Tinkered Hegemony

Tinkered Hegemony


Replace vanilla tools with Tinkers' Construct ones in your modpack.

Client and server

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Tinkered Hegemony is a mod which lets you replace vanilla tools with Tinkers' Construct ones in your modpack. However, it comes with a host of enhancements relative to previous solutions:

  • Detects all vanilla-style tools and allows you to individually toggle them, as well as toggle them per type (say, block pickaxes, keep swords and bows),
  • Disables the recipes for the tools and makes them effectively unusable in survival,
  • Modifies other recipes in your modpack to use comparable Tinkers' Construct tools in place of vanilla ones, for automatic compatibility without having to keep the vanilla items as "decoys",
  • Hides the disabled items in JEI's ingredient list,
  • Supports certain Tinkers' Construct addons, such as Construct's Armory.

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Licensed LGPL-3.0-only
Published 3 years ago
Updated 3 years ago