliage now does not disappear if it is located next to logs from the mod


  • The cutter and the seasonal stick now have an animated texture


  • Added 2 new types of blocks: Sawn bricks, Polished stone
  • New tool: Cutter (used so far only in crafts for carved stone bricks and sawn bricks)
  • Added a new item: season stick
  • Raw ores in the form of blocks and objects


  • Increased texture saturation for carved stone bricks
  • Holes appeared at the spring door and hatch
  • The crafting of carved stone bricks has been changed (now a new tool is used: cutter)


  • Deep shale ore
  • Functionality for the cutter tool
  • Translation of the mod into other languages


  • Added some crafting
  • Added a new type of block in 4 colors - carved stone bricks
  • Added missing types of wood
  • Added 4 types of ore and ingots to them, also each ore has its own generation and block strength
  • Added the ability to cut wood
  • Partial translation into Russian


  • Changed the color of autumn wood
  • Changed some block textures due to incorrect color correction
  • The mod's logo has been changed
  • Seasonal leaves can not be used in a composter
  • Changed the sorting in the creative mode tab

Fixed bugs:

  • It was impossible to buy seasonal leaflets from a peasant farmer
  • Fence connection
  • Minor bugs

Global Update 1.4.0 "Time of Changes"

!! The new name of the mod is Time of year ore !!

!! Removed all content from version 1.3.3 !!


  • Winter, spring, summer and autumn leaf (With the help of these sheets you will have the opportunity to facilitate the extraction of seasonal ores, because these sheets are needed for crafting a certain type of ores. Winter leaf is needed for crafting winter ores, spring leaf is needed for crafting spring ores, and so on. The sheets can also be used in a composter.)
  • How to get the sheets? You can only buy sheets from residents at the level of an apprentice with a profession - farmer!
  • New block names: Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn

!! All new content from version 1.4.0 is in alpha version, there will be more content in the future!!

Added January water with animated texture!

Added some crafting for bricks!

Icons in creative mode tabs have been changed!

Global Update - 400 downloads mod

Revision to Update 1.3

New blocks:

  • Hewn wood and logs of all kinds
  • January sprout
  • April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, seasonal bricks (slab, steps, fence) (May and subsequent types of bricks cannot be crafted)
  • Polished February bricks (slab, steps, fence)
  • Stone from all types of ores
  • Mossy January and February boards

New items:

  • Sticks of all kinds of ores
  • Pieces of ores from all types of ores

New features:

  • You can feed bees with a January sprout, they will also follow you if you hold it in your hand
  • The seasonal unit can be used to activate the beacon
  • Oak and logs can be cut with an axe


  • Changed the textures of armor and tools to the final stage
  • Ore generation has been co-ordinally changed, also April ore can now be generated in the biome: lush_caves / May ore can now be generated in the biome: lukewarm_ocean / July ore can now be generated in the biome: desert
  • Ores can be generated at heights from -2 to 70 (Only stone ores!)
  • All armor and tool crafts have been co-ordinally changed

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug with incorrect alignment of the sides of the glass block
  • Fixed a bug with incorrect crafting of a campfire
  • Fixed a bug with incorrect generation of April ore

The next update is in September...

Before proceeding to the new developments of this version of this mod, this mod lost everything added from version 1.2 to planting. The mod developer had to add everything again that was added in version 1.2, but also a lot more was added for version 1.3, for some blocks it was necessary to change tags, names, etc. to restore order in this fashion!


  • Polished January brick steps/slab/fence will disappear in your world after changing tags!
  • Starting from the April and ending with the Seasonal Tree, the tags of all wooden blocks in this period of months have been changed and these blocks with the changed tag may disappear in your world!
  • The Spanish translation has been partially removed!

New blocks:

  • Added a new set of blocks in January style: Stone, Turf/Earth, Glass/Glass panel, Door/Hatch,

New items:

  • Added January stick
  • Added a piece of January crystal

Added January biome!


  • Changed textures of all seasonal tools, blocks, armor, items
  • Changed the crafting of all seasonal armor, as well as January tools
  • Changed properties of all seasonal blocks
  • Changed ore generation
  • Changed tags of new blocks from mod version 1.2
  • Partially changed translation in Russian
  • Removed the achievement "Anti-warming tree"
  • The Spanish translation has been partially removed

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug with the strength of seasonal blocks


  • Changed textures of January, February, March armor, as well as January, February, March boards
  • Changed the sorting of blocks and tools in creative mode
  • Changed the icons of creative tabs
  • Changed the crafting of foliage and wood
  • Removed the January water and also recycled the achievement to a new one
  • Added April and May Tree
  • Added a staircase, a slab, a fence made of polished January bricks
  • Added a new achievement
  • Added a logo for the mod

Bug fixes:

  • Finally fixed a bug with impossible breaking of wooden blocks
  • Fixed a bug with impossible remelting of untreated ores in the furnace

There may be minor nodorobotki by the type of incorrect translation into Russian!

January water removed

Fixed bugs:

  • Fixed a bug with incorrect sorting of tools and weapons in the creative mode tab
  • Fixed a bug with impossible ore generation
  • Fixed a bug with impossible breaking of wooden blocks with an axe
  • Fixed a bug with incorrect strength of stone ore
  • Fixed a bug with incorrect stone ore drop
  • Fixed a bug with the issuance of an incorrect amount of experience after smelting ore
  • Fixed a bug with incorrect translation into Russian


  • Changed textures of many blocks and objects
  • Added blocks of bricks from all seasonal ores
  • Added unprocessed ore for all seasonal ores, falls out if you break any block of ore (To get the finished ore, you need to melt the unprocessed ore in the oven!)

Added crafting on:

  • Bonfire and bonfire of souls from seasonal trees
  • All types of seasonal bricks + in stone cutting
  • All types of seasonal foliage

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Inherited Owner


Licensed Academic Free License v3.0
Published a year ago
Updated a month ago