This mod requires Fabric API.
Mod Description
Title Damage Indicator is a client-sided only mod for the Fabric Loader, that allows you to see health changes of entities that you are targeting (looking at), in a Minecraft vanilla subtitle. For example, if the entity that you are looking at took damage, then a subtitle would appear, containing this text: "-1 [19 LEFT]". And as for healing, this: "+1 [NOW AT 20]". If the entity that you are targeting dies, then the subtitle will display as (example): "-3 [DEAD]", and a high-pitched player exp level up sound will play ("minecraft:entity.player.levelup", with a pitch of 1.25). And if it heals to its max health, then it will display as (also example): "+2 [FULLY HEALED]"; and a sound will play ("minecraft:entity.witch.drink", with a pitch of 1.0). The whole mod is toggleable with the /toggletitledamageindicator command.
For a visual of this mod, please play the Mod Demonstration Video Below, or check out this mod's screenshots in the Gallery Tab.
Mod Demonstration Video
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