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TortMod 0.1.39

While playing with my mod, I noticed that certain events were not occurring, such as ore generation, TNT spawning when eating the TNT cake, and more.
After reviewing the code, I discovered a critical issue that prevented ore generation and the events I mentioned above from happening.
In short, I fixed this issue (it’s more of an oversight than a bug). Now ores generate as expected, TNT appears when eating the TNT cake, and much more is now functioning properly!

I might be late with this fix, as the issue seems to have been around for a while, likely since the main mod class was rewritten. However, better late than never.

I apologize for my oversight and for this bug. It’s honestly a very silly mistake, and not noticing it was even more foolish than the mistake itself.


  • New cakes for the achievements related to collecting and eating cakes.
  • Added the lucky_cake, which is ONLY sold by villagers (level 3 priest) for 6 emeralds. It currently has no effect, so save it for future updates.

TortMod 0.1.381

  • Damn, I forgot to add translations for some items. It's not a big deal, but it should be fixed.

TortMod 0.1.38


  • Added a large chocolate cake (block), which can be crafted (9 chocolate cakes placed in a crafting table) or bought from villagers;
  • 2 new trades (chocolate cake and large chocolate cake) with the farmer;
  • Added a magnetic cake and a magnet effect, which attracts all items within a 10-block radius of the player;
  • 1 new trade (magnetic cake) with the priest;

TortMod 0.1.37


  • Now more types of cakes spawn in structures (villages and more);
  • The dekeale_outlast disc now spawns in abandoned caves and mansions;
  • Dough cake now has a crafting recipe;
  • Added an achievement (hidden);
  • Added large golden cake (block), which can be crafted (9 golden cakes placed in a crafting table) or bought from villagers;
  • 2 new trades (for large golden cake and golden cake);

TortMod 0.1.361


  1. Sand Cake
  2. Honey Cake;


  • Some cakes now spawn in the chests of structures (for example, in the village);
  • The “Hiding in the Sands” particle;
  • Achievement related to Sand Cake;


  1. Sandstone Cake and its effect “Hiding in the Sands”!

Additional info

  • With a 5% chance, sand dust will fall from mined sand (or can be found in village chests from the savannah/desert), which can be used to make a cake;
  • The “Hiding in the Sands” effect gives 100% transparency to the player and anything he is wearing or holding;

Bug Fix

  • Added localization to the day_night_cakes achievement;

TortMod 0.1.3


Wagon(s) move away from player due to energy_source effect;

Bug Fix

  • Fixed a bug with kelp cake crafting that caused it to be impossible to obtain;

Reduced spawning of such ores as

  1. Diamond Cake Ore
  2. Lapis Cake Ore

Increased spawning of such ores as

  1. Amethyst Cake Ore

TortMod 0.1.23


Items and Blocks

  • Raw Gold Cake Block;
  • Watermelon Cake;
  • Cocoa Bean Cake;
  • Day/Night Cakes;
  • Seaweed Cake;
  • Bamboo Cake;
  • Trades for the Villager with the Priest profession in any biomes;
  • Trades (2) for the Villager with the Farmer profession in the Savannah biome and trades (3) for any biomes;

Returned items:

  • Cake Plate;


  • Some cake ores now spawn only in specific biomes (e.g., Ice Cake ore spawns only in snowy biomes like Ice Spikes, etc.);
  • Some advancements;
  • Ender Pearl Cake ore now has an updated End Stone texture;
  • Magic Cake and Ender Pearl Cake now have a cooldown;

Additional Information

  • Raw cake blocks spawn rarely and only in caves;
  • Cocoa Bean Cake is sold only by a Villager with the "Farmer" profession in the Savannah biome;
  • (Eating a Day Cake during the day grants positive effects, while at night grants negative effects, and the same applies to the Night Cake, but vice versa);

Bug Fix

  • Fixed a bug where Raw Coal Cake dropped from Redstone Cake ore instead of Raw Redstone Cake;

TortMod 0.1.194


  • Fixed issues with raw_redstone_cake item and its crafts

DO NOT INSTALL THIS VERSION, HERE IS A BUG with raw_redstone_cake! Bug-fix released (0.1.194)

TortMod 0.1.19


  • Amethyst Cake (Ore)


  • TNT Cake (Ore)
  • New achievements
  • Added Cooldown for some cakes.

TortMod 0.1.1


  • Ore spawns less frequently now


  • Amethyst Cake (Ore) (Creative Only)
  • Redstone Cake (Ore)
  • New achievement
  • New Effect (Redstone Cake)

Apologies for my long absence. I will try to release updates more frequently from now on.

I am now pleased to present to you the new version of TortMod for version 1.18.2! It has been completely rewritten in Java, and there is also some new content!

I am confident that the mod is stable, but if you encounter any issues, please report them in the mod's Issues (https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/tortmod/issues);

  1. The following items/blocks have been redesigned:
    • Coal Cake
    • Coal Dust
    • Flour
    • Lava Cake
    • Magma Cake
    • Ore Cake
    • Ore Chocolate Cake
    • Ore Coal Cake
    • Deepslate Ore Diamond Cake
    • Deepslate Ore Emerald Cake
    • Ore Golden Cake
    • Ore Lapis Cake
  2. Fixed blurriness of cakes when using OptiFine;
  3. Added new cakes:
    • "Red Velvet"
    • "Redstone"
  4. Added a record "Outlast";
  5. Removed Lightning Strike Cake;
  6. Overhauled achievements (including a hidden achievement. Just mine cake ores, and you might get lucky);
  7. The number of ore cakes now also depends on the "Fortune" on the pickaxe. (Previously this was not taken into account, and you always got 1 ore cake);
  8. Ore cakes can now be smelted in a regular furnace, blast furnace, and smoker (the smoker is the fastest):
    • The blast furnace smelts ore cakes 2 times faster than a regular furnace;
    • The smoker smelts ore cakes 1.43 times faster than the blast furnace and 2.86 times faster than a regular furnace;
  9. Mod translation into four languages:
    • English (De facto original, but not really)
    • Russian (Original)
    • Ukrainian
    • Japanese

Report any findings in the mod's Issues (https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/tortmod/issues);

Enjoy and good luck!

ChangeLog started in TM4008784 (0.0.7)


  • New version numbering system.
  • Fixed hitbox and white candle particle issues.
  • Slightly improved performance.
  • "White candles" can now be obtained by hand.
  • Increased brightness of white candles from 0.4f to 0.6f.
  • Added Golden Cake as a block.
  • Added Floppy Drive.


  • A bug with the game crashing when entering a world has been fixed

Added some cakes, their ores and ore generation, as well as smelting crafts

Project members




Licensed MIT
Published a year ago
Updated 2 months ago