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Made for ModFest 1.21

Requires Fabric API. Also compatible with NeoForge, using Sinytra Connector, requires Forgified Fabric API.

Timewarp is a Minecraft mod that brings back classic game mechanics with a fun twist! It adds random challenges with old gameplay and lets you create areas where old-school mechanics can be enabled. Customize everything to bring back the feel of older Minecraft versions.

The mod’s data is saved in the world’s root folder as timewarp_data.json. This includes all configuration settings, timewarp areas, and shift settings, making your Timewarp setup world-specific.


To set up a Timewarp area:

  1. Use the Timewarp Axe to select corners:
    • Left-click on a block to set the first corner.
    • Right-click on a block to set the second corner.
  2. Run /timewarp create [name] to create the area using the selected corners. Replace [name] with a custom name for your area, e.g., /timewarp create "Minecraft Alpha".

If you hold the Timewarp Axe, you will visually see areas that are within your render distance.

Old Mechanics

  • allowStacking: Prevents stacking of food items.
  • oldMinecart: The player’s head moves according to the minecart's direction.
  • oldAnimalBehavior: Sheep, chickens, and cows don’t drop food. Punching sheep drops wool.
  • allowSprinting: Toggles whether sprinting is allowed, as in early Minecraft versions.
  • versionText: Displays classic version text on the screen.
  • oldGUI: Mimics the classic player HUD. Enables the old eating system where food replenishes health directly (no hunger bar) and removes the eating animation.
  • noFrontView: Disables the front-facing player view, as in early versions.
  • noSneaking: Disables sneaking.
  • noSwimming: Disables swimming, as in pre-1.13 versions.
  • oldCombat: Reverts combat mechanics to earlier versions, removing the attack cooldown.
  • noTrading: Disables trading with villagers.
  • oldLook: Uses old textures.
  • noSmoothLighting: Disables smooth lighting.


/timewarp - General command to access Timewarp functions
  • Grants the player a Timewarp Axe, allowing manipulation of Timewarp areas.
/timewarp create [name] - Create a Timewarp Area
  • Creates a Timewarp area using two selected corners.
  • Parameters: name - the name of the area.
  • Example: /timewarp create "Minecraft Alpha"
/timewarp edit [id] [feature] [enabled] - Edit a feature in a Timewarp Area
  • Edits specific features of an area by ID.
  • Parameters:
    • id: ID of the area.
    • feature: Name of the feature to edit.
    • enabled: true/false to enable or disable the feature.
  • Features:
    • allowStacking, oldMinecart, oldAnimalBehavior, allowSprinting, versionText, oldGUI, noFrontView, noSneaking, noSwimming, oldCombat, noTrading, oldLook, noSmoothLighting
  • Example: /timewarp edit 1 oldCombat true
/timewarp delete [id] - Delete a Timewarp Area
  • Deletes a Timewarp area by its ID.
  • Example: /timewarp delete 2
/timewarp trigger [player] - Trigger a Time Shift
  • Forces a time shift on a specified player, applying random old mechanics.
  • Example: /timewarp trigger Player1
/timewarp tp [id] - Teleport to a Timewarp Area
  • Teleports the player to the specified area by ID.
  • Example: /timewarp tp 2
/timewarp config [reload|edit] - Manage Timewarp Configuration
  • reload: Reloads all configuration settings from the data file.
  • edit: Modify specific config variables.
  • Parameters for edit:
    • variable: Setting to edit (shiftDurationMin, shiftDurationMax, timeUntilShiftMin, timeUntilShiftMax, saveInterval, opCommandLevel, enableTriggering, debugMode)
    • value: New value for the variable.
  • Example: /timewarp config edit shiftDurationMax 300


Customization options are available to change how the time shifts work. Use these configurations in the config command or edit directly in the timewarp_data.json file in the world folder.

Shift Duration
  • shiftDurationMin - Minimum duration of a time shift.
  • shiftDurationMax - Maximum duration of a time shift.
Time Until Shift
  • timeUntilShiftMin - Minimum time before a new shift starts.
  • timeUntilShiftMax - Maximum time before a new shift starts.
Save Interval
  • saveInterval - Frequency to save data automatically.
Permissions and Triggers
  • opCommandLevel - Minimum permission level for commands.
  • enableTriggering - Enable or disable automatic time shift triggers for players.

Project members




Licensed GPL-3.0-only
Published 4 months ago
Updated 3 months ago