Tinkers Bounce Pad

Tinkers Bounce Pad


This mod adds an updated version of the Bounce Pad from Tinkers' Construct 1.6.4

Client and server Game MechanicsTransportationUtility

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📘 Description

This mod adds an updated version of the Bounce Pad from Tinkers' Construct 1.6.4

Tinkers Construct is not required

Requires Fzzy Config, Fabric API is also required for the Fabric version

📜 Terms of Use

You may
✅ Use this mod as a reference to understand and or create something of your own, as long as it is not a copy or recreation
✅ Use this mod in modpacks with credit and one or more links to any of the project pages*
✅ Edit for personal use
✅ Use this mod for/in YouTube videos with credit and one or more links to any of the project pages*
✅ Create resource packs, data packs, and addon mods for this mod

You may not
❌ Reupload/publish this mod to any website without explicit permission from me and one or more links to any of the project pages*
❌ Redistibute edited or unedited assets** from this mod without permission from me and credit

* Project pages include CurseForge, Modrinth, Planet Minecraft, GitHub
** Assets include logos, banners, textures, models etc

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💬 Translations

Feel free to translate this mod into any language or update existing translations. To get your translation into the mod, make a pull request on GitHub with the translated language file

All translators are credited in the list below

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Licensed ARR
Published 3 years ago
Updated 3 months ago